From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 02:49:57 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Add Todos view, filterable and sortable by process, date, comment, etc.

Add Todos view, filterable and sortable by process, date, comment, etc.

diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index dbc78eb..f6b17a0 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -152,6 +152,41 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
                 'todo_candidates': Todo.by_date(self.conn,,
                 'condition_candidates': Condition.all(self.conn)}
+    def do_GET_todos(self) -> dict[str, object]:
+        """Show Todos from ?start= to ?end=, of ?process=, ?comment= pattern"""
+        sort_by = self.params.get_str('sort_by')
+        start = self.params.get_str('start')
+        end = self.params.get_str('end')
+        process_id = self.params.get_int_or_none('process_id')
+        comment_pattern = self.params.get_str('comment_pattern')
+        todos = []
+        for t in Todo.matching(self.conn, comment_pattern):
+            # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions
+            if (start and < start)\
+                    or (end and > end)\
+                    or (process_id and t.process.id_ != process_id):
+                continue
+            todos += [t]
+        if sort_by == 'doneness':
+            todos.sort(key=lambda t: t.is_done)
+        elif sort_by == '-doneness':
+            todos.sort(key=lambda t: t.is_done, reverse=True)
+        elif sort_by == 'process':
+            todos.sort(key=lambda t: t.process.title.newest)
+        elif sort_by == '-process':
+            todos.sort(key=lambda t: t.process.title.newest, reverse=True)
+        elif sort_by == 'comment':
+            todos.sort(key=lambda t: t.comment)
+        elif sort_by == '-comment':
+            todos.sort(key=lambda t: t.comment, reverse=True)
+        elif sort_by == '-date':
+            todos.sort(key=lambda t:, reverse=True)
+        else:
+            todos.sort(key=lambda c: c.title.newest)
+        return {'start': start, 'end': end, 'process_id': process_id,
+                'comment_pattern': comment_pattern, 'todos': todos,
+                'all_processes': Process.all(self.conn), 'sort_by': sort_by}
     def do_GET_conditions(self) -> dict[str, object]:
         """Show all Conditions."""
         pattern = self.params.get_str('pattern')
@@ -193,6 +228,7 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         return {'process': process,
                 'steps': process.get_steps(self.conn),
                 'owners': process.used_as_step_by(self.conn),
+                'n_todos': len(Todo.by_process_id(self.conn, process.id_)),
                 'step_candidates': Process.all(self.conn),
                 'condition_candidates': Condition.all(self.conn)}
diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index bffa23a..712609a 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class Todo(BaseModel[int], ConditionsRelations):
                          ('todo_disables', 'todo', 'disables'),
                          ('todo_children', 'parent', 'children'),
                          ('todo_children', 'child', 'parents')]
+    to_search = ['comment']
     # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
     def __init__(self, id_: int | None,
@@ -107,6 +108,12 @@ class Todo(BaseModel[int], ConditionsRelations):
                 target += [Condition.by_id(db_conn, cond_id)]
         return todo
+    @classmethod
+    def by_process_id(cls, db_conn: DatabaseConnection,
+                      process_id: int | None) -> list[Todo]:
+        """Collect all Todos of Process of process_id."""
+        return [t for t in cls.all(db_conn) if t.process.id_ == process_id]
     def by_date(cls, db_conn: DatabaseConnection, date: str) -> list[Todo]:
         """Collect all Todos for Day of date."""
diff --git a/templates/_base.html b/templates/_base.html
index 0070630..d192631 100644
--- a/templates/_base.html
+++ b/templates/_base.html
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ td, th, tr, table {
 {% endblock %}
-<a href="processes">processes</a>
-<a href="conditions">conditions</a>
 <a href="day">today</a>
 <a href="calendar">calendar</a>
+<a href="conditions">conditions</a>
+<a href="processes">processes</a>
+<a href="todos">todos</a>
 {% block content %}
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/templates/process.html b/templates/process.html
index a07645e..8944c95 100644
--- a/templates/process.html
+++ b/templates/process.html
@@ -101,6 +101,13 @@ add: <input name="new_top_step" list="step_candidates" autocomplete="off" />
+<a href="todos?process_id={{process.id_}}">{{n_todos}}</a><br />
 {{ macros.edit_buttons() }}
diff --git a/templates/todos.html b/templates/todos.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54ac6f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/todos.html
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{% extends '_base.html' %}
+{% import '_macros.html' as macros %}
+{% block content %}
+<form action="todos" method="GET">
+<input type="submit" value="filter" />
+process <input name="process_id" value="{{process_id or ''}}" list="processes" />
+from <input name="start" value="{{start}}" />
+to <input name="end" value="{{end}}" />
+in comment  <input name="comment_pattern" value="{{comment_pattern}}" />
+<input type="submit" value="OK" />
+<th><a href="?sort_by={% if sort_by == "doneness" %}-{% endif %}doneness">done</a></th>
+<th><a href="?sort_by={% if sort_by == "date" %}-{% endif %}date">date</a></th>
+<th><a href="?sort_by={% if sort_by == "process" %}-{% endif %}process">process</a></th>
+<th><a href="?sort_by={% if sort_by == "comment" %}-{% endif %}comment">comment</a></th>
+{% for todo in todos %}
+<td>[{% if todo.is_done %}x{% else %} {% endif %}]</td>
+<td><a href="{{}}">{{}}</a></td>
+<td><a href="process?id={{todo.process.id_}}">{{todo.process.title.newest}}</a></td>
+<td><a href="{{todo.comment}}">{{todo.comment}}</a></td>
+{% endfor %}
+{{ macros.datalist_of_titles("processes", all_processes) }}
+{% endblock %}