- self.player_id = 0
- self.player_is_alive = True
- self.maps = {}
- self.rand = PRNGod(0)
- @property
- def player(self):
- return self.get_thing(self.player_id)
- def new_thing_id(self):
- if len(self.things) == 0:
- return 0
- return self.things[-1].id_ + 1
- def get_map(self, map_pos, create_unfound=True):
- if not (map_pos in self.maps and
- self.maps[map_pos].size == self.game.map_size):
- if create_unfound:
- self.maps[map_pos] = Map(self.game.map_size)
- for pos in self.maps[map_pos]:
- self.maps[map_pos][pos] = '.'
- else:
- return None
- return self.maps[map_pos]
- def proceed_to_next_player_turn(self):
- """Run game world turns until player can decide their next step.
- Iterates through all non-player things, on each step
- furthering them in their tasks (and letting them decide new
- ones if they finish). The iteration order is: first all things
- that come after the player in the world things list, then
- (after incrementing the world turn) all that come before the
- player; then the player's .proceed() is run, and if it does
- not finish his task, the loop starts at the beginning. Once
- the player's task is finished, or the player is dead, the loop
- breaks.
- """
- while True:
- player_i = self.things.index(self.player)
- for thing in self.things[player_i+1:]:
- thing.proceed()
- self.turn += 1
- for pos in self.maps[YX(0,0)]:
- if self.maps[YX(0,0)][pos] == '.' and \
- len(self.things_at_pos((YX(0,0), pos))) == 0 and \
- self.rand.random() > 0.999:
- self.add_thing_at('food', (YX(0,0), pos))
- for thing in self.things[:player_i]:
- thing.proceed()
- self.player.proceed(is_AI=False)
- if self.player.task is None or not self.player_is_alive:
- break
- def add_thing_at(self, type_, pos):
- t = self.game.thing_types[type_](self)
- t.position = pos
- self.things += [t]
- return t
- def make_new(self, yx, seed):
- def add_thing_at_random(type_):
- while True:
- new_pos = (YX(0,0),
- YX(self.rand.randint(0, yx.y - 1),
- self.rand.randint(0, yx.x - 1)))
- if self.maps[new_pos[0]][new_pos[1]] != '.':
- continue
- if len(self.things_at_pos(new_pos)) > 0:
- continue
- return self.add_thing_at(type_, new_pos)
- self.things = []
- self.rand.seed(seed)
- self.turn = 0
- self.maps = {}
- self.game.map_size = yx
- map_ = self.get_map(YX(0,0))
- for pos in map_:
- map_[pos] = self.rand.choice(('.', '.', '.', '~', 'x'))
- player = add_thing_at_random('human')
- self.player_id = player.id_
- add_thing_at_random('monster')
- add_thing_at_random('monster')
- add_thing_at_random('food')
- add_thing_at_random('food')
- add_thing_at_random('food')
- add_thing_at_random('food')
- return 'success'
-class Game:
- def __init__(self, game_file_name):