From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 12:02:22 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Tidy up (even if pylint disapproves) unwieldy POST handlers code.

Tidy up (even if pylint disapproves) unwieldy POST handlers code.

diff --git a/plomtask/ b/plomtask/
index 18b77a6..4c0d6a3 100644
--- a/plomtask/
+++ b/plomtask/
@@ -535,38 +535,56 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     def do_POST_day(self) -> str:
         """Update or insert Day of date and Todos mapped to it."""
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
         date = self._params.get_str('date')
+        day_comment = self._form_data.get_str('day_comment')
+        make_type = self._form_data.get_str('make_type')
+        old_todos = self._form_data.get_all_int('todo_id')
+        new_todos = self._form_data.get_all_int('new_todo')
+        is_done = [t_id in self._form_data.get_all_int('done')
+                   for t_id in old_todos]
+        comments = self._form_data.get_all_str('comment')
+        efforts = [float(effort) if effort else None
+                   for effort in self._form_data.get_all_str('effort')]
+        if old_todos and 3*[len(old_todos)] != [len(is_done), len(comments),
+                                                len(efforts)]:
+            msg = 'not equal number each of number of todo_id, comments, ' +\
+                    'and efforts inputs'
+            raise BadFormatException(msg)
         day = Day.by_id_or_create(self.conn, date)
-        day.comment = self._form_data.get_str('day_comment')
+        day.comment = day_comment
-        make_type = self._form_data.get_str('make_type')
-        for process_id in sorted(self._form_data.get_all_int('new_todo')):
+        for process_id in sorted(new_todos):
             if 'empty' == make_type:
                 process = Process.by_id(self.conn, process_id)
                 todo = Todo(None, process, False, date)
                 Todo.create_with_children(self.conn, process_id, date)
-        done_ids = self._form_data.get_all_int('done')
-        comments = self._form_data.get_all_str('comment')
-        efforts = self._form_data.get_all_str('effort')
-        for i, todo_id in enumerate(self._form_data.get_all_int('todo_id')):
+        for i, todo_id in enumerate(old_todos):
             todo = Todo.by_id(self.conn, todo_id)
-            todo.is_done = todo_id in done_ids
-            if len(comments) > 0:
-                todo.comment = comments[i]
-            if len(efforts) > 0:
-                todo.effort = float(efforts[i]) if efforts[i] else None
+            todo.is_done = is_done[i]
+            todo.comment = comments[i]
+            todo.effort = efforts[i]
         return f'/day?date={date}&make_type={make_type}'
     @_delete_or_post(Todo, '/')
     def do_POST_todo(self, todo: Todo) -> str:
         """Update Todo and its children."""
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
         adopted_child_ids = self._form_data.get_all_int('adopt')
         processes_to_make_full = self._form_data.get_all_int('make_full')
         processes_to_make_empty = self._form_data.get_all_int('make_empty')
         fill_fors = self._form_data.get_first_strings_starting('fill_for_')
+        effort = self._form_data.get_str('effort', ignore_strict=True)
+        conditions = self._form_data.get_all_int('conditions')
+        disables = self._form_data.get_all_int('disables')
+        blockers = self._form_data.get_all_int('blockers')
+        enables = self._form_data.get_all_int('enables')
+        is_done = len(self._form_data.get_all_str('done')) > 0
+        calendarize = len(self._form_data.get_all_str('calendarize')) > 0
+        comment = self._form_data.get_str('comment', ignore_strict=True)
         for v in fill_fors.values():
             if v.startswith('make_empty_'):
                 processes_to_make_empty += [int(v[11:])]
@@ -595,16 +613,14 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         for process_id in processes_to_make_full:
             made = Todo.create_with_children(self.conn, process_id,
-        effort = self._form_data.get_str('effort', ignore_strict=True)
         todo.effort = float(effort) if effort else None
-        todo.set_conditions(self.conn,
-                            self._form_data.get_all_int('conditions'))
-        todo.set_blockers(self.conn, self._form_data.get_all_int('blockers'))
-        todo.set_enables(self.conn, self._form_data.get_all_int('enables'))
-        todo.set_disables(self.conn, self._form_data.get_all_int('disables'))
-        todo.is_done = len(self._form_data.get_all_str('done')) > 0
-        todo.calendarize = len(self._form_data.get_all_str('calendarize')) > 0
-        todo.comment = self._form_data.get_str('comment', ignore_strict=True)
+        todo.set_conditions(self.conn, conditions)
+        todo.set_blockers(self.conn, blockers)
+        todo.set_enables(self.conn, enables)
+        todo.set_disables(self.conn, disables)
+        todo.is_done = is_done
+        todo.calendarize = calendarize
+        todo.comment = comment
         return f'/todo?id={todo.id_}'
@@ -623,52 +639,67 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     @_delete_or_post(Process, '/processes')
     def do_POST_process(self, process: Process) -> str:
         """Update or insert Process of ?id= and fields defined in postvars."""
-        process.title.set(self._form_data.get_str('title'))
-        process.description.set(self._form_data.get_str('description'))
-        process.effort.set(self._form_data.get_float('effort'))
-        process.set_conditions(self.conn,
-                               self._form_data.get_all_int('conditions'))
-        process.set_blockers(self.conn,
-                             self._form_data.get_all_int('blockers'))
-        process.set_enables(self.conn, self._form_data.get_all_int('enables'))
-        process.set_disables(self.conn,
-                             self._form_data.get_all_int('disables'))
-        process.calendarize = self._form_data.get_all_str('calendarize') != []
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
+        title = self._form_data.get_str('title')
+        description = self._form_data.get_str('description')
+        effort = self._form_data.get_float('effort')
+        conditions = self._form_data.get_all_int('conditions')
+        blockers = self._form_data.get_all_int('blockers')
+        enables = self._form_data.get_all_int('enables')
+        disables = self._form_data.get_all_int('disables')
+        calendarize = self._form_data.get_all_str('calendarize') != []
+        suppresses = self._form_data.get_all_int('suppresses')
+        step_of = self._form_data.get_all_str('step_of')
+        keep_steps = self._form_data.get_all_int('keep_step')
+        step_ids = self._form_data.get_all_int('steps')
+        new_top_steps = self._form_data.get_all_str('new_top_step')
+        step_process_id_to = {}
+        step_parent_id_to = {}
+        new_steps_to = {}
+        for step_id in step_ids:
+            name = f'new_step_to_{step_id}'
+            new_steps_to[step_id] = self._form_data.get_all_int(name)
+        for step_id in keep_steps:
+            name = f'step_{step_id}_process_id'
+            step_process_id_to[step_id] = self._form_data.get_int(name)
+            name = f'step_{step_id}_parent_id'
+            step_parent_id_to[step_id] = self._form_data.get_int_or_none(name)
+        process.title.set(title)
+        process.description.set(description)
+        process.effort.set(effort)
+        process.set_conditions(self.conn, conditions)
+        process.set_blockers(self.conn, blockers)
+        process.set_enables(self.conn, enables)
+        process.set_disables(self.conn, disables)
+        process.calendarize = calendarize
         assert isinstance(process.id_, int)
+        new_step_title = None
         steps: list[ProcessStep] = []
-        for step_id in self._form_data.get_all_int('keep_step'):
-            if step_id not in self._form_data.get_all_int('steps'):
+        for step_id in keep_steps:
+            if step_id not in step_ids:
                 raise BadFormatException('trying to keep unknown step')
-        for step_id in self._form_data.get_all_int('steps'):
-            if step_id not in self._form_data.get_all_int('keep_step'):
-                continue
-            step_process_id = self._form_data.get_int(
-                    f'step_{step_id}_process_id')
-            parent_id = self._form_data.get_int_or_none(
-                    f'step_{step_id}_parent_id')
-            steps += [ProcessStep(step_id, process.id_, step_process_id,
-                                  parent_id)]
-        for step_id in self._form_data.get_all_int('steps'):
-            for step_process_id in self._form_data.get_all_int(
-                    f'new_step_to_{step_id}'):
-                steps += [ProcessStep(None, process.id_, step_process_id,
-                                      step_id)]
-        new_step_title = None
-        for step_identifier in self._form_data.get_all_str('new_top_step'):
+            step = ProcessStep(step_id, process.id_,
+                               step_process_id_to[step_id],
+                               step_parent_id_to[step_id])
+            steps += [step]
+        for step_id in step_ids:
+            new = [ProcessStep(None, process.id_, step_process_id, step_id)
+                   for step_process_id in new_steps_to[step_id]]
+            steps += new
+        for step_identifier in new_top_steps:
                 step_process_id = int(step_identifier)
-                steps += [ProcessStep(None, process.id_, step_process_id,
-                                      None)]
+                step = ProcessStep(None, process.id_, step_process_id, None)
+                steps += [step]
             except ValueError:
                 new_step_title = step_identifier
         process.set_steps(self.conn, steps)
-        process.set_step_suppressions(self.conn,
-                                      self._form_data.
-                                      get_all_int('suppresses'))
+        process.set_step_suppressions(self.conn, suppresses)
         owners_to_set = []
         new_owner_title = None
-        for owner_identifier in self._form_data.get_all_str('step_of'):
+        for owner_identifier in step_of:
                 owners_to_set += [int(owner_identifier)]
             except ValueError:
@@ -695,8 +726,11 @@ class TaskHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     @_delete_or_post(Condition, '/conditions')
     def do_POST_condition(self, condition: Condition) -> str:
         """Update/insert Condition of ?id= and fields defined in postvars."""
-        condition.is_active = self._form_data.get_str('is_active') == 'True'
-        condition.title.set(self._form_data.get_str('title'))
-        condition.description.set(self._form_data.get_str('description'))
+        is_active = self._form_data.get_str('is_active') == 'True'
+        title = self._form_data.get_str('title')
+        description = self._form_data.get_str('description')
+        condition.is_active = is_active
+        condition.title.set(title)
+        condition.description.set(description)
         return f'/condition?id={condition.id_}'
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 7f106bc..626b744 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -400,11 +400,12 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         form_data = {'day_comment': '', 'new_todo': [1], 'make_type': 'full'}
         self.check_post(form_data, '/day?date=2024-01-01&make_type=full', 302)
         todo = Todo.by_date(self.db_conn, '2024-01-01')[0]
-        form_data = {'day_comment': '', 'todo_id': [1], 'make_type': 'full'}
+        form_data = {'day_comment': '', 'todo_id': [1], 'make_type': 'full',
+                     'comment': [''], 'done': [], 'effort': ['']}
         self.check_post(form_data, '/day?date=2024-01-01&make_type=full', 302)
         self.assertEqual(todo.is_done, False)
         form_data = {'day_comment': '', 'todo_id': [1], 'done': [1],
-                     'make_type': 'full'}
+                     'make_type': 'full', 'comment': [''], 'effort': ['']}
         self.check_post(form_data, '/day?date=2024-01-01&make_type=full', 302)
         self.assertEqual(todo.is_done, True)