From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 04:24:41 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Expand POST /todo adoption tests.

Expand POST /todo adoption tests.

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 1fa3a9d..0d778c3 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -264,12 +264,13 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=1', 404)
         # test malformed values on existing Todo
-        for name in ['adopt', 'effort', 'make_full', 'make_empty',
-                     'conditions', 'disables', 'blockers', 'enables']:
+        for name in [
+                'adopt', 'effort', 'make_full', 'make_empty', 'step_filler',
+                'conditions', 'disables', 'blockers', 'enables']:
             self.check_post({name: 'x'}, '/todo?id=1', 400, '/todo')
         for prefix in ['make_empty_', 'make_full_']:
             for suffix in ['', 'x', '1.1']:
-                self.check_post({'fill_for_1': f'{prefix}{suffix}'},
+                self.check_post({'step_filler': f'{prefix}{suffix}'},
                                 '/todo?id=1', 400, '/todo')
     def test_basic_POST_todo(self) -> None:
@@ -339,13 +340,16 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
     def test_POST_todo_adoption(self) -> None:
         """Test adoption via POST /todo with "adopt"."""
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
         # post two Todos to Day, have first adopt second
-        proc_dict = self.proc_as_dict(**self._proc1_form_data)
+        proc1_dict = self.proc_as_dict(**self._proc1_form_data)
         todo1_dict = self.todo_as_dict(1, process_id=1, children=[2])
         todo2_dict = self.todo_as_dict(2, process_id=1, parents=[1])
-        expected = self.GET_todo_dict(1, [todo1_dict, todo2_dict], [proc_dict])
+        todos = [todo1_dict, todo2_dict]
+        expected = self.GET_todo_dict(1, todos, [proc1_dict])
         expected['todo_candidates'] = [2]
         expected['steps_todo_to_process'] = [self._step_as_dict(1, [], todo=2)]
         self.check_post({'adopt': 2}, '/todo?id=1')
@@ -365,11 +369,62 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         self.check_post({'adopt': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
         # test cannot do 1-step circular adoption
         self.check_post({'adopt': 1}, '/todo?id=2')
+        todo1_dict['parents'] = [2]
+        todo2_dict['children'] = [1]
         self.check_post({'adopt': 2}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
         # test cannot do 2-step circular adoption
         self.check_post({'adopt': 2}, '/todo?id=3')
+        todo3_dict = self.todo_as_dict(3, process_id=1, children=[2])
+        todo2_dict['parents'] = [3]
+        todos += [todo3_dict]
         self.check_post({'adopt': 3}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+        # test can adopt Todo into ProcessStep chain via its Process (with key
+        # 'step_filler' equivalent to single-element 'adopt' if intable)
+        proc_post = {'title': 'A', 'description': '', 'effort': 1.0}
+        self.post_process(3, proc_post)
+        self.post_process(2, proc_post)
+        self.post_process(1, self._proc1_form_data | {'new_top_step': [2, 3]})
+        self._make_todo_via_day_post(2)
+        self._make_todo_via_day_post(3)
+        self.check_post({'step_filler': 5, 'adopt': [4]}, '/todo?id=1')
+        proc3_dict = self.proc_as_dict(3)
+        proc2_dict = self.proc_as_dict(2)
+        proc1_dict['explicit_steps'] = [1, 2]
+        procs = [proc1_dict, proc2_dict, proc3_dict]
+        procsteps = [self.procstep_as_dict(1, 1, 2),
+                     self.procstep_as_dict(2, 1, 3)]
+        todo1_dict['children'] = [4, 5]
+        todo4_dict = self.todo_as_dict(4, process_id=2, parents=[1])
+        todo5_dict = self.todo_as_dict(5, process_id=3, parents=[1])
+        todos += [todo4_dict, todo5_dict]
+        expected = self.GET_todo_dict(1, todos, procs, procsteps)
+        step_proc2 = self._step_as_dict(1, [], 2, 4, True)
+        step_proc3 = self._step_as_dict(2, [], 3, 5, True)
+        expected['steps_todo_to_process'] = [step_proc2, step_proc3]
+        expected['todo_candidates'] = [2, 3, 4, 5]
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', expected)
+        # test cannot adopt into non-top-level elements of chain
+        self.post_process(4, proc_post)
+        self.post_process(3, proc_post | {'new_top_step': 4, 'step_of': [1]})
+        proc4_dict = self.proc_as_dict(4)
+        proc3_dict['explicit_steps'] = [3]
+        procs += [proc4_dict]
+        procsteps += [self.procstep_as_dict(3, 3, 4)]
+        step_proc4 = self._step_as_dict(3, [], 4, None, True)
+        step_proc3['children'] = [step_proc4]
+        self._make_todo_via_day_post(4)
+        self.check_post({'adopt': [4, 5, 6]}, '/todo?id=1')
+        todo6_dict = self.todo_as_dict(6, process_id=4, parents=[1])
+        todo1_dict['children'] = [4, 5, 6]
+        todos += [todo6_dict]
+        expected = self.GET_todo_dict(1, todos, procs, procsteps)
+        step2_proc4 = self._step_as_dict(4, [], None, 6, False)
+        expected['steps_todo_to_process'] = [step_proc2, step_proc3,
+                                             step2_proc4]
+        expected['adoption_candidates_for'] = {'4': [6]}
+        expected['todo_candidates'] = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+        self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', expected)
     def test_POST_todo_make_full(self) -> None:
         """Test creation and adoption via POST /todo with "make_full"."""
@@ -400,7 +455,7 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         step_proc3 = self._step_as_dict(1, [step_proc2], 3, 2, True)
         expected['steps_todo_to_process'] = [step_proc3]
         expected['todo_candidates'] = [2, 3, 4]
-        self.check_post({'fill_for_3': 'make_full_3'}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_post({'step_filler': 'make_full_3'}, '/todo?id=1')
         self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', expected)
         # make new chain next to expected, find steps_todo_to_process extended,
         # expect existing Todo demanded by new chain be adopted into new chain
@@ -444,7 +499,7 @@ class TestsWithServer(TestCaseWithServer):
         expected['steps_todo_to_process'] = [step_proc3]
         expected['todo_candidates'] = [2]
         expected['adoption_candidates_for'] = {'1': [], '2': []}
-        self.check_post({'fill_for_3': 'make_empty_3'}, '/todo?id=1')
+        self.check_post({'step_filler': 'make_empty_3'}, '/todo?id=1')
         self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', expected)
         # make new top-level Todo without chain implied by its Process
         self.check_post({'make_empty': 2, 'adopt': [2]}, '/todo?id=1')