From b358a4b45cac2b84c90194503e68676a3d05ba27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2016 23:34:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] TCE: Reduce turn_over(), lifepoint manipulation to minimum.

 confserver/TheCrawlingEater        |  2 +-
 plugins/server/ | 97 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/confserver/TheCrawlingEater b/confserver/TheCrawlingEater
index 74ff231..8a123e7 100644
--- a/confserver/TheCrawlingEater
+++ b/confserver/TheCrawlingEater
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ TA_NAME move
 TT_ID 0
diff --git a/plugins/server/ b/plugins/server/
index 9ead5e9..0abdcb8 100644
--- a/plugins/server/
+++ b/plugins/server/
@@ -38,22 +38,101 @@ def actor_move_attempts_hook(t, move_result, pos):
     return False
-def play_move_attempt_hook(t, direction, pos):
-    if ord("#") == world_db["MAP"][pos]:
-        log("You EAT.")
-        world_db["Things"][0]["T_ARGUMENT"] = direction
-        set_command("move")
-        return True
-    return False
+def turn_over():
+    from import ai
+    from server.config.actions import action_db
+    from server.config.misc import calc_effort
+    from server.update_map_memory import update_map_memory
+    from import try_worldstate_update
+    from import io_db
+    while world_db["Things"][0]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+        for tid in [tid for tid in world_db["Things"]]:
+            if not tid in world_db["Things"]:
+                continue
+            Thing = world_db["Things"][tid]
+            if Thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+                if not Thing["T_COMMAND"]:
+                    update_map_memory(Thing)
+                    if 0 == tid:
+                        return
+                    ai(Thing)
+                if Thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+                    Thing["T_PROGRESS"] += 1
+                    taid = [a for a in world_db["ThingActions"]
+                              if a == Thing["T_COMMAND"]][0]
+                    ThingAction = world_db["ThingActions"][taid]
+                    effort = calc_effort(ThingAction, Thing)
+                    if Thing["T_PROGRESS"] == effort:
+                        action = action_db["actor_" + ThingAction["TA_NAME"]]
+                        action(Thing)
+                        Thing["T_COMMAND"] = 0
+                        Thing["T_PROGRESS"] = 0
+        world_db["TURN"] += 1
+        io_db["worldstate_updateable"] = True
+        try_worldstate_update()
+world_db["turn_over"] = turn_over
+def play_move(str_arg):
+    """Try "move" as player's T_COMMAND, str_arg as T_ARGUMENT / direction."""
+    if action_exists("move") and world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
+        from server.config.world_data import directions_db, symbols_passable
+        t = world_db["Things"][0]
+        if not str_arg in directions_db:
+            print("Illegal move direction string.")
+            return
+        d = ord(directions_db[str_arg])
+        from server.utils import mv_yx_in_dir_legal
+        move_result = mv_yx_in_dir_legal(chr(d), t["T_POSY"], t["T_POSX"])
+        if 1 == move_result[0]:
+            pos = (move_result[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + move_result[2]
+            if ord("#") == world_db["MAP"][pos]:
+                log("You EAT.")
+                world_db["Things"][0]["T_ARGUMENT"] = d
+                world_db["set_command"]("move")
+                return
+            if chr(world_db["MAP"][pos]) in symbols_passable:
+                world_db["Things"][0]["T_ARGUMENT"] = d
+                world_db["set_command"]("move")
+                return
+        log("You CAN'T eat your way through there.")
+def command_ai():
+    """Call ai() on player Thing, then turn_over()."""
+    from import ai
+    if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
+        ai(world_db["Things"][0])
+        world_db["turn_over"]()
+def set_command(action):
+    """Set player's T_COMMAND, then call turn_over()."""
+    tid = [x for x in world_db["ThingActions"]
+          if world_db["ThingActions"][x]["TA_NAME"] == action][0]
+    world_db["Things"][0]["T_COMMAND"] = tid
+    world_db["turn_over"]()
+world_db["set_command"] = set_command
+def play_wait():
+    """Try "wait" as player's T_COMMAND."""
+    if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
+        world_db["set_command"]("wait")
 import server.config.actions
 server.config.actions.actor_move_attempts_hook = actor_move_attempts_hook
-import server.config.commands
-server.config.commands.play_move_attempt_hook = play_move_attempt_hook
 import server.config.world_data
 server.config.world_data.symbols_hide += "#"
 import server.config.make_world_helpers
 server.config.make_world_helpers.make_map = make_map
+from server.config.commands import commands_db
+commands_db["ai"] = (0, False, command_ai)
+commands_db["move"] = (1, False, play_move)
+commands_db["wait"] = (0, False, play_wait)
+commands_db["drop"] = (1, False, lambda x: None)
+commands_db["use"] = (1, False, lambda x: None)
+commands_db["pickup"] = (0, False, lambda: None)
 strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "PLUGIN TheCrawlingEater\n")