From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2017 01:28:40 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Lots of refactoring.

Lots of refactoring.

diff --git a/ b/
index 308a15f..f356442 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,67 +1,217 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 import urwid
 import plom_socket_io
 import socket
 import threading
+from functools import partial
+import unittest
 class ArgumentError(Exception):
-class UrwidSetup:
+class ParseError(Exception):
+    pass
-    def __init__(self, socket):
-        """Build client urwid interface around socket communication.
-        Sets up all widgets for writing to the socket and representing data
-        from it. Sending via a self.EditToSocket widget is straightforward;
-        polling the socket for input from the server in parallel to the urwid
-        main loop not so much:
+class Parser:
-        The urwid developers warn against sharing urwid resources among
-        threads, so having a socket polling thread for writing to an urwid
-        widget while other widgets are handled in other threads would be
-        dangerous. Urwid developers recommend using urwid's watch_pipe
-        mechanism instead: using a pipe from non-urwid threads into a single
-        urwid thread. We use self.recv_loop_thread to poll the socket, therein
-        write socket.recv output to an object that is then linked to by
-        self.server_output (which is known to the urwid thread), then use the
-        pipe to urwid to trigger it pulling new data from self.server_output to
-        handle via self.InputHandler. (We *could* pipe socket.recv output
-        directly, but then we get complicated buffering situations here as well
-        as in the urwid code that receives the pipe output. It's easier to just
-        tell the urwid code where it finds full new server messages to handle.)
+    def __init__(self, game):
+ = game
+    def tokenize(self, msg):
+        """Parse msg string into tokens.
+        Separates by ' ' and '\n', but allows whitespace in tokens quoted by
+        '"', and allows escaping within quoted tokens by a prefixed backslash.
-        self.socket = socket
-        self.main_loop = urwid.MainLoop(self.setup_widgets())
-        self.server_output = []
-        input_handler = getattr(self.InputHandler(self.reply_widget,
-                                                  self.map_widget,
-                                                  self.turn_widget,
-                                                  self.server_output),
-                                'handle_input')
-        self.urwid_pipe_write_fd = self.main_loop.watch_pipe(input_handler)
-        self.recv_loop_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.recv_loop)
+        tokens = []
+        token = ''
+        quoted = False
+        escaped = False
+        for c in msg:
+            if quoted:
+                if escaped:
+                    token += c
+                    escaped = False
+                elif c == '\\':
+                    escaped = True
+                elif c == '"':
+                    quoted = False
+                else:
+                    token += c
+            elif c == '"':
+                quoted = True
+            elif c in {' ', '\n'}:
+                if len(token) > 0:
+                    tokens += [token]
+                    token = ''
+            else:
+                token += c
+        if len(token) > 0:
+            tokens += [token]
+        return tokens
-    def setup_widgets(self):
-        """Return container widget with all widgets we want on our screen.
+    def parse(self, msg):
+        """Parse msg as call to method, return method with arguments.
-        Sets up an urwid.Pile inside a returned urwid.Filler; top to bottom:
-        - an EditToSocketWidget, prefixing self.socket input with 'SEND: '
-        - a 50-col wide urwid.Padding container for self.map_widget, which is
-          to print clipped map representations
-        - self.reply_widget, a urwid.Text widget printing self.socket replies
+        Respects method signatures defined in methods' .argtypes attributes.
-        edit_widget = self.EditToSocketWidget(self.socket, 'SEND: ')
-        self.map_widget = self.MapWidget('', wrap='clip')
-        self.turn_widget = self.TurnWidget('')
-        self.reply_widget = self.LogWidget('')
+        tokens = self.tokenize(msg)
+        if len(tokens) == 0:
+            return None
+        method_candidate = 'cmd_' + tokens[0]
+        if not hasattr(, method_candidate):
+            return None
+        method = getattr(, method_candidate)
+        if len(tokens) == 1:
+            if not hasattr(method, 'argtypes'):
+                return method
+            else:
+                raise ParseError('Command expects argument(s).')
+        args_candidates = tokens[1:]
+        if not hasattr(method, 'argtypes'):
+            raise ParseError('Command expects no argument(s).')
+        args, kwargs = self.argsparse(method.argtypes, args_candidates)
+        return partial(method, *args, **kwargs)
+    def parse_yx_tuple(self, yx_string):
+        """Parse yx_string as yx_tuple:nonneg argtype, return result."""
+        def get_axis_position_from_argument(axis, token):
+            if len(token) < 3 or token[:2] != axis + ':' or \
+                    not token[2:].isdigit():
+                raise ParseError('Non-int arg for ' + axis + ' position.')
+            n = int(token[2:])
+            if n < 1:
+                raise ParseError('Arg for ' + axis + ' position < 1.')
+            return n
+        tokens = yx_string.split(',')
+        if len(tokens) != 2:
+            raise ParseError('Wrong number of yx-tuple arguments.')
+        y = get_axis_position_from_argument('Y', tokens[0])
+        x = get_axis_position_from_argument('X', tokens[1])
+        return (y, x)
+    def argsparse(self, signature, args_tokens):
+        """Parse into / return args_tokens as args/kwargs defined by signature.
+        Expects signature to be a ' '-delimited sequence of any of the strings
+        'int:nonneg', 'yx_tuple:nonneg', 'string', defining the respective
+        argument types.
+        """
+        tmpl_tokens = signature.split()
+        if len(tmpl_tokens) != len(args_tokens):
+            raise ParseError('Number of arguments (' + str(len(args_tokens)) +
+                             ') not expected number (' + str(len(tmpl_tokens))
+                             + ').')
+        args = []
+        for i in range(len(tmpl_tokens)):
+            tmpl = tmpl_tokens[i]
+            arg = args_tokens[i]
+            if tmpl == 'int:nonneg':
+                if not arg.isdigit():
+                    raise ParseError('Argument must be non-negative integer.')
+                args += [int(arg)]
+            elif tmpl == 'yx_tuple:nonneg':
+                args += [self.parse_yx_tuple(arg)]
+            elif tmpl == 'string':
+                args += [arg]
+            else:
+                raise ParseError('Unknown argument type.')
+        return args, {}
+class Game:
+    turn = 0
+    log_text = ''
+    map_size = (5, 5)
+    terrain_map = ('?'*5+'\n')*4+'?'*5
+    things = []
+    class Thing:
+        def __init__(self, position, symbol):
+            self.position = position
+            self.symbol = symbol
+    def log(self, msg):
+        """Prefix msg plus newline to self.log_text."""
+        self.log_text = msg + '\n' + self.log_text
+    def cmd_THING(self, type_, yx):
+        """Add to self.things at .position yx with .symbol defined by type_."""
+        symbol = '?'
+        if type_ == 'TYPE:human':
+            symbol = '@'
+        elif type_ == 'TYPE:monster':
+            symbol = 'm'
+        self.things += [self.Thing(yx, symbol)]
+    cmd_THING.argtypes = 'string yx_tuple:nonneg'
+    def cmd_MAP_SIZE(self, yx):
+        """Set self.map_size to yx, redraw self.terrain_map as '?' cells."""
+        y, x = yx
+        self.map_size = (y, x)
+        self.terrain_map = ''
+        for y in range(self.map_size[0]):
+            self.terrain_map += '?' * self.map_size[1] + '\n'
+        self.terrain_map = self.terrain_map[:-1]
+    cmd_MAP_SIZE.argtypes = 'yx_tuple:nonneg'
+    def cmd_TURN_FINISHED(self, n):
+        """Do nothing. (This may be extended later.)"""
+        pass
+    cmd_TURN_FINISHED.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
+    def cmd_NEW_TURN(self, n):
+        """Set self.turn to n, empty self.things."""
+        self.turn = n
+        self.things = []
+    cmd_NEW_TURN.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
+    def cmd_TERRAIN(self, terrain_map):
+        """Reset self.terrain_map from terrain_map."""
+        lines = terrain_map.split('\n')
+        if len(lines) != self.map_size[0]:
+            raise ArgumentError('wrong map height')
+        for line in lines:
+            if len(line) != self.map_size[1]:
+                raise ArgumentError('wrong map width')
+        self.terrain_map = terrain_map
+    cmd_TERRAIN.argtypes = 'string'
+class WidgetManager:
+    def __init__(self, socket, game):
+        """Set up all urwid widgets we want on the screen."""
+ = game
+        edit_widget = self.EditToSocketWidget(socket, 'SEND: ')
+        self.map_widget = urwid.Text('', wrap='clip')
+        self.turn_widget = urwid.Text('')
+        self.log_widget = urwid.Text('')
         map_box = urwid.Padding(self.map_widget, width=50)
         widget_pile = urwid.Pile([edit_widget, map_box, self.turn_widget,
-                                  self.reply_widget])
-        return urwid.Filler(widget_pile, valign='top')
+                                  self.log_widget])
+ = urwid.Filler(widget_pile, valign='top')
+    def draw_map(self):
+        """Draw map view from .game.terrain_map, .game.things."""
+        whole_map = []
+        for c in
+            whole_map += [c]
+        for t in
+            pos_i = t.position[0] * ([1] + 1) + t.position[1]
+            whole_map[pos_i] = t.symbol
+        return ''.join(whole_map)
+    def update(self):
+        """Redraw all non-edit widgets."""
+        self.turn_widget.set_text('TURN: ' + str(
+        self.log_widget.set_text(
+        self.map_widget.set_text(self.draw_map())
     class EditToSocketWidget(urwid.Edit):
         """Extends urwid.Edit with socket to send input on 'enter' to."""
@@ -77,172 +227,71 @@ class UrwidSetup:
             plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, self.edit_text)
             self.edit_text = ''
-    class TurnWidget(urwid.Text):
-        """Displays turn number."""
-        def set_turn(self, turn_string):
-            turn_string = turn_string.strip()
-            if not turn_string.isdigit():
-                raise ArgumentError('Argument must be non-negative integer.')
-            self.set_text('TURN: ' + turn_string)
-    class LogWidget(urwid.Text):
-        """Displays client log, newest message on top."""
-        def add(self, text):
-            """Add text plus newline to (top of) log."""
-            self.set_text(text + '\n' + self.text)
-    class MapWidget(urwid.Text):
-        """Stores/updates/draws game map."""
-        map_size = (5, 5)
-        terrain_map = ' ' * 25
-        position = (0, 0)
-        things = []
-        class Thing:
-            def __init__(self, position, symbol):
-                self.position = position
-                self.symbol = symbol
-        def draw_map(self):
-            """Draw map view from .map_size, .terrain_map, .position."""
-            whole_map = []
-            for c in self.terrain_map:
-                whole_map += [c]
-            for t in self.things:
-                pos_i = t.position[0] * (self.map_size[1] + 1) + t.position[1]
-                whole_map[pos_i] = t.symbol
-            self.set_text(''.join(whole_map))
-        def get_yx(self, yx_string):
-            def get_axis_position_from_argument(axis, token):
-                if len(token) < 3 or token[:2] != axis + ':' or \
-                        not token[2:].isdigit():
-                    raise ArgumentError('Bad arg for ' + axis + ' position.')
-                return int(token[2:])
-            tokens = yx_string.split(',')
-            if len(tokens) != 2:
-                raise ArgumentError('wrong number of ","-separated arguments')
-            y = get_axis_position_from_argument('Y', tokens[0])
-            x = get_axis_position_from_argument('X', tokens[1])
-            return (y, x)
-        def update_map_size(self, size_string):
-            """Set map size, redo self.terrain_map in new size, '?'-filled."""
-            new_map_size = self.get_yx(size_string)
-            if 0 in new_map_size:
-                raise ArgumentError('size value for either axis must be >0')
-            self.map_size = new_map_size
-            self.terrain_map = ''
-            for y in range(self.map_size[0]):
-                self.terrain_map += '?' * self.map_size[1] + '\n'
-            self.draw_map()
-        def update_terrain(self, terrain_map):
-            """Update self.terrain_map. Ensure size matching self.map_size."""
-            lines = terrain_map.split('\n')
-            if len(lines) != self.map_size[0]:
-                raise ArgumentError('wrong map height')
-            for line in lines:
-                if len(line) != self.map_size[1]:
-                    raise ArgumentError('wrong map width')
-            self.terrain_map = terrain_map
-            self.draw_map()
-        def update_things(self, thing_description):
-            """Append thing of thing_description to self.things."""
-            thing_types = {'human': '@', 'monster': 'M'}
-            tokens = thing_description.split()
-            if len(tokens) != 2:
-                raise ArgumentError('Wrong number of tokens.')
-            yx = self.get_yx(tokens[1])
-            if yx[0] >= self.map_size[0] or yx[1] >= self.map_size[1]:
-                raise ArgumentError('Position outside of map size bounds.')
-            type_token = tokens[0]
-            prefix = 'TYPE:'
-            type_ = '?'
-            if len(type_token) <= len(prefix) or \
-                    type_token[:len(prefix)] != prefix:
-                raise ArgumentError('Invalid type token.')
-            type_ = type_token[len(prefix):]
-            if type_ not in thing_types:
-                raise ArgumentError('Unknown thing type.')
-            self.things += [self.Thing(yx, thing_types[type_])]
-            self.draw_map()
-        def clear_things(self, _):
-            self.things = []
-    class InputHandler:
-        """Delivers data from other thread to widget via message_container.
-        The class only exists to provide handle_input as a bound method, with
-        widget and message_container pre-set, as (bound) handle_input is used
-        as a callback in urwid's watch_pipe – which merely provides its
-        callback target with one parameter for a pipe to read data from an
-        urwid-external thread.
+class PlomRogueClient:
+    def __init__(self, game, socket):
+        """Build client urwid interface around socket communication.
+        Sets up all widgets for writing to the socket and representing data
+        from it. Sending via a WidgetManager.EditToSocket widget is
+        straightforward; polling the socket for input from the server in
+        parallel to the urwid main loop not so much:
+        The urwid developers warn against sharing urwid resources among
+        threads, so having a socket polling thread for writing to an urwid
+        widget while other widgets are handled in other threads would be
+        dangerous. Urwid developers recommend using urwid's watch_pipe
+        mechanism instead: using a pipe from non-urwid threads into a single
+        urwid thread. We use self.recv_loop_thread to poll the socket, therein
+        write socket.recv output to an object that is then linked to by
+        self.server_output (which is known to the urwid thread), then use the
+        pipe to urwid to trigger it pulling new data from self.server_output to
+        handle via self.handle_input. (We *could* pipe socket.recv output
+        directly, but then we get complicated buffering situations here as well
+        as in the urwid code that receives the pipe output. It's easier to just
+        tell the urwid code where it finds full new server messages to handle.)
+ = game
+        self.parser = Parser(
+        self.socket = socket
+        self.widget_manager = WidgetManager(self.socket,
+        self.server_output = []
+        self.urwid_loop = urwid.MainLoop(
+        self.urwid_pipe_write_fd = self.urwid_loop.watch_pipe(self.
+                                                              handle_input)
+        self.recv_loop_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.recv_loop)
-        def __init__(self, log_widget, map_widget, turn_widget,
-                     message_container):
-            self.log_widget = log_widget
-            self.map_widget = map_widget
-            self.turn_widget = turn_widget
-            self.message_container = message_container
-        def handle_input(self, trigger):
-            """On input from other thread, either quit or write to widget text.
-            Serves as a receiver to urwid's watch_pipe mechanism, with trigger
-            the data that a pipe defined by watch_pipe delivers. To avoid
-            buffering trouble, we don't care for that data beyond the fact that
-            its receival triggers this function: The sender is to write the
-            data it wants to deliver into the container referenced by
-            self.message_container, and just pipe the trigger to inform us
-            about this.
-            If the message delivered is 'BYE', quits Urwid.
-            """
-            def mapdraw_command(prefix, func):
-                n = len(prefix)
-                if len(msg) > n and msg[:n] == prefix:
-                    m = getattr(self.map_widget, func)
-                    m(msg[n:])
-                    return True
-                return False
-            def turndraw_command(prefix, func):
-                n = len(prefix)
-                if len(msg) > n and msg[:n] == prefix:
-                    m = getattr(self.turn_widget, func)
-                    m(msg[n:])
-                    return True
-                return False
-            msg = self.message_container[0]
-            if msg == 'BYE':
-                raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()
-                return
-            found_command = False
-            try:
-                found_command = turndraw_command('NEW_TURN ', 'set_turn') or (
-                    mapdraw_command('NEW_TURN ', 'clear_things') or
-                    mapdraw_command('TERRAIN\n', 'update_terrain') or
-                    mapdraw_command('THING ', 'update_things') or
-                    mapdraw_command('MAP_SIZE ', 'update_map_size'))
-            except ArgumentError as e:
-                self.log_widget.add('ARGUMENT ERROR: ' + msg + '\n' + str(e))
+    def handle_input(self, trigger):
+        """On input from recv_loop thread, parse and enact commands.
+        Serves as a receiver to urwid's watch_pipe mechanism, with trigger the
+        data that a pipe defined by watch_pipe delivers. To avoid buffering
+        trouble, we don't care for that data beyond the fact that its receival
+        triggers this function: The sender is to write the data it wants to
+        deliver into the container referenced by self.server_output, and just
+        pipe the trigger to inform us about this.
+        If the message delivered is 'BYE', quits Urwid. Otherwise tries to
+        parse it as a command, and enact it. In all cases but the 'BYE', calls
+        self.widget_manager.update.
+        """
+        msg = self.server_output[0]
+        if msg == 'BYE':
+            raise urwid.ExitMainLoop()
+        try:
+            command = self.parser.parse(msg)
+            if command is None:
+      'UNHANDLED INPUT: ' + msg)
-                if not found_command:
-                    self.log_widget.add('UNHANDLED INPUT: ' + msg)
-            del self.message_container[0]
+                command()
+        except (ArgumentError, ParseError) as e:
+  'ARGUMENT ERROR: ' + msg + '\n' + str(e))
+        self.widget_manager.update()
+        del self.server_output[0]
     def recv_loop(self):
-        """Loop to receive messages from socket and deliver them to urwid.
+        """Loop to receive messages from socket, deliver them to urwid thread.
         Waits for self.server_output to become empty (this signals that the
         input handler is finished / ready to receive new input), then writes
@@ -251,19 +300,67 @@ class UrwidSetup:
         import os
         for msg in plom_socket_io.recv(self.socket):
-            while len(self.server_output) > 0:
-                pass
+            while len(self.server_output) > 0:  # Wait until self.server_output
+                pass                            # is emptied by input handler.
             self.server_output += [msg]
             os.write(self.urwid_pipe_write_fd, b' ')
     def run(self):
-        """Run in parallel main and recv_loop thread."""
+        """Run in parallel urwid_loop and recv_loop threads."""
-s = socket.create_connection(('', 5000))
-u = UrwidSetup(s)
+class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_tokenizer(self):
+        p = Parser(Game())
+        self.assertEqual(p.tokenize(''), [])
+        self.assertEqual(p.tokenize(' '), [])
+        self.assertEqual(p.tokenize('abc'), ['abc'])
+        self.assertEqual(p.tokenize('a b\nc  "d"'), ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
+        self.assertEqual(p.tokenize('a "b\nc d"'), ['a', 'b\nc d'])
+        self.assertEqual(p.tokenize('a"b"c'), ['abc'])
+        self.assertEqual(p.tokenize('a\\b'), ['a\\b'])
+        self.assertEqual(p.tokenize('"a\\b"'), ['ab'])
+        self.assertEqual(p.tokenize('a"b'), ['ab'])
+        self.assertEqual(p.tokenize('a"\\"b'), ['a"b'])
+    def test_unhandled(self):
+        p = Parser(Game())
+        self.assertEqual(p.parse(''), None)
+        self.assertEqual(p.parse(' '), None)
+        self.assertEqual(p.parse('x'), None)
+    def test_argsparse(self):
+        p = Parser(Game())
+        assertErr = partial(self.assertRaises, ParseError, p.argsparse)
+        assertErr('', ['foo'])
+        assertErr('string', [])
+        assertErr('string string', ['foo'])
+        self.assertEqual(p.argsparse('string', ('foo',)),
+                         (['foo'], {}))
+        self.assertEqual(p.argsparse('string string', ('foo', 'bar')),
+                         (['foo', 'bar'], {}))
+        assertErr('int:nonneg', [''])
+        assertErr('int:nonneg', ['x'])
+        assertErr('int:nonneg', ['-1'])
+        assertErr('int:nonneg', ['0.1'])
+        self.assertEqual(p.argsparse('int:nonneg', ('0',)),
+                         ([0], {}))
+        assertErr('yx_tuple:nonneg', ['x'])
+        assertErr('yx_tuple:nonneg', ['Y:0,X:1'])
+        assertErr('yx_tuple:nonneg', ['Y:1,X:0'])
+        assertErr('yx_tuple:nonneg', ['Y:1.1,X:1'])
+        assertErr('yx_tuple:nonneg', ['Y:1,X:1.1'])
+        self.assertEqual(p.argsparse('yx_tuple:nonneg', ('Y:1,X:2',)),
+                         ([(1, 2)], {}))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    game = Game()
+    s = socket.create_connection(('', 5000))
+    p = PlomRogueClient(game, s)
+    s.close()
diff --git a/ b/
index aa8b1c3..14df1f3 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class Thing:
         self.task.todo -= 1
         if self.task.todo <= 0:
-            task= getattr(self, 'task_' +
+            task = getattr(self, 'task_' +
             task(*self.task.args, **self.task.kwargs)
             self.task = None
         if is_AI and self.task is None:
@@ -140,10 +140,10 @@ class World:
     def __init__(self):
         self.turn = 0
         self.map_size = (5, 5)
-        self.map_ = 'xxxxx\n'+\
-                    'x...x\n'+\
-                    'x.X.x\n'+\
-                    'x...x\n'+\
+        self.map_ = 'xxxxx\n' +\
+                    'x...x\n' +\
+                    'x.X.x\n' +\
+                    'x...x\n' +\
         self.things = [Thing('human', [3, 3]), Thing('monster', [1, 1])]
         self.player_i = 0
@@ -186,6 +186,17 @@ class CommandHandler:
         """Transform tuple (y,x) into string 'Y:'+str(y)+',X:'+str(x)."""
         return 'Y:' + str(tuple_[0]) + ',X:' + str(tuple_[1])
+    def quoted(self, string):
+        """Quote and escape string so client interprets it as single token."""
+        quoted = []
+        quoted += ['"']
+        for c in string:
+            if c in {'"', '\\'}:
+                quoted += ['\\']
+            quoted += [c]
+        quoted += ['"']
+        return ''.join(quoted)
     def proceed_to_next_player_turn(self, connection_id):
         """Run game world turns until player can decide their next step.
@@ -203,14 +214,14 @@ class CommandHandler:
             for thing in[]:
    += 1
-            for thing  in[]:
+            for thing in[]:
             if is None:
         self.send_all('NEW_TURN ' + str(
         self.send_all('MAP_SIZE ' + self.stringify_yx(
-        self.send_all('TERRAIN\n' +
+        self.send_all('TERRAIN\n' + self.quoted(
         for thing in
             self.send_all('THING TYPE:' + thing.type + ' '
                           + self.stringify_yx(thing.position))
@@ -255,7 +266,7 @@ class CommandHandler: += 1
         self.send_all('NEW_TURN ' + str(
         self.send_all('MAP_SIZE ' + self.stringify_yx(
-        self.send_all('TERRAIN\n' +
+        self.send_all('TERRAIN\n' + self.quoted(
         for thing in
             self.send_all('THING TYPE:' + thing.type + ' '
                           + self.stringify_yx(thing.position))
@@ -267,7 +278,7 @@ class CommandHandler:
     def cmd_move(self, direction, connection_id):
         """Set player task to 'move' with direction arg, finish player turn."""
-        if not direction in {'UP', 'DOWN', 'RIGHT', 'LEFT'}:
+        if direction not in {'UP', 'DOWN', 'RIGHT', 'LEFT'}:
             raise ArgumentError('MOVE ARGUMENT MUST BE ONE OF: '
                                 'UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT')'move', direction=direction)