From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 22:31:14 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Server: Split in many files, reorganize code slightly to fit change.
X-Git-Tag: tce~209

Server: Split in many files, reorganize code slightly to fit change.

diff --git a/roguelike-server b/roguelike-server
index 773a2fa..abd2f2f 100755
--- a/roguelike-server
+++ b/roguelike-server
@@ -5,369 +5,6 @@
 # see the file NOTICE in the root directory of the PlomRogue source package.
-import argparse
-import errno
-import os
-import shlex
-import shutil
-import time
-import ctypes
-import math
-from server.config.world_data import world_db, directions_db
-from import io_db
-class RandomnessIO:
-    """"Interface to libplomrogue's pseudo-randomness generator."""
-    def set_seed(self, seed):
-        libpr.seed_rrand(1, seed)
-    def get_seed(self):
-        return libpr.seed_rrand(0, 0)
-    def next(self):
-        return libpr.rrand()
-    seed = property(get_seed, set_seed)
-def prep_library():
-    """Prepare ctypes library at ./"""
-    libpath = ("./")
-    if not os.access(libpath, os.F_OK):
-        raise SystemExit("No library " + libpath + ", run ./ first?")
-    libpr = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libpath)
-    libpr.seed_rrand.restype = ctypes.c_uint32
-    return libpr
-def c_pointer_to_bytearray(ba):
-    """Return C char * pointer to ba."""
-    type = ctypes.c_char * len(ba)
-    return type.from_buffer(ba)
-def strong_write(file, string):
-    """Apply write(string), then flush()."""
-    file.write(string)
-    file.flush()
-def setup_server_io():
-    """Fill IO files DB with proper file( path)s. Write process IO test string.
-    Ensure IO files directory at server/. Remove any old input file if found.
-    Set up new input file for reading, and new output file for appending. Start
-    output file with process hash line of format PID + " " + floated UNIX time
-    (io_db["teststring"]). Raise SystemExit if file is found at path of either
-    record or save file plus io_db["tmp_suffix"].
-    """
-    def detect_atomic_leftover(path, tmp_suffix):
-        path_tmp = path + tmp_suffix
-        msg = "Found file '" + path_tmp + "' that may be a leftover from an " \
-              "aborted previous attempt to write '" + path + "'. Aborting " \
-              "until matter is resolved by removing it from its current path."
-        if os.access(path_tmp, os.F_OK):
-            raise SystemExit(msg)
-    io_db["teststring"] = str(os.getpid()) + " " + str(time.time())
-    io_db["save_wait"] = 0
-    io_db["verbose"] = False
-    io_db["record_chunk"] = ""
-    os.makedirs(io_db["path_server"], exist_ok=True)
-    io_db["file_out"] = open(io_db["path_out"], "a")
-    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], io_db["teststring"] + "\n")
-    if os.access(io_db["path_in"], os.F_OK):
-        os.remove(io_db["path_in"])
-    io_db["file_in"] = open(io_db["path_in"], "w")
-    io_db["file_in"].close()
-    io_db["file_in"] = open(io_db["path_in"], "r")
-    detect_atomic_leftover(io_db["path_save"], io_db["tmp_suffix"])
-    detect_atomic_leftover(io_db["path_record"], io_db["tmp_suffix"])
-def cleanup_server_io():
-    """Close and (if io_db["kicked_by_rival"] false) remove files in io_db."""
-    def helper(file_key, path_key):
-        if file_key in io_db:
-            io_db[file_key].close()
-        if not io_db["kicked_by_rival"] \
-           and os.access(io_db[path_key], os.F_OK):
-            os.remove(io_db[path_key])
-    helper("file_in", "path_in")
-    helper("file_out", "path_out")
-    helper("file_worldstate", "path_worldstate")
-    if "file_record" in io_db:
-        io_db["file_record"].close()
-def log(msg):
-    """Send "msg" to log."""
-    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "LOG " + msg + "\n")
-def obey(command, prefix, replay=False, do_record=False):
-    """Call function from commands_db mapped to command's first token.
-    Tokenize command string with shlex.split(comments=True). If replay is set,
-    a non-meta command from the commands_db merely triggers obey() on the next
-    command from the records file. If not, non-meta commands set
-    io_db["worldstate_updateable"] to world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"], and, if
-    do_record is set, are recorded to io_db["record_chunk"], and save_world()
-    is called (and io_db["record_chunk"] written) if 15 seconds have passed
-    since the last time it was called. The prefix string is inserted into the
-    server's input message between its beginning 'input ' and ':'. All activity
-    is preceded by a server_test() call. Commands that start with a lowercase
-    letter are ignored when world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] is False/0.
-    """
-    server_test()
-    if io_db["verbose"]:
-        print("input " + prefix + ": " + command)
-    try:
-        tokens = shlex.split(command, comments=True)
-    except ValueError as err:
-        print("Can't tokenize command string: " + str(err) + ".")
-        return
-    if len(tokens) > 0 and tokens[0] in commands_db \
-       and len(tokens) == commands_db[tokens[0]][0] + 1:
-        if commands_db[tokens[0]][1]:
-            commands_db[tokens[0]][2](*tokens[1:])
-        elif tokens[0][0].islower() and not world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
-            print("Ignoring lowercase-starting commands when world inactive.")
-        elif replay:
-            print("Due to replay mode, reading command as 'go on in record'.")
-            line = io_db["file_record"].readline()
-            if len(line) > 0:
-                obey(line.rstrip(), io_db["file_record"].prefix
-                     + str(io_db["file_record"].line_n))
-                io_db["file_record"].line_n = io_db["file_record"].line_n + 1
-            else:
-                print("Reached end of record file.")
-        else:
-            commands_db[tokens[0]][2](*tokens[1:])
-            if do_record:
-                io_db["record_chunk"] += command + "\n"
-                if time.time() > io_db["save_wait"] + 15:
-                    atomic_write(io_db["path_record"], io_db["record_chunk"],
-                                 do_append=True)
-                    if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
-                        save_world()
-                    io_db["record_chunk"] = ""
-                    io_db["save_wait"] = time.time()
-            io_db["worldstate_updateable"] = world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]
-    elif 0 != len(tokens):
-        print("Invalid command/argument, or bad number of tokens.")
-def atomic_write(path, text, do_append=False, delete=True):
-    """Atomic write of text to file at path, appended if do_append is set."""
-    path_tmp = path + io_db["tmp_suffix"]
-    mode = "w"
-    if do_append:
-        mode = "a"
-        if os.access(path, os.F_OK):
-            shutil.copyfile(path, path_tmp)
-    file = open(path_tmp, mode)
-    strong_write(file, text)
-    file.close()
-    if delete and os.access(path, os.F_OK):
-        os.remove(path)
-    os.rename(path_tmp, path)
-def save_world():
-    """Save all commands needed to reconstruct current world state."""
-    def quote(string):
-        string = string.replace("\u005C", '\u005C\u005C')
-        return '"' + string.replace('"', '\u005C"') + '"'
-    def mapsetter(key):
-        def helper(id=None):
-            string = ""
-            if key == "MAP" or world_db["Things"][id][key]:
-                map = world_db["MAP"] if key == "MAP" \
-                                      else world_db["Things"][id][key]
-                length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-                for i in range(length):
-                    line = map[i * length:(i * length) + length].decode()
-                    string = string + key + " " + str(i) + " " + quote(line) \
-                        + "\n"
-            return string
-        return helper
-    def memthing(id):
-        string = ""
-        for memthing in world_db["Things"][id]["T_MEMTHING"]:
-            string = string + "T_MEMTHING " + str(memthing[0]) + " " + \
-                str(memthing[1]) + " " + str(memthing[2]) + "\n"
-        return string
-    def helper(category, id_string, special_keys={}):
-        string = ""
-        for id in sorted(world_db[category].keys()):
-            string = string + id_string + " " + str(id) + "\n"
-            for key in sorted(world_db[category][id].keys()):
-                if not key in special_keys:
-                    x = world_db[category][id][key]
-                    argument = quote(x) if str == type(x) else str(x)
-                    string = string + key + " " + argument + "\n"
-                elif special_keys[key]:
-                    string = string + special_keys[key](id)
-        return string
-    string = ""
-    for key in sorted(world_db.keys()):
-        if (not isinstance(world_db[key], dict)) and key != "MAP" and \
-           key != "WORLD_ACTIVE":
-            string = string + key + " " + str(world_db[key]) + "\n"
-    string = string + mapsetter("MAP")()
-    string = string + helper("ThingActions", "TA_ID")
-    string = string + helper("ThingTypes", "TT_ID", {"TT_CORPSE_ID": False})
-    for id in sorted(world_db["ThingTypes"].keys()):
-        string = string + "TT_ID " + str(id) + "\n" + "TT_CORPSE_ID " + \
-            str(world_db["ThingTypes"][id]["TT_CORPSE_ID"]) + "\n"
-    string = string + helper("Things", "T_ID",
-                             {"T_CARRIES": False, "carried": False,
-                              "T_MEMMAP": mapsetter("T_MEMMAP"),
-                              "T_MEMTHING": memthing, "fovmap": False,
-                              "T_MEMDEPTHMAP": mapsetter("T_MEMDEPTHMAP")})
-    for id in sorted(world_db["Things"].keys()):
-        if [] != world_db["Things"][id]["T_CARRIES"]:
-            string = string + "T_ID " + str(id) + "\n"
-            for carried in sorted(world_db["Things"][id]["T_CARRIES"]):
-                string = string + "T_CARRIES " + str(carried) + "\n"
-    string = string + "SEED_RANDOMNESS " + str(rand.seed) + "\n" + \
-        "WORLD_ACTIVE " + str(world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"])
-    atomic_write(io_db["path_save"], string)
-def obey_lines_in_file(path, name, do_record=False):
-    """Call obey() on each line of path's file, use name in input prefix."""
-    file = open(path, "r")
-    line_n = 1
-    for line in file.readlines():
-        obey(line.rstrip(), name + "file line " + str(line_n),
-             do_record=do_record)
-        line_n = line_n + 1
-    file.close()
-def parse_command_line_arguments():
-    """Return settings values read from command line arguments."""
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument('-s', nargs='?', type=int, dest='replay', const=1,
-                        action='store')
-    parser.add_argument('-l', nargs="?", const="save", dest='savefile',
-                        action="store")
-    parser.add_argument('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true')
-    opts, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
-    return opts
-def server_test():
-    """Ensure valid server out file belonging to current process.
-    This is done by comparing io_db["teststring"] to what's found at the start
-    of the current file at io_db["path_out"]. On failure, set
-    io_db["kicked_by_rival"] and raise SystemExit.
-    """
-    if not os.access(io_db["path_out"], os.F_OK):
-        raise SystemExit("Server output file has disappeared.")
-    file = open(io_db["path_out"], "r")
-    test = file.readline().rstrip("\n")
-    file.close()
-    if test != io_db["teststring"]:
-        io_db["kicked_by_rival"] = True
-        msg = "Server test string in server output file does not match. This" \
-              " indicates that the current server process has been " \
-              "superseded by another one."
-        raise SystemExit(msg)
-def read_command():
-    """Return next newline-delimited command from server in file.
-    Keep building return string until a newline is encountered. Pause between
-    unsuccessful reads, and after too much waiting, run server_test().
-    """
-    wait_on_fail = 0.03333
-    max_wait = 5
-    now = time.time()
-    command = ""
-    while True:
-        add = io_db["file_in"].readline()
-        if len(add) > 0:
-            command = command + add
-            if len(command) > 0 and "\n" == command[-1]:
-                command = command[:-1]
-                break
-        else:
-            time.sleep(wait_on_fail)
-            if now + max_wait < time.time():
-                server_test()
-                now = time.time()
-    return command
-def try_worldstate_update():
-    """Write worldstate file if io_db["worldstate_updateable"] is set."""
-    if io_db["worldstate_updateable"]:
-        def write_map(string, map):
-            for i in range(length):
-                line = map[i * length:(i * length) + length].decode()
-                string = string + line + "\n"
-            return string
-        inventory = ""
-        if [] == world_db["Things"][0]["T_CARRIES"]:
-            inventory = "(none)\n"
-        else:
-            for id in world_db["Things"][0]["T_CARRIES"]:
-                type_id = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
-                name = world_db["ThingTypes"][type_id]["TT_NAME"]
-                inventory = inventory + name + "\n"
-        string = str(world_db["TURN"]) + "\n" + \
-            str(world_db["Things"][0]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]) + "\n" + \
-            str(world_db["Things"][0]["T_SATIATION"]) + "\n" + \
-            inventory + "%\n" + \
-            str(world_db["Things"][0]["T_POSY"]) + "\n" + \
-            str(world_db["Things"][0]["T_POSX"]) + "\n" + \
-            str(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + "\n"
-        length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-        fov = bytearray(b' ' * (length ** 2))
-        ord_v = ord("v")
-        for pos in [pos for pos in range(length ** 2)
-                        if ord_v == world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"][pos]]:
-            fov[pos] = world_db["MAP"][pos]
-        length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-        for id in [id for tid in reversed(sorted(list(world_db["ThingTypes"])))
-                      for id in world_db["Things"]
-                      if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
-                      if world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"] == tid
-                      if world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"][
-                           world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] * length
-                           + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]] == ord_v]:
-            type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
-            c = ord(world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_SYMBOL"])
-            fov[world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] * length
-                + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]] = c
-        string = write_map(string, fov)
-        mem = world_db["Things"][0]["T_MEMMAP"][:]
-        for mt in [mt for tid in reversed(sorted(list(world_db["ThingTypes"])))
-                      for mt in world_db["Things"][0]["T_MEMTHING"]
-                      if mt[0] == tid]:
-             c = world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_SYMBOL"]
-             mem[(mt[1] * length) + mt[2]] = ord(c)
-        string = write_map(string, mem)
-        atomic_write(io_db["path_worldstate"], string, delete=False)
-        strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "WORLD_UPDATED\n")
-        io_db["worldstate_updateable"] = False
 def replay_game():
     """Replay game from record file.
@@ -405,6 +42,8 @@ def play_game():
     command and all that follow via the server input file. Run
     try_worldstate_update() before each interactive obey()/read_command().
+    import time
+    from import obey_lines_in_file
     if os.access(io_db["path_save"], os.F_OK):
         obey_lines_in_file(io_db["path_save"], "save")
@@ -419,1313 +58,20 @@ def play_game():
         obey(read_command(), "in file", do_record=True)
-def make_map():
-    """(Re-)make island map.
-    Let "~" represent water, "." land, "X" trees: Build island shape randomly,
-    start with one land cell in the middle, then go into cycle of repeatedly
-    selecting a random sea cell and transforming it into land if it is neighbor
-    to land. The cycle ends when a land cell is due to be created at the map's
-    border. Then put some trees on the map (TODO: more precise algorithm desc).
-    """
-    def is_neighbor(coordinates, type):
-        y = coordinates[0]
-        x = coordinates[1]
-        length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-        ind = y % 2
-        diag_west = x + (ind > 0)
-        diag_east = x + (ind < (length - 1))
-        pos = (y * length) + x
-        if (y > 0 and diag_east
-            and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos - length + ind])) \
-           or (x < (length - 1)
-               and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos + 1])) \
-           or (y < (length - 1) and diag_east
-               and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos + length + ind])) \
-           or (y > 0 and diag_west
-               and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos - length - (not ind)])) \
-           or (x > 0
-               and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos - 1])) \
-           or (y < (length - 1) and diag_west
-               and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos + length - (not ind)])):
-            return True
-        return False
-    world_db["MAP"] = bytearray(b'~' * (world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2))
-    length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-    add_half_width = (not (length % 2)) * int(length / 2)
-    world_db["MAP"][int((length ** 2) / 2) + add_half_width] = ord(".")
-    while (1):
-        y = % length
-        x = % length
-        pos = (y * length) + x
-        if "~" == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos]) and is_neighbor((y, x), "."):
-            if y == 0 or y == (length - 1) or x == 0 or x == (length - 1):
-                break
-            world_db["MAP"][pos] = ord(".")
-    n_trees = int((length ** 2) / 16)
-    i_trees = 0
-    while (i_trees <= n_trees):
-        single_allowed = % 32
-        y = % length
-        x = % length
-        pos = (y * length) + x
-        if "." == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos]) \
-                and ((not single_allowed) or is_neighbor((y, x), "X")):
-            world_db["MAP"][pos] = ord("X")
-            i_trees += 1
-    # This all-too-precise replica of the original C code misses iter_limit().
-def eat_vs_hunger_threshold(thingtype):
-    """Return satiation cost of eating for type. Good food for it must be >."""
-    hunger_unit = hunger_per_turn(thingtype)
-    actiontype = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
-               if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"] == "use"][0]
-    return world_db["ThingActions"][actiontype]["TA_EFFORT"] * hunger_unit
-def update_map_memory(t, age_map=True):
-    """Update t's T_MEMMAP with what's in its FOV now,age its T_MEMMEPTHMAP."""
-    def age_some_memdepthmap_on_nonfov_cells():
-        # ord_v = ord("v")
-        # ord_0 = ord("0")
-        # ord_9 = ord("9")
-        # for pos in [pos for pos in range(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
-        #             if not ord_v == t["fovmap"][pos]
-        #             if ord_0 <= t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][pos]
-        #             if ord_9 > t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][pos]
-        #             if not % (2 **
-        #                                   (t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][pos] - 48))]:
-        #     t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][pos] += 1
-        memdepthmap = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"])
-        fovmap = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["fovmap"])
-        libpr.age_some_memdepthmap_on_nonfov_cells(memdepthmap, fovmap)
-    if not t["T_MEMMAP"]:
-        t["T_MEMMAP"] = bytearray(b' ' * (world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2))
-    if not t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"]:
-        t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"] = bytearray(b' ' * (world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2))
-    ord_v = ord("v")
-    ord_0 = ord("0")
-    for pos in [pos for pos in range(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
-                if ord_v == t["fovmap"][pos]]:
-        t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][pos] = ord_0
-        t["T_MEMMAP"][pos] = world_db["MAP"][pos]
-    if age_map:
-        age_some_memdepthmap_on_nonfov_cells()
-    t["T_MEMTHING"] = [mt for mt in t["T_MEMTHING"]
-                       if ord_v != t["fovmap"][(mt[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"])
-                                               + mt[2]]]
-    for id in [id for id in world_db["Things"]
-               if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]]:
-        type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
-        if not world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-            y = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"]
-            x = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]
-            if ord_v == t["fovmap"][(y * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + x]:
-                t["T_MEMTHING"].append((type, y, x))
-def set_world_inactive():
-    """Set world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] to 0 and remove worldstate file."""
-    server_test()
-    if os.access(io_db["path_worldstate"], os.F_OK):
-        os.remove(io_db["path_worldstate"])
-    world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] = 0
-def integer_test(val_string, min, max=None):
-    """Return val_string if integer >= min & (if max set) <= max, else None."""
-    try:
-        val = int(val_string)
-        if val < min or (max is not None and val > max):
-            raise ValueError
-        return val
-    except ValueError:
-        msg = "Ignoring: Please use integer >= " + str(min)
-        if max is not None:
-            msg += " and <= " + str(max)
-        msg += "."
-        print(msg)
-        return None
-def setter(category, key, min, max=None):
-    """Build setter for world_db([category + "s"][id])[key] to >=min/<=max."""
-    if category is None:
-        def f(val_string):
-            val = integer_test(val_string, min, max)
-            if None != val:
-                world_db[key] = val
-    else:
-        if category == "Thing":
-            id_store = command_tid
-            decorator = test_Thing_id
-        elif category == "ThingType":
-            id_store = command_ttid
-            decorator = test_ThingType_id
-        elif category == "ThingAction":
-            id_store = command_taid
-            decorator = test_ThingAction_id
-        @decorator
-        def f(val_string):
-            val = integer_test(val_string, min, max)
-            if None != val:
-                world_db[category + "s"][][key] = val
-    return f
-def build_fov_map(t):
-    """Build Thing's FOV map."""
-    t["fovmap"] = bytearray(b'v' * (world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2))
-    fovmap = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["fovmap"])
-    map = c_pointer_to_bytearray(world_db["MAP"])
-    if libpr.build_fov_map(t["T_POSY"], t["T_POSX"], fovmap, map):
-        raise RuntimeError("Malloc error in build_fov_Map().")
-def decrement_lifepoints(t):
-    """Decrement t's lifepoints by 1, and if to zero, corpse it.
-    If t is the player avatar, only blank its fovmap, so that the client may
-    still display memory data. On non-player things, erase fovmap and memory.
-    Dying actors drop all their things.
-    """
-    t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] -= 1
-    if 0 == t["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-        for id in t["T_CARRIES"]:
-            t["T_CARRIES"].remove(id)
-            world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] = t["T_POSY"]
-            world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] = t["T_POSX"]
-            world_db["Things"][id]["carried"] = False
-        t["T_TYPE"] = world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_CORPSE_ID"]
-        if world_db["Things"][0] == t:
-            t["fovmap"] = bytearray(b' ' * (world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2))
-            log("You die.")
-            log("See README on how to start over.")
-        else:
-            t["fovmap"] = False
-            t["T_MEMMAP"] = False
-            t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"] = False
-            t["T_MEMTHING"] = []
-def mv_yx_in_dir_legal(dir, y, x):
-    """Wrapper around libpr.mv_yx_in_dir_legal to simplify its use."""
-    dir_c = dir.encode("ascii")[0]
-    test = libpr.mv_yx_in_dir_legal_wrap(dir_c, y, x)
-    if -1 == test:
-        raise RuntimeError("Too much wrapping in mv_yx_in_dir_legal_wrap()!")
-    return (test, libpr.result_y(), libpr.result_x())
-def actor_wait(t):
-    """Make t do nothing (but loudly, if player avatar)."""
-    if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
-        log("You wait")
-def actor_move(t):
-    """If passable, move/collide(=attack) thing into T_ARGUMENT's direction."""
-    passable = False
-    move_result = mv_yx_in_dir_legal(chr(t["T_ARGUMENT"]),
-                                     t["T_POSY"], t["T_POSX"])
-    if 1 == move_result[0]:
-        pos = (move_result[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + move_result[2]
-        hitted = [id for id in world_db["Things"]
-                  if world_db["Things"][id] != t
-                  if world_db["Things"][id]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]
-                  if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] == move_result[1]
-                  if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] == move_result[2]]
-        if len(hitted):
-            hit_id = hitted[0]
-            if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
-                hitted_type = world_db["Things"][hit_id]["T_TYPE"]
-                hitted_name = world_db["ThingTypes"][hitted_type]["TT_NAME"]
-                log("You WOUND" + hitted_name + ".")
-            elif 0 == hit_id:
-                hitter_name = world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_NAME"]
-                log(hitter_name +" WOUNDS you.")
-            decrement_lifepoints(world_db["Things"][hit_id])
-            return
-        passable = "." == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos])
-    dir = [dir for dir in directions_db
-           if directions_db[dir] == chr(t["T_ARGUMENT"])][0]
-    if passable:
-        t["T_POSY"] = move_result[1]
-        t["T_POSX"] = move_result[2]
-        for id in t["T_CARRIES"]:
-            world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] = move_result[1]
-            world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] = move_result[2]
-        build_fov_map(t)
-        if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
-            log("You MOVE " + dir + ".")
-def actor_pick_up(t):
-    """Make t pick up (topmost?) Thing from ground into inventory.
-    Define topmostness by how low the thing's type ID is.
-    """
-    ids = [id for id in world_db["Things"] if world_db["Things"][id] != t
-           if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
-           if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] == t["T_POSY"]
-           if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] == t["T_POSX"]]
-    if len(ids):
-        lowest_tid = -1
-        for iid in ids:
-            tid = world_db["Things"][iid]["T_TYPE"]
-            if lowest_tid == -1 or tid < lowest_tid:
-                id = iid
-                lowest_tid = tid
-        world_db["Things"][id]["carried"] = True
-        t["T_CARRIES"].append(id)
-        if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
-                log("You PICK UP an object.")
-def actor_drop(t):
-    """Make t rop Thing from inventory to ground indexed by T_ARGUMENT."""
-    # TODO: Handle case where T_ARGUMENT matches nothing.
-    if len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
-        id = t["T_CARRIES"][t["T_ARGUMENT"]]
-        t["T_CARRIES"].remove(id)
-        world_db["Things"][id]["carried"] = False
-        if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
-            log("You DROP an object.")
-def actor_use(t):
-    """Make t use (for now: consume) T_ARGUMENT-indexed Thing in inventory."""
-    # TODO: Handle case where T_ARGUMENT matches nothing.
-    if len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
-        id = t["T_CARRIES"][t["T_ARGUMENT"]]
-        type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
-        if world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOL"] == "food":
-            t["T_CARRIES"].remove(id)
-            del world_db["Things"][id]
-            t["T_SATIATION"] += world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOLPOWER"]
-            if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
-                log("You CONSUME this object.")
-        elif t == world_db["Things"][0]:
-            log("You try to use this object, but FAIL.")
-def thingproliferation(t, prol_map):
-    """To chance of 1/TT_PROLIFERATE, create t offspring in open neighbor cell.
-    Naturally only works with TT_PROLIFERATE > 0. The neighbor cell must be be
-    marked '.' in prol_map. If there are several map cell candidates, one is
-    selected randomly.
-    """
-    prolscore = world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_PROLIFERATE"]
-    if prolscore and (1 == prolscore or 1 == ( % prolscore)):
-        candidates = []
-        for dir in [directions_db[key] for key in sorted(directions_db.keys())]:
-            mv_result = mv_yx_in_dir_legal(dir, t["T_POSY"], t["T_POSX"])
-            if mv_result[0] and  ord('.') == prol_map[mv_result[1]
-                                                      * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-                                                      + mv_result[2]]:
-                candidates.append((mv_result[1], mv_result[2]))
-        if len(candidates):
-            i = % len(candidates)
-            id = id_setter(-1, "Things")
-            newT = new_Thing(t["T_TYPE"], (candidates[i][0], candidates[i][1]))
-            world_db["Things"][id] = newT
-def try_healing(t):
-    """If t's HP < max, increment them if well-nourished, maybe waiting."""
-    if t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] < \
-       world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-        wait_id = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
-                      if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"] == "wait"][0]
-        wait_divider = 8 if t["T_COMMAND"] == wait_id else 1
-        testval = int(abs(t["T_SATIATION"]) / wait_divider)
-        if (testval <= 1 or 1 == ( % testval)):
-            t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] += 1
-            if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
-                log("You HEAL.")
-def hunger_per_turn(type_id):
-    """The amount of satiation score lost per turn for things of given type."""
-    return int(math.sqrt(world_db["ThingTypes"][type_id]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"]))
-def hunger(t):
-    """Decrement t's satiation,dependent on it trigger lifepoint dec chance."""
-    if t["T_SATIATION"] > -32768:
-        t["T_SATIATION"] -= hunger_per_turn(t["T_TYPE"])
-    if 0 != t["T_SATIATION"] and 0 == int( / abs(t["T_SATIATION"])):
-        if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
-            if t["T_SATIATION"] < 0:
-                log("You SUFFER from hunger.")
-            else:
-                log("You SUFFER from over-eating.")
-        decrement_lifepoints(t)
-def get_dir_to_target(t, filter):
-    """Try to set T_COMMAND/T_ARGUMENT for move to "filter"-determined target.
-    The path-wise nearest target is chosen, via the shortest available path.
-    Target must not be t. On succcess, return positive value, else False.
-    Filters:
-    "a": Thing in FOV is animate, but of ThingType, starts out weaker than t
-         is, and its corpse would be healthy food for t
-    "f": move away from an enemy – any visible actor whose thing type has more
-         TT_LIFEPOINTS than t LIFEPOINTS, and might find t's corpse healthy
-         food – if it is closer than n steps, where n will shrink as t's hunger
-         grows; if enemy is too close, move towards (attack) the enemy instead;
-         if no fleeing is possible, nor attacking useful, wait; don't tread on
-         non-enemies for fleeing
-    "c": Thing in memorized map is consumable of sufficient nutrition for t
-    "s": memory map cell with greatest-reachable degree of unexploredness
-    """
-    def zero_score_map_where_char_on_memdepthmap(c):
-        # for i in [i for i in range(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
-        #           if t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][i] == mem_depth_c[0]]:
-        #     set_map_score(i, 0)
-        map = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"])
-        if libpr.zero_score_map_where_char_on_memdepthmap(c, map):
-            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for "
-                               "zero_score_map_where_char_on_memdepthmap().")
-    def set_map_score_at_thingpos(id, score):
-        pos = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] \
-                                     + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]
-        set_map_score(pos, score)
-    def set_map_score(pos, score):
-        test = libpr.set_map_score(pos, score)
-        if test:
-            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for set_map_score().")
-    def get_map_score(pos):
-        result = libpr.get_map_score(pos)
-        if result < 0:
-            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for get_map_score().")
-        return result
-    def animate_in_fov(Thing):
-        if Thing["carried"] or Thing == t or not Thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-            return False
-        pos = Thing["T_POSY"] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + Thing["T_POSX"]
-        if ord("v") == t["fovmap"][pos]:
-            return True
-    def good_attack_target(v):
-        eat_cost = eat_vs_hunger_threshold(t["T_TYPE"])
-        type = world_db["ThingTypes"][v["T_TYPE"]]
-        type_corpse = world_db["ThingTypes"][type["TT_CORPSE_ID"]]
-        if t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] > type["TT_LIFEPOINTS"] \
-        and type_corpse["TT_TOOL"] == "food" \
-        and type_corpse["TT_TOOLPOWER"] > eat_cost:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def good_flee_target(m):
-        own_corpse_id = world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_CORPSE_ID"]
-        corpse_type = world_db["ThingTypes"][own_corpse_id]
-        targetness = 0 if corpse_type["TT_TOOL"] != "food" \
-                       else corpse_type["TT_TOOLPOWER"]
-        type = world_db["ThingTypes"][m["T_TYPE"]]
-        if t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] < type["TT_LIFEPOINTS"] \
-        and targetness > eat_vs_hunger_threshold(m["T_TYPE"]):
-            return True
-        return False
-    def seeing_thing():
-        if t["fovmap"] and "a" == filter:
-            for id in world_db["Things"]:
-                if animate_in_fov(world_db["Things"][id]):
-                    if good_attack_target(world_db["Things"][id]):
-                        return True
-        elif t["fovmap"] and "f" == filter:
-            for id in world_db["Things"]:
-                if animate_in_fov(world_db["Things"][id]):
-                    if good_flee_target(world_db["Things"][id]):
-                        return True
-        elif t["T_MEMMAP"] and "c" == filter:
-            eat_cost = eat_vs_hunger_threshold(t["T_TYPE"])
-            for mt in t["T_MEMTHING"]:
-                if ' ' != chr(t["T_MEMMAP"][(mt[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"])
-                                            + mt[2]]) \
-                   and world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_TOOL"] == "food" \
-                   and world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_TOOLPOWER"] \
-                       > eat_cost:
-                    return True
-        return False
-    def set_cells_passable_on_memmap_to_65534_on_scoremap():
-        # ord_dot = ord(".")
-        # memmap = t["T_MEMMAP"]
-        # for i in [i for i in range(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
-        #            if ord_dot == memmap[i]]:
-        #     set_map_score(i, 65534) # i.e. 65535-1
-        map = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["T_MEMMAP"])
-        if libpr.set_cells_passable_on_memmap_to_65534_on_scoremap(map):
-            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for set_cells_passable"
-                               "_on_memmap_to_65534_on_scoremap().")
-    def init_score_map():
-        test = libpr.init_score_map()
-        if test:
-            raise RuntimeError("Malloc error in init_score_map().")
-        ord_v = ord("v")
-        ord_blank = ord(" ")
-        set_cells_passable_on_memmap_to_65534_on_scoremap()
-        if "a" == filter:
-            for id in world_db["Things"]:
-                if animate_in_fov(world_db["Things"][id]) \
-                and good_attack_target(world_db["Things"][id]):
-                    set_map_score_at_thingpos(id, 0)
-        elif "f" == filter:
-            for id in world_db["Things"]:
-                if animate_in_fov(world_db["Things"][id]) \
-                and good_flee_target(world_db["Things"][id]):
-                    set_map_score_at_thingpos(id, 0)
-        elif "c" == filter:
-            eat_cost = eat_vs_hunger_threshold(t["T_TYPE"])
-            for mt in [mt for mt in t["T_MEMTHING"]
-                       if ord_blank != t["T_MEMMAP"][mt[1]
-                                                     * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-                                                     + mt[2]]
-                       if world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_TOOL"] == "food"
-                       if world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_TOOLPOWER"]
-                           > eat_cost]:
-                set_map_score(mt[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + mt[2], 0)
-        elif "s" == filter:
-            zero_score_map_where_char_on_memdepthmap(mem_depth_c[0])
-        if "a" != filter:
-            for id in world_db["Things"]:
-                if animate_in_fov(world_db["Things"][id]):
-                    if "f" == filter:
-                        pos = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] \
-                              * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] \
-                              + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]
-                        if 0 == get_map_score(pos):
-                            continue
-                    set_map_score_at_thingpos(id, 65535)
-    def rand_target_dir(neighbors, cmp, dirs):
-        candidates = []
-        n_candidates = 0
-        for i in range(len(dirs)):
-            if cmp == neighbors[i]:
-                candidates.append(dirs[i])
-                n_candidates += 1
-        return candidates[ % n_candidates] if n_candidates else 0
-    def get_neighbor_scores(dirs, eye_pos):
-        scores = []
-        if libpr.ready_neighbor_scores(eye_pos):
-            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for " +
-                               "ready_neighbor_scores.()")
-        for i in range(len(dirs)):
-            scores.append(libpr.get_neighbor_score(i))
-        return scores
-    def get_dir_from_neighbors():
-        dir_to_target = False
-        dirs = "edcxsw"
-        eye_pos = t["T_POSY"] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + t["T_POSX"]
-        neighbors = get_neighbor_scores(dirs, eye_pos)
-        minmax_start = 0 if "f" == filter else 65535 - 1
-        minmax_neighbor = minmax_start
-        for i in range(len(dirs)):
-            if ("f" == filter and get_map_score(eye_pos) < neighbors[i] and
-                minmax_neighbor < neighbors[i] and 65535 != neighbors[i]) \
-               or ("f" != filter and minmax_neighbor > neighbors[i]):
-                minmax_neighbor = neighbors[i]
-        if minmax_neighbor != minmax_start:
-            dir_to_target = rand_target_dir(neighbors, minmax_neighbor, dirs)
-        if "f" == filter:
-            distance = get_map_score(eye_pos)
-            fear_distance = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-            if t["T_SATIATION"] < 0 and math.sqrt(-t["T_SATIATION"]) > 0:
-                fear_distance = fear_distance / math.sqrt(-t["T_SATIATION"])
-            attack_distance = 1
-            if not dir_to_target:
-                if attack_distance >= distance:
-                    dir_to_target = rand_target_dir(neighbors,
-                                                    distance - 1, dirs)
-                elif fear_distance >= distance:
-                    t["T_COMMAND"] = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
-                                      if
-                                      world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"]
-                                      == "wait"][0]
-                    return 1
-            elif dir_to_target and fear_distance < distance:
-                dir_to_target = 0
-        return dir_to_target
-    dir_to_target = False
-    mem_depth_c = b' '
-    run_i = 9 + 1 if "s" == filter else 1
-    while run_i and not dir_to_target and ("s" == filter or seeing_thing()):
-        run_i -= 1
-        init_score_map()
-        mem_depth_c = b'9' if b' ' == mem_depth_c \
-            else bytes([mem_depth_c[0] - 1])
-        if libpr.dijkstra_map():
-            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for dijkstra_map().")
-        dir_to_target = get_dir_from_neighbors()
-        libpr.free_score_map()
-        if dir_to_target and str == type(dir_to_target):
-            t["T_COMMAND"] = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
-                              if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"]
-                              == "move"][0]
-            t["T_ARGUMENT"] = ord(dir_to_target)
-    return dir_to_target
-def standing_on_food(t):
-    """Return True/False whether t is standing on healthy consumable."""
-    eat_cost = eat_vs_hunger_threshold(t["T_TYPE"])
-    for id in [id for id in world_db["Things"] if world_db["Things"][id] != t
-               if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
-               if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] == t["T_POSY"]
-               if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] == t["T_POSX"]
-               if world_db["ThingTypes"][world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]]
-                  ["TT_TOOL"] == "food"
-               if world_db["ThingTypes"][world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]]
-                  ["TT_TOOLPOWER"] > eat_cost]:
-        return True
-    return False
-def get_inventory_slot_to_consume(t):
-    """Return invent. slot of healthiest consumable(if any healthy),else -1."""
-    cmp_food = -1
-    selection = -1
-    i = 0
-    eat_cost = eat_vs_hunger_threshold(t["T_TYPE"])
-    for id in t["T_CARRIES"]:
-        type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
-        if world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOL"] == "food" \
-           and world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOLPOWER"]:
-            nutvalue = world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOLPOWER"]
-            tmp_cmp = abs(t["T_SATIATION"] + nutvalue - eat_cost)
-            if (cmp_food < 0 and tmp_cmp < abs(t["T_SATIATION"])) \
-            or tmp_cmp < cmp_food:
-                cmp_food = tmp_cmp
-                selection = i
-        i += 1
-    return selection
-def ai(t):
-    """Determine next command/argment for actor t via AI algorithms."""
-    t["T_COMMAND"] = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
-                      if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"] == "wait"][0]
-    if get_dir_to_target(t, "f"):
-        return
-    sel = get_inventory_slot_to_consume(t)
-    if -1 != sel:
-        t["T_COMMAND"] = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
-                          if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"]
-                             == "use"][0]
-        t["T_ARGUMENT"] = sel
-    elif standing_on_food(t):
-            t["T_COMMAND"] = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
-                              if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"]
-                              == "pick_up"][0]
-    else:
-        going_to_known_food_spot = get_dir_to_target(t, "c")
-        if not going_to_known_food_spot:
-            aiming_for_walking_food = get_dir_to_target(t, "a")
-            if not aiming_for_walking_food:
-                get_dir_to_target(t, "s")
-def turn_over():
-    """Run game world and its inhabitants until new player input expected."""
-    id = 0
-    whilebreaker = False
-    while world_db["Things"][0]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-        proliferable_map = world_db["MAP"][:]
-        for id in [id for id in world_db["Things"]
-                   if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]]:
-            y = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"]
-            x = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]
-            proliferable_map[y * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + x] = ord('X')
-        for id in [id for id in world_db["Things"]]:  # Only what's from start!
-            if not id in world_db["Things"] or \
-               world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]:   # May have been consumed or
-                continue                            # picked up during turn …
-            Thing = world_db["Things"][id]
-            if Thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-                if not Thing["T_COMMAND"]:
-                    update_map_memory(Thing)
-                    if 0 == id:
-                        whilebreaker = True
-                        break
-                    ai(Thing)
-                try_healing(Thing)
-                hunger(Thing)
-                if Thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-                    Thing["T_PROGRESS"] += 1
-                    taid = [a for a in world_db["ThingActions"]
-                              if a == Thing["T_COMMAND"]][0]
-                    ThingAction = world_db["ThingActions"][taid]
-                    if Thing["T_PROGRESS"] == ThingAction["TA_EFFORT"]:
-                        eval("actor_" + ThingAction["TA_NAME"])(Thing)
-                        Thing["T_COMMAND"] = 0
-                        Thing["T_PROGRESS"] = 0
-            thingproliferation(Thing, proliferable_map)
-        if whilebreaker:
-            break
-        world_db["TURN"] += 1
-def new_Thing(type, pos=(0, 0)):
-    """Return Thing of type T_TYPE, with fovmap if alive and world active."""
-    thing = {
-        "T_LIFEPOINTS": world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"],
-        "T_ARGUMENT": 0,
-        "T_PROGRESS": 0,
-        "T_SATIATION": 0,
-        "T_COMMAND": 0,
-        "T_TYPE": type,
-        "T_POSY": pos[0],
-        "T_POSX": pos[1],
-        "T_CARRIES": [],
-        "carried": False,
-        "T_MEMTHING": [],
-        "T_MEMMAP": False,
-        "T_MEMDEPTHMAP": False,
-        "fovmap": False
-    }
-    if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] and thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-        build_fov_map(thing)
-    return thing
-def id_setter(id, category, id_store=False, start_at_1=False):
-    """Set ID of object of category to manipulate ID unused? Create new one.
-    The ID is stored as (if id_store is set). If the integer of the
-    input is valid (if start_at_1, >= 0, else >= -1), but <0 or (if start_at_1)
-    <1, calculate new ID: lowest unused ID >=0 or (if start_at_1) >= 1. None is
-    always returned when no new object is created, else the new object's ID.
-    """
-    min = 0 if start_at_1 else -1
-    if str == type(id):
-        id = integer_test(id, min)
-    if None != id:
-        if id in world_db[category]:
-            if id_store:
-       = id
-            return None
-        else:
-            if (start_at_1 and 0 == id) \
-               or ((not start_at_1) and (id < 0)):
-                id = 0 if start_at_1 else -1
-                while 1:
-                    id = id + 1
-                    if id not in world_db[category]:
-                        break
-            if id_store:
-       = id
-    return id
-def command_plugin(str_plugin):
-    """Run code in plugins/[str_plugin]."""
-    if (str_plugin.replace("_", "").isalnum()
-        and os.access("plugins/" + str_plugin, os.F_OK)):
-        exec(open("plugins/" + str_plugin).read())
-        return
-    print("Bad plugin name:", str_plugin)
-def command_ping():
-    """Send PONG line to server output file."""
-    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "PONG\n")
-def command_quit():
-    """Abort server process."""
-    if None == opts.replay:
-        if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
-            save_world()
-        atomic_write(io_db["path_record"], io_db["record_chunk"], do_append=True)
-    raise SystemExit("received QUIT command")
-def command_thingshere(str_y, str_x):
-    """Write to out file list of Things known to player at coordinate y, x."""
-    if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
-        y = integer_test(str_y, 0, 255)
-        x = integer_test(str_x, 0, 255)
-        length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-        if None != y and None != x and y < length and x < length:
-            pos = (y * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + x
-            strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "THINGS_HERE START\n")
-            if "v" == chr(world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"][pos]):
-                for id in [id for tid in sorted(list(world_db["ThingTypes"]))
-                              for id in world_db["Things"]
-                              if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
-                              if world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"] == tid
-                              if y == world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"]
-                              if x == world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]]:
-                    type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
-                    name = world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_NAME"]
-                    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], name + "\n")
-            else:
-                for mt in [mt for tid in sorted(list(world_db["ThingTypes"]))
-                              for mt in world_db["Things"][0]["T_MEMTHING"]
-                              if mt[0] == tid if y == mt[1] if x == mt[2]]:
-                    name = world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_NAME"]
-                    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], name + "\n")
-            strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "THINGS_HERE END\n")
-        else:
-            print("Ignoring: Invalid map coordinates.")
-    else:
-        print("Ignoring: Command only works on existing worlds.")
-def set_command(action):
-    """Set player's T_COMMAND, then call turn_over()."""
-    id = [x for x in world_db["ThingActions"]
-          if world_db["ThingActions"][x]["TA_NAME"] == action][0]
-    world_db["Things"][0]["T_COMMAND"] = id
-    turn_over()
-def play_wait():
-    """Try "wait" as player's T_COMMAND."""
-    set_command("wait")
-def play_pickup():
-    """Try "pick_up" as player's T_COMMAND"."""
-    t = world_db["Things"][0]
-    ids = [id for id in world_db["Things"] if id
-           if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
-           if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] == t["T_POSY"]
-           if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] == t["T_POSX"]]
-    if not len(ids):
-         log("NOTHING to pick up.")
-    else:
-        set_command("pick_up")
-def play_drop(str_arg):
-    """Try "drop" as player's T_COMMAND, int(str_arg) as T_ARGUMENT / slot."""
-    t = world_db["Things"][0]
-    if 0 == len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
-        log("You have NOTHING to drop in your inventory.")
-    else:
-        val = integer_test(str_arg, 0, 255)
-        if None != val and val < len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
-            world_db["Things"][0]["T_ARGUMENT"] = val
-            set_command("drop")
-        else:
-            print("Illegal inventory index.")
-def play_use(str_arg):
-    """Try "use" as player's T_COMMAND, int(str_arg) as T_ARGUMENT / slot."""
-    t = world_db["Things"][0]
-    if 0 == len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
-        log("You have NOTHING to use in your inventory.")
-    else:
-        val = integer_test(str_arg, 0, 255)
-        if None != val and val < len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
-            id = t["T_CARRIES"][val]
-            type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
-            if not world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOL"] == "food":
-                log("You CAN'T consume this thing.")
-                return
-            world_db["Things"][0]["T_ARGUMENT"] = val
-            set_command("use")
-        else:
-            print("Illegal inventory index.")
-def play_move(str_arg):
-    """Try "move" as player's T_COMMAND, str_arg as T_ARGUMENT / direction."""
-    t = world_db["Things"][0]
-    if not str_arg in directions_db:
-        print("Illegal move direction string.")
-        return
-    dir = ord(directions_db[str_arg])
-    move_result = mv_yx_in_dir_legal(chr(dir), t["T_POSY"], t["T_POSX"])
-    if 1 == move_result[0]:
-        pos = (move_result[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + move_result[2]
-        if ord(".") == world_db["MAP"][pos]:
-            world_db["Things"][0]["T_ARGUMENT"] = dir
-            set_command("move")
-            return
-    log("You CAN'T move there.")
-def command_seedrandomness(seed_string):
-    """Set rand seed to int(seed_string)."""
-    val = integer_test(seed_string, 0, 4294967295)
-    if None != val:
-        rand.seed = val
-def command_makeworld(seed_string):
-    """(Re-)build game world, i.e. map, things, to a new turn 1 from seed.
-    Seed rand with seed. Do more only with a "wait" ThingAction and
-    world["PLAYER_TYPE"] matching ThingType of TT_START_NUMBER > 0. Then,
-    world_db["Things"] emptied, call make_map() and set
-    world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"], world_db["TURN"] to 1. Build new Things
-    according to ThingTypes' TT_START_NUMBERS, with Thing of ID 0 to ThingType
-    of ID = world["PLAYER_TYPE"]. Place Things randomly, and actors not on each
-    other. Init player's memory map. Write "NEW_WORLD" line to out file.
-    """
-    def free_pos():
-        i = 0
-        while 1:
-            err = "Space to put thing on too hard to find. Map too small?"
-            while 1:
-                y = % world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-                x = % world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-                if "." == chr(world_db["MAP"][y * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + x]):
-                    break
-                i += 1
-                if i == 65535:
-                    raise SystemExit(err)
-            # Replica of C code, wrongly ignores animatedness of new Thing.
-            pos_clear = (0 == len([id for id in world_db["Things"]
-                                   if world_db["Things"][id]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]
-                                   if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] == y
-                                   if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] == x]))
-            if pos_clear:
-                break
-        return (y, x)
-    val = integer_test(seed_string, 0, 4294967295)
-    if None == val:
-        return
-    rand.seed = val
-    player_will_be_generated = False
-    playertype = world_db["PLAYER_TYPE"]
-    for ThingType in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
-        if playertype == ThingType:
-            if 0 < world_db["ThingTypes"][ThingType]["TT_START_NUMBER"]:
-                player_will_be_generated = True
-            break
-    if not player_will_be_generated:
-        print("Ignoring: No player type with start number >0 defined.")
-        return
-    wait_action = False
-    for ThingAction in world_db["ThingActions"]:
-        if "wait" == world_db["ThingActions"][ThingAction]["TA_NAME"]:
-            wait_action = True
-    if not wait_action:
-        print("Ignoring beyond SEED_MAP: " +
-              "No thing action with name 'wait' defined.")
-        return
-    world_db["Things"] = {}
-    make_map()
-    world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] = 1
-    world_db["TURN"] = 1
-    for i in range(world_db["ThingTypes"][playertype]["TT_START_NUMBER"]):
-        id = id_setter(-1, "Things")
-        world_db["Things"][id] = new_Thing(playertype, free_pos())
-    if not world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"]:
-        empty_fovmap = bytearray(b" " * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
-        world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"] = empty_fovmap
-    update_map_memory(world_db["Things"][0])
-    for type in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
-        for i in range(world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_START_NUMBER"]):
-            if type != playertype:
-                id = id_setter(-1, "Things")
-                world_db["Things"][id] = new_Thing(type, free_pos())
-    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "NEW_WORLD\n")
-def command_maplength(maplength_string):
-    """Redefine map length. Invalidate map, therefore lose all things on it."""
-    val = integer_test(maplength_string, 1, 256)
-    if None != val:
-        world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] = val
-        world_db["MAP"] = False
-        set_world_inactive()
-        world_db["Things"] = {}
-        libpr.set_maplength(val)
-def command_worldactive(worldactive_string):
-    """Toggle world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] if possible.
-    An active world can always be set inactive. An inactive world can only be
-    set active with a "wait" ThingAction, and a player Thing (of ID 0), and a
-    map. On activation, rebuild all Things' FOVs, and the player's map memory.
-    """
-    val = integer_test(worldactive_string, 0, 1)
-    if None != val:
-        if 0 != world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
-            if 0 == val:
-                set_world_inactive()
-            else:
-                print("World already active.")
-        elif 0 == world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
-            wait_exists = False
-            for ThingAction in world_db["ThingActions"]:
-                if "wait" == world_db["ThingActions"][ThingAction]["TA_NAME"]:
-                    wait_exists = True
-                    break
-            player_exists = False
-            for Thing in world_db["Things"]:
-                if 0 == Thing:
-                    player_exists = True
-                    break
-            if wait_exists and player_exists and world_db["MAP"]:
-                for id in world_db["Things"]:
-                    if world_db["Things"][id]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-                        build_fov_map(world_db["Things"][id])
-                        if 0 == id:
-                            update_map_memory(world_db["Things"][id], False)
-                if not world_db["Things"][0]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-                    empty_fovmap = bytearray(b" " * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
-                    world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"] = empty_fovmap
-                world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] = 1
-            else:
-                print("Ignoring: Not all conditions for world activation met.")
-def test_for_id_maker(object, category):
-    """Return decorator testing for object having "id" attribute."""
-    def decorator(f):
-        def helper(*args):
-            if hasattr(object, "id"):
-                f(*args)
-            else:
-                print("Ignoring: No " + category +
-                      " defined to manipulate yet.")
-        return helper
-    return decorator
-def command_tid(id_string):
-    """Set ID of Thing to manipulate. ID unused? Create new one.
-    Default new Thing's type to the first available ThingType, others: zero.
-    """
-    id = id_setter(id_string, "Things", command_tid)
-    if None != id:
-        if world_db["ThingTypes"] == {}:
-            print("Ignoring: No ThingType to settle new Thing in.")
-            return
-        type = list(world_db["ThingTypes"].keys())[0]
-        world_db["Things"][id] = new_Thing(type)
-test_Thing_id = test_for_id_maker(command_tid, "Thing")
-def command_tcommand(str_int):
-    """Set T_COMMAND of selected Thing."""
-    val = integer_test(str_int, 0)
-    if None != val:
-        if 0 == val or val in world_db["ThingActions"]:
-            world_db["Things"][]["T_COMMAND"] = val
-        else:
-            print("Ignoring: ThingAction ID belongs to no known ThingAction.")
-def command_ttype(str_int):
-    """Set T_TYPE of selected Thing."""
-    val = integer_test(str_int, 0)
-    if None != val:
-        if val in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
-            world_db["Things"][]["T_TYPE"] = val
-        else:
-            print("Ignoring: ThingType ID belongs to no known ThingType.")
-def command_tcarries(str_int):
-    """Append int(str_int) to T_CARRIES of selected Thing.
-    The ID int(str_int) must not be of the selected Thing, and must belong to a
-    Thing with unset "carried" flag. Its "carried" flag will be set on owning.
-    """
-    val = integer_test(str_int, 0)
-    if None != val:
-        if val ==
-            print("Ignoring: Thing cannot carry itself.")
-        elif val in world_db["Things"] \
-                and not world_db["Things"][val]["carried"]:
-            world_db["Things"][]["T_CARRIES"].append(val)
-            world_db["Things"][val]["carried"] = True
-        else:
-            print("Ignoring: Thing not available for carrying.")
-    # Note that the whole carrying structure is different from the C version:
-    # Carried-ness is marked by a "carried" flag, not by Things containing
-    # Things internally.
-def command_tmemthing(str_t, str_y, str_x):
-    """Add (int(str_t), int(str_y), int(str_x)) to selected Thing's T_MEMTHING.
-    The type must fit to an existing ThingType, and the position into the map.
-    """
-    type = integer_test(str_t, 0)
-    posy = integer_test(str_y, 0, 255)
-    posx = integer_test(str_x, 0, 255)
-    if None != type and None != posy and None != posx:
-        if type not in world_db["ThingTypes"] \
-           or posy >= world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] or posx >= world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]:
-            print("Ignoring: Illegal value for thing type or position.")
-        else:
-            memthing = (type, posy, posx)
-            world_db["Things"][]["T_MEMTHING"].append(memthing)
-def setter_map(maptype):
-    """Set (world or Thing's) map of maptype's int(str_int)-th line to mapline.
-    If no map of maptype exists yet, initialize it with ' ' bytes first.
-    """
-    def valid_map_line(str_int, mapline):
-        val = integer_test(str_int, 0, 255)
-        if None != val:
-            if val >= world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]:
-                print("Illegal value for map line number.")
-            elif len(mapline) != world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]:
-                print("Map line length is unequal map width.")
-            else:
-                return val
-        return None
-    def nonThingMap_helper(str_int, mapline):
-        val = valid_map_line(str_int, mapline)
-        if None != val:
-            length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-            if not world_db["MAP"]:
-                map = bytearray(b' ' * (length ** 2))
-            else:
-                map = world_db["MAP"]
-            map[val * length:(val * length) + length] = mapline.encode()
-            if not world_db["MAP"]:
-                world_db["MAP"] = map
-    @test_Thing_id
-    def ThingMap_helper(str_int, mapline):
-        val = valid_map_line(str_int, mapline)
-        if None != val:
-            length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
-            if not world_db["Things"][][maptype]:
-                map = bytearray(b' ' * (length ** 2))
-            else:
-                map = world_db["Things"][][maptype]
-            map[val * length:(val * length) + length] = mapline.encode()
-            if not world_db["Things"][][maptype]:
-                world_db["Things"][][maptype] = map
-    return nonThingMap_helper if maptype == "MAP" else ThingMap_helper
-def setter_tpos(axis):
-    """Generate setter for T_POSX or  T_POSY of selected Thing.
-    If world is active, rebuilds animate things' fovmap, player's memory map.
-    """
-    @test_Thing_id
-    def helper(str_int):
-        val = integer_test(str_int, 0, 255)
-        if None != val:
-            if val < world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]:
-                world_db["Things"][]["T_POS" + axis] = val
-                if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] \
-                   and world_db["Things"][]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
-                    build_fov_map(world_db["Things"][])
-                    if 0 ==
-                        update_map_memory(world_db["Things"][])
-            else:
-                print("Ignoring: Position is outside of map.")
-    return helper
-def command_ttid(id_string):
-    """Set ID of ThingType to manipulate. ID unused? Create new one.
-    Default new ThingType's TT_SYMBOL to "?", TT_CORPSE_ID to self, TT_TOOL to
-    "", others: 0. 
-    """
-    id = id_setter(id_string, "ThingTypes", command_ttid)
-    if None != id:
-        world_db["ThingTypes"][id] = {
-            "TT_NAME": "(none)",
-            "TT_TOOLPOWER": 0,
-            "TT_LIFEPOINTS": 0,
-            "TT_PROLIFERATE": 0,
-            "TT_START_NUMBER": 0,
-            "TT_SYMBOL": "?",
-            "TT_CORPSE_ID": id,
-            "TT_TOOL": ""
-        }
-test_ThingType_id = test_for_id_maker(command_ttid, "ThingType")
-def command_ttname(name):
-    """Set TT_NAME of selected ThingType."""
-    world_db["ThingTypes"][]["TT_NAME"] = name
-def command_tttool(name):
-    """Set TT_TOOL of selected ThingType."""
-    world_db["ThingTypes"][]["TT_TOOL"] = name
-def command_ttsymbol(char):
-    """Set TT_SYMBOL of selected ThingType. """
-    if 1 == len(char):
-        world_db["ThingTypes"][]["TT_SYMBOL"] = char
-    else:
-        print("Ignoring: Argument must be single character.")
-def command_ttcorpseid(str_int):
-    """Set TT_CORPSE_ID of selected ThingType."""
-    val = integer_test(str_int, 0)
-    if None != val:
-        if val in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
-            world_db["ThingTypes"][]["TT_CORPSE_ID"] = val
-        else:
-            print("Ignoring: Corpse ID belongs to no known ThignType.")
-def command_taid(id_string):
-    """Set ID of ThingAction to manipulate. ID unused? Create new one.
-    Default new ThingAction's TA_EFFORT to 1, its TA_NAME to "wait".
-    """
-    id = id_setter(id_string, "ThingActions", command_taid, True)
-    if None != id:
-        world_db["ThingActions"][id] = {
-            "TA_EFFORT": 1,
-            "TA_NAME": "wait"
-        }
-test_ThingAction_id = test_for_id_maker(command_taid, "ThingAction")
-def command_taname(name):
-    """Set TA_NAME of selected ThingAction.
-    The name must match a valid thing action function. If after the name
-    setting no ThingAction with name "wait" remains, call set_world_inactive().
-    """
-    if name == "wait" or name == "move" or name == "use" or name == "drop" \
-       or name == "pick_up":
-        world_db["ThingActions"][]["TA_NAME"] = name
-        if 1 == world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
-            wait_defined = False
-            for id in world_db["ThingActions"]:
-                if "wait" == world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"]:
-                    wait_defined = True
-                    break
-            if not wait_defined:
-                set_world_inactive()
-    else:
-        print("Ignoring: Invalid action name.")
-    # In contrast to the original,naming won't map a function to a ThingAction.
-def command_ai():
-    """Call ai() on player Thing, then turn_over()."""
-    ai(world_db["Things"][0])
-    turn_over()
-"""Commands database.
-Map command start tokens to ([0]) number of expected command arguments, ([1])
-the command's meta-ness (i.e. is it to be written to the record file, is it to
-be ignored in replay mode if read from server input file), and ([2]) a function
-to be called on it.
-commands_db = {
-    "PLUGIN": (1, True, command_plugin),
-    "QUIT": (0, True, command_quit),
-    "PING": (0, True, command_ping),
-    "THINGS_HERE": (2, True, command_thingshere),
-    "MAKE_WORLD": (1, False, command_makeworld),
-    "SEED_RANDOMNESS": (1, False, command_seedrandomness),
-    "TURN": (1, False, setter(None, "TURN", 0, 65535)),
-    "PLAYER_TYPE": (1, False, setter(None, "PLAYER_TYPE", 0)),
-    "MAP_LENGTH": (1, False, command_maplength),
-    "WORLD_ACTIVE": (1, False, command_worldactive),
-    "MAP": (2, False, setter_map("MAP")),
-    "TA_ID": (1, False, command_taid),
-    "TA_EFFORT": (1, False, setter("ThingAction", "TA_EFFORT", 0, 255)),
-    "TA_NAME": (1, False, command_taname),
-    "TT_ID": (1, False, command_ttid),
-    "TT_NAME": (1, False, command_ttname),
-    "TT_TOOL": (1, False, command_tttool),
-    "TT_SYMBOL": (1, False, command_ttsymbol),
-    "TT_CORPSE_ID": (1, False, command_ttcorpseid),
-    "TT_TOOLPOWER": (1, False, setter("ThingType", "TT_TOOLPOWER", 0, 65535)),
-    "TT_START_NUMBER": (1, False, setter("ThingType", "TT_START_NUMBER",
-                                         0, 255)),
-    "TT_PROLIFERATE": (1, False, setter("ThingType", "TT_PROLIFERATE",
-                                        0, 65535)),
-    "TT_LIFEPOINTS": (1, False, setter("ThingType", "TT_LIFEPOINTS", 0, 255)),
-    "T_ID": (1, False, command_tid),
-    "T_ARGUMENT": (1, False, setter("Thing", "T_ARGUMENT", 0, 255)),
-    "T_PROGRESS": (1, False, setter("Thing", "T_PROGRESS", 0, 255)),
-    "T_LIFEPOINTS": (1, False, setter("Thing", "T_LIFEPOINTS", 0, 255)),
-    "T_SATIATION": (1, False, setter("Thing", "T_SATIATION", -32768, 32767)),
-    "T_COMMAND": (1, False, command_tcommand),
-    "T_TYPE": (1, False, command_ttype),
-    "T_CARRIES": (1, False, command_tcarries),
-    "T_MEMMAP": (2, False, setter_map("T_MEMMAP")),
-    "T_MEMDEPTHMAP": (2, False, setter_map("T_MEMDEPTHMAP")),
-    "T_MEMTHING": (3, False, command_tmemthing),
-    "T_POSY": (1, False, setter_tpos("Y")),
-    "T_POSX": (1, False, setter_tpos("X")),
-    "wait": (0, False, play_wait),
-    "move": (1, False, play_move),
-    "pick_up": (0, False, play_pickup),
-    "drop": (1, False, play_drop),
-    "use": (1, False, play_use),
-    "ai": (0, False, command_ai)
-# TODO: Unhandled cases: (Un-)killing animates (esp. player!) with T_LIFEPOINTS.
+from import cleanup_server_io
-    libpr = prep_library()
-    rand = RandomnessIO()
-    opts = parse_command_line_arguments()
+    from server.utils import opts
+    from import io_db
     if opts.savefile:
         io_db["path_save"] = opts.savefile
         io_db["path_record"] = "record_" + opts.savefile
+    from import setup_server_io
     if opts.verbose:
         io_db["verbose"] = True
+    import os
+    from server.config.world_data import world_db
+    from import read_command, try_worldstate_update, obey
     if None != opts.replay:
diff --git a/server/ b/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6031387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+from server.config.world_data import world_db
+from import log
+def actor_wait(t):
+    """Make t do nothing (but loudly, if player avatar)."""
+    if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
+        log("You wait")
+def actor_move(t):
+    """If passable, move/collide(=attack) thing into T_ARGUMENT's direction."""
+    from import build_fov_map, decrement_lifepoints
+    from server.utils import mv_yx_in_dir_legal
+    from server.config.world_data import directions_db
+    passable = False
+    move_result = mv_yx_in_dir_legal(chr(t["T_ARGUMENT"]),
+                                     t["T_POSY"], t["T_POSX"])
+    if 1 == move_result[0]:
+        pos = (move_result[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + move_result[2]
+        hitted = [id for id in world_db["Things"]
+                  if world_db["Things"][id] != t
+                  if world_db["Things"][id]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]
+                  if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] == move_result[1]
+                  if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] == move_result[2]]
+        if len(hitted):
+            hit_id = hitted[0]
+            if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
+                hitted_type = world_db["Things"][hit_id]["T_TYPE"]
+                hitted_name = world_db["ThingTypes"][hitted_type]["TT_NAME"]
+                log("You WOUND" + hitted_name + ".")
+            elif 0 == hit_id:
+                hitter_name = world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_NAME"]
+                log(hitter_name +" WOUNDS you.")
+            decrement_lifepoints(world_db["Things"][hit_id])
+            return
+        passable = "." == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos])
+    dir = [dir for dir in directions_db
+           if directions_db[dir] == chr(t["T_ARGUMENT"])][0]
+    if passable:
+        t["T_POSY"] = move_result[1]
+        t["T_POSX"] = move_result[2]
+        for id in t["T_CARRIES"]:
+            world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] = move_result[1]
+            world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] = move_result[2]
+        build_fov_map(t)
+        if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
+            log("You MOVE " + dir + ".")
+def actor_pick_up(t):
+    """Make t pick up (topmost?) Thing from ground into inventory.
+    Define topmostness by how low the thing's type ID is.
+    """
+    ids = [id for id in world_db["Things"] if world_db["Things"][id] != t
+           if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
+           if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] == t["T_POSY"]
+           if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] == t["T_POSX"]]
+    if len(ids):
+        lowest_tid = -1
+        for iid in ids:
+            tid = world_db["Things"][iid]["T_TYPE"]
+            if lowest_tid == -1 or tid < lowest_tid:
+                id = iid
+                lowest_tid = tid
+        world_db["Things"][id]["carried"] = True
+        t["T_CARRIES"].append(id)
+        if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
+                log("You PICK UP an object.")
+def actor_drop(t):
+    """Make t rop Thing from inventory to ground indexed by T_ARGUMENT."""
+    # TODO: Handle case where T_ARGUMENT matches nothing.
+    if len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
+        id = t["T_CARRIES"][t["T_ARGUMENT"]]
+        t["T_CARRIES"].remove(id)
+        world_db["Things"][id]["carried"] = False
+        if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
+            log("You DROP an object.")
+def actor_use(t):
+    """Make t use (for now: consume) T_ARGUMENT-indexed Thing in inventory."""
+    # TODO: Handle case where T_ARGUMENT matches nothing.
+    if len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
+        id = t["T_CARRIES"][t["T_ARGUMENT"]]
+        type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
+        if world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOL"] == "food":
+            t["T_CARRIES"].remove(id)
+            del world_db["Things"][id]
+            t["T_SATIATION"] += world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOLPOWER"]
+            if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
+                log("You CONSUME this object.")
+        elif t == world_db["Things"][0]:
+            log("You try to use this object, but FAIL.")
diff --git a/server/ b/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d5fc8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+from server.config.world_data import world_db
+def eat_vs_hunger_threshold(thingtype):
+    """Return satiation cost of eating for type. Good food for it must be >."""
+    from import hunger_per_turn
+    hunger_unit = hunger_per_turn(thingtype)
+    actiontype = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
+               if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"] == "use"][0]
+    return world_db["ThingActions"][actiontype]["TA_EFFORT"] * hunger_unit
+def get_dir_to_target(t, filter):
+    """Try to set T_COMMAND/T_ARGUMENT for move to "filter"-determined target.
+    The path-wise nearest target is chosen, via the shortest available path.
+    Target must not be t. On succcess, return positive value, else False.
+    Filters:
+    "a": Thing in FOV is animate, but of ThingType, starts out weaker than t
+         is, and its corpse would be healthy food for t
+    "f": move away from an enemy – any visible actor whose thing type has more
+         TT_LIFEPOINTS than t LIFEPOINTS, and might find t's corpse healthy
+         food – if it is closer than n steps, where n will shrink as t's hunger
+         grows; if enemy is too close, move towards (attack) the enemy instead;
+         if no fleeing is possible, nor attacking useful, wait; don't tread on
+         non-enemies for fleeing
+    "c": Thing in memorized map is consumable of sufficient nutrition for t
+    "s": memory map cell with greatest-reachable degree of unexploredness
+    """
+    from server.utils import rand, libpr, c_pointer_to_bytearray
+    def zero_score_map_where_char_on_memdepthmap(c):
+        # for i in [i for i in range(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
+        #           if t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][i] == mem_depth_c[0]]:
+        #     set_map_score(i, 0)
+        map = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"])
+        if libpr.zero_score_map_where_char_on_memdepthmap(c, map):
+            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for "
+                               "zero_score_map_where_char_on_memdepthmap().")
+    def set_map_score_at_thingpos(id, score):
+        pos = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] \
+                                     + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]
+        set_map_score(pos, score)
+    def set_map_score(pos, score):
+        test = libpr.set_map_score(pos, score)
+        if test:
+            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for set_map_score().")
+    def get_map_score(pos):
+        result = libpr.get_map_score(pos)
+        if result < 0:
+            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for get_map_score().")
+        return result
+    def animate_in_fov(Thing):
+        if Thing["carried"] or Thing == t or not Thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+            return False
+        pos = Thing["T_POSY"] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + Thing["T_POSX"]
+        if ord("v") == t["fovmap"][pos]:
+            return True
+    def good_attack_target(v):
+        eat_cost = eat_vs_hunger_threshold(t["T_TYPE"])
+        type = world_db["ThingTypes"][v["T_TYPE"]]
+        type_corpse = world_db["ThingTypes"][type["TT_CORPSE_ID"]]
+        if t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] > type["TT_LIFEPOINTS"] \
+        and type_corpse["TT_TOOL"] == "food" \
+        and type_corpse["TT_TOOLPOWER"] > eat_cost:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def good_flee_target(m):
+        own_corpse_id = world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_CORPSE_ID"]
+        corpse_type = world_db["ThingTypes"][own_corpse_id]
+        targetness = 0 if corpse_type["TT_TOOL"] != "food" \
+                       else corpse_type["TT_TOOLPOWER"]
+        type = world_db["ThingTypes"][m["T_TYPE"]]
+        if t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] < type["TT_LIFEPOINTS"] \
+        and targetness > eat_vs_hunger_threshold(m["T_TYPE"]):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def seeing_thing():
+        if t["fovmap"] and "a" == filter:
+            for id in world_db["Things"]:
+                if animate_in_fov(world_db["Things"][id]):
+                    if good_attack_target(world_db["Things"][id]):
+                        return True
+        elif t["fovmap"] and "f" == filter:
+            for id in world_db["Things"]:
+                if animate_in_fov(world_db["Things"][id]):
+                    if good_flee_target(world_db["Things"][id]):
+                        return True
+        elif t["T_MEMMAP"] and "c" == filter:
+            eat_cost = eat_vs_hunger_threshold(t["T_TYPE"])
+            for mt in t["T_MEMTHING"]:
+                if ' ' != chr(t["T_MEMMAP"][(mt[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"])
+                                            + mt[2]]) \
+                   and world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_TOOL"] == "food" \
+                   and world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_TOOLPOWER"] \
+                       > eat_cost:
+                    return True
+        return False
+    def set_cells_passable_on_memmap_to_65534_on_scoremap():
+        # ord_dot = ord(".")
+        # memmap = t["T_MEMMAP"]
+        # for i in [i for i in range(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
+        #            if ord_dot == memmap[i]]:
+        #     set_map_score(i, 65534) # i.e. 65535-1
+        map = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["T_MEMMAP"])
+        if libpr.set_cells_passable_on_memmap_to_65534_on_scoremap(map):
+            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for set_cells_passable"
+                               "_on_memmap_to_65534_on_scoremap().")
+    def init_score_map():
+        test = libpr.init_score_map()
+        if test:
+            raise RuntimeError("Malloc error in init_score_map().")
+        ord_v = ord("v")
+        ord_blank = ord(" ")
+        set_cells_passable_on_memmap_to_65534_on_scoremap()
+        if "a" == filter:
+            for id in world_db["Things"]:
+                if animate_in_fov(world_db["Things"][id]) \
+                and good_attack_target(world_db["Things"][id]):
+                    set_map_score_at_thingpos(id, 0)
+        elif "f" == filter:
+            for id in world_db["Things"]:
+                if animate_in_fov(world_db["Things"][id]) \
+                and good_flee_target(world_db["Things"][id]):
+                    set_map_score_at_thingpos(id, 0)
+        elif "c" == filter:
+            eat_cost = eat_vs_hunger_threshold(t["T_TYPE"])
+            for mt in [mt for mt in t["T_MEMTHING"]
+                       if ord_blank != t["T_MEMMAP"][mt[1]
+                                                     * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+                                                     + mt[2]]
+                       if world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_TOOL"] == "food"
+                       if world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_TOOLPOWER"]
+                           > eat_cost]:
+                set_map_score(mt[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + mt[2], 0)
+        elif "s" == filter:
+            zero_score_map_where_char_on_memdepthmap(mem_depth_c[0])
+        if "a" != filter:
+            for id in world_db["Things"]:
+                if animate_in_fov(world_db["Things"][id]):
+                    if "f" == filter:
+                        pos = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] \
+                              * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] \
+                              + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]
+                        if 0 == get_map_score(pos):
+                            continue
+                    set_map_score_at_thingpos(id, 65535)
+    def rand_target_dir(neighbors, cmp, dirs):
+        candidates = []
+        n_candidates = 0
+        for i in range(len(dirs)):
+            if cmp == neighbors[i]:
+                candidates.append(dirs[i])
+                n_candidates += 1
+        return candidates[ % n_candidates] if n_candidates else 0
+    def get_neighbor_scores(dirs, eye_pos):
+        scores = []
+        if libpr.ready_neighbor_scores(eye_pos):
+            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for " +
+                               "ready_neighbor_scores.()")
+        for i in range(len(dirs)):
+            scores.append(libpr.get_neighbor_score(i))
+        return scores
+    def get_dir_from_neighbors():
+        import math
+        dir_to_target = False
+        dirs = "edcxsw"
+        eye_pos = t["T_POSY"] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + t["T_POSX"]
+        neighbors = get_neighbor_scores(dirs, eye_pos)
+        minmax_start = 0 if "f" == filter else 65535 - 1
+        minmax_neighbor = minmax_start
+        for i in range(len(dirs)):
+            if ("f" == filter and get_map_score(eye_pos) < neighbors[i] and
+                minmax_neighbor < neighbors[i] and 65535 != neighbors[i]) \
+               or ("f" != filter and minmax_neighbor > neighbors[i]):
+                minmax_neighbor = neighbors[i]
+        if minmax_neighbor != minmax_start:
+            dir_to_target = rand_target_dir(neighbors, minmax_neighbor, dirs)
+        if "f" == filter:
+            distance = get_map_score(eye_pos)
+            fear_distance = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+            if t["T_SATIATION"] < 0 and math.sqrt(-t["T_SATIATION"]) > 0:
+                fear_distance = fear_distance / math.sqrt(-t["T_SATIATION"])
+            attack_distance = 1
+            if not dir_to_target:
+                if attack_distance >= distance:
+                    dir_to_target = rand_target_dir(neighbors,
+                                                    distance - 1, dirs)
+                elif fear_distance >= distance:
+                    t["T_COMMAND"] = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
+                                      if
+                                      world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"]
+                                      == "wait"][0]
+                    return 1
+            elif dir_to_target and fear_distance < distance:
+                dir_to_target = 0
+        return dir_to_target
+    dir_to_target = False
+    mem_depth_c = b' '
+    run_i = 9 + 1 if "s" == filter else 1
+    while run_i and not dir_to_target and ("s" == filter or seeing_thing()):
+        run_i -= 1
+        init_score_map()
+        mem_depth_c = b'9' if b' ' == mem_depth_c \
+            else bytes([mem_depth_c[0] - 1])
+        if libpr.dijkstra_map():
+            raise RuntimeError("No score map allocated for dijkstra_map().")
+        dir_to_target = get_dir_from_neighbors()
+        libpr.free_score_map()
+        if dir_to_target and str == type(dir_to_target):
+            t["T_COMMAND"] = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
+                              if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"]
+                              == "move"][0]
+            t["T_ARGUMENT"] = ord(dir_to_target)
+    return dir_to_target
+def standing_on_food(t):
+    """Return True/False whether t is standing on healthy consumable."""
+    eat_cost = eat_vs_hunger_threshold(t["T_TYPE"])
+    for id in [id for id in world_db["Things"] if world_db["Things"][id] != t
+               if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
+               if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] == t["T_POSY"]
+               if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] == t["T_POSX"]
+               if world_db["ThingTypes"][world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]]
+                  ["TT_TOOL"] == "food"
+               if world_db["ThingTypes"][world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]]
+                  ["TT_TOOLPOWER"] > eat_cost]:
+        return True
+    return False
+def get_inventory_slot_to_consume(t):
+    """Return invent. slot of healthiest consumable(if any healthy),else -1."""
+    cmp_food = -1
+    selection = -1
+    i = 0
+    eat_cost = eat_vs_hunger_threshold(t["T_TYPE"])
+    for id in t["T_CARRIES"]:
+        type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
+        if world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOL"] == "food" \
+           and world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOLPOWER"]:
+            nutvalue = world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOLPOWER"]
+            tmp_cmp = abs(t["T_SATIATION"] + nutvalue - eat_cost)
+            if (cmp_food < 0 and tmp_cmp < abs(t["T_SATIATION"])) \
+            or tmp_cmp < cmp_food:
+                cmp_food = tmp_cmp
+                selection = i
+        i += 1
+    return selection
+def ai(t):
+    """Determine next command/argment for actor t via AI algorithms."""
+    t["T_COMMAND"] = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
+                      if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"] == "wait"][0]
+    if get_dir_to_target(t, "f"):
+        return
+    sel = get_inventory_slot_to_consume(t)
+    if -1 != sel:
+        t["T_COMMAND"] = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
+                          if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"]
+                             == "use"][0]
+        t["T_ARGUMENT"] = sel
+    elif standing_on_food(t):
+            t["T_COMMAND"] = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
+                              if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"]
+                              == "pick_up"][0]
+    else:
+        going_to_known_food_spot = get_dir_to_target(t, "c")
+        if not going_to_known_food_spot:
+            aiming_for_walking_food = get_dir_to_target(t, "a")
+            if not aiming_for_walking_food:
+                get_dir_to_target(t, "s")
diff --git a/server/ b/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb20415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+from server.config.world_data import world_db
+from import io_db
+from import log, strong_write 
+from server.utils import integer_test, id_setter
+from import build_fov_map, update_map_memory, set_world_inactive,\
+        turn_over
+def command_plugin(str_plugin):
+    """Run code in plugins/[str_plugin]."""
+    import os
+    if (str_plugin.replace("_", "").isalnum()
+        and os.access("plugins/" + str_plugin, os.F_OK)):
+        exec(open("plugins/" + str_plugin).read())
+        return
+    print("Bad plugin name:", str_plugin)
+def command_ping():
+    """Send PONG line to server output file."""
+    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "PONG\n")
+def command_quit():
+    """Abort server process."""
+    from import save_world, atomic_write
+    from server.utils import opts
+    if None == opts.replay:
+        if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
+            save_world()
+        atomic_write(io_db["path_record"], io_db["record_chunk"],
+            do_append=True)
+    raise SystemExit("received QUIT command")
+def command_thingshere(str_y, str_x):
+    """Write to out file list of Things known to player at coordinate y, x."""
+    if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
+        y = integer_test(str_y, 0, 255)
+        x = integer_test(str_x, 0, 255)
+        length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+        if None != y and None != x and y < length and x < length:
+            pos = (y * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + x
+            strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "THINGS_HERE START\n")
+            if "v" == chr(world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"][pos]):
+                for id in [id for tid in sorted(list(world_db["ThingTypes"]))
+                              for id in world_db["Things"]
+                              if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
+                              if world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"] == tid
+                              if y == world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"]
+                              if x == world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]]:
+                    type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
+                    name = world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_NAME"]
+                    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], name + "\n")
+            else:
+                for mt in [mt for tid in sorted(list(world_db["ThingTypes"]))
+                              for mt in world_db["Things"][0]["T_MEMTHING"]
+                              if mt[0] == tid if y == mt[1] if x == mt[2]]:
+                    name = world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_NAME"]
+                    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], name + "\n")
+            strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "THINGS_HERE END\n")
+        else:
+            print("Ignoring: Invalid map coordinates.")
+    else:
+        print("Ignoring: Command only works on existing worlds.")
+def command_seedrandomness(seed_string):
+    """Set rand seed to int(seed_string)."""
+    from server.utils import rand
+    val = integer_test(seed_string, 0, 4294967295)
+    if None != val:
+        rand.seed = val
+def command_makeworld(seed_string):
+    """Call make_world()."""
+    val = integer_test(seed_string, 0, 4294967295)
+    if None != val:
+        from import make_world
+        make_world(val)
+def command_maplength(maplength_string):
+    """Redefine map length. Invalidate map, therefore lose all things on it."""
+    val = integer_test(maplength_string, 1, 256)
+    if None != val:
+        from server.utils import libpr
+        world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] = val
+        world_db["MAP"] = False
+        set_world_inactive()
+        world_db["Things"] = {}
+        libpr.set_maplength(val)
+def command_worldactive(worldactive_string):
+    """Toggle world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] if possible.
+    An active world can always be set inactive. An inactive world can only be
+    set active with a "wait" ThingAction, and a player Thing (of ID 0), and a
+    map. On activation, rebuild all Things' FOVs, and the player's map memory.
+    """
+    val = integer_test(worldactive_string, 0, 1)
+    if None != val:
+        if 0 != world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
+            if 0 == val:
+                set_world_inactive()
+            else:
+                print("World already active.")
+        elif 0 == world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
+            wait_exists = False
+            for ThingAction in world_db["ThingActions"]:
+                if "wait" == world_db["ThingActions"][ThingAction]["TA_NAME"]:
+                    wait_exists = True
+                    break
+            player_exists = False
+            for Thing in world_db["Things"]:
+                if 0 == Thing:
+                    player_exists = True
+                    break
+            if wait_exists and player_exists and world_db["MAP"]:
+                for id in world_db["Things"]:
+                    if world_db["Things"][id]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+                        build_fov_map(world_db["Things"][id])
+                        if 0 == id:
+                            update_map_memory(world_db["Things"][id], False)
+                if not world_db["Things"][0]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+                    empty_fovmap = bytearray(b" " * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
+                    world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"] = empty_fovmap
+                world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] = 1
+            else:
+                print("Ignoring: Not all conditions for world activation met.")
+def command_tid(id_string):
+    """Set ID of Thing to manipulate. ID unused? Create new one.
+    Default new Thing's type to the first available ThingType, others: zero.
+    """
+    id = id_setter(id_string, "Things", command_tid)
+    if None != id:
+        if world_db["ThingTypes"] == {}:
+            print("Ignoring: No ThingType to settle new Thing in.")
+            return
+        type = list(world_db["ThingTypes"].keys())[0]
+        from import new_Thing
+        world_db["Things"][id] = new_Thing(type)
+def command_ttid(id_string):
+    """Set ID of ThingType to manipulate. ID unused? Create new one.
+    Default new ThingType's TT_SYMBOL to "?", TT_CORPSE_ID to self, TT_TOOL to
+    "", others: 0. 
+    """
+    id = id_setter(id_string, "ThingTypes", command_ttid)
+    if None != id:
+        world_db["ThingTypes"][id] = {
+            "TT_NAME": "(none)",
+            "TT_TOOLPOWER": 0,
+            "TT_LIFEPOINTS": 0,
+            "TT_PROLIFERATE": 0,
+            "TT_START_NUMBER": 0,
+            "TT_SYMBOL": "?",
+            "TT_CORPSE_ID": id,
+            "TT_TOOL": ""
+        }
+def command_taid(id_string):
+    """Set ID of ThingAction to manipulate. ID unused? Create new one.
+    Default new ThingAction's TA_EFFORT to 1, its TA_NAME to "wait".
+    """
+    id = id_setter(id_string, "ThingActions", command_taid, True)
+    if None != id:
+        world_db["ThingActions"][id] = {
+            "TA_EFFORT": 1,
+            "TA_NAME": "wait"
+        }
+def test_for_id_maker(object, category):
+    """Return decorator testing for object having "id" attribute."""
+    def decorator(f):
+        def helper(*args):
+            if hasattr(object, "id"):
+                f(*args)
+            else:
+                print("Ignoring: No " + category +
+                      " defined to manipulate yet.")
+        return helper
+    return decorator
+test_Thing_id = test_for_id_maker(command_tid, "Thing")
+test_ThingType_id = test_for_id_maker(command_ttid, "ThingType")
+test_ThingAction_id = test_for_id_maker(command_taid, "ThingAction")
+def command_tcommand(str_int):
+    """Set T_COMMAND of selected Thing."""
+    val = integer_test(str_int, 0)
+    if None != val:
+        if 0 == val or val in world_db["ThingActions"]:
+            world_db["Things"][]["T_COMMAND"] = val
+        else:
+            print("Ignoring: ThingAction ID belongs to no known ThingAction.")
+def command_ttype(str_int):
+    """Set T_TYPE of selected Thing."""
+    val = integer_test(str_int, 0)
+    if None != val:
+        if val in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
+            world_db["Things"][]["T_TYPE"] = val
+        else:
+            print("Ignoring: ThingType ID belongs to no known ThingType.")
+def command_tcarries(str_int):
+    """Append int(str_int) to T_CARRIES of selected Thing.
+    The ID int(str_int) must not be of the selected Thing, and must belong to a
+    Thing with unset "carried" flag. Its "carried" flag will be set on owning.
+    """
+    val = integer_test(str_int, 0)
+    if None != val:
+        if val ==
+            print("Ignoring: Thing cannot carry itself.")
+        elif val in world_db["Things"] \
+                and not world_db["Things"][val]["carried"]:
+            world_db["Things"][]["T_CARRIES"].append(val)
+            world_db["Things"][val]["carried"] = True
+        else:
+            print("Ignoring: Thing not available for carrying.")
+    # Note that the whole carrying structure is different from the C version:
+    # Carried-ness is marked by a "carried" flag, not by Things containing
+    # Things internally.
+def command_tmemthing(str_t, str_y, str_x):
+    """Add (int(str_t), int(str_y), int(str_x)) to selected Thing's T_MEMTHING.
+    The type must fit to an existing ThingType, and the position into the map.
+    """
+    type = integer_test(str_t, 0)
+    posy = integer_test(str_y, 0, 255)
+    posx = integer_test(str_x, 0, 255)
+    if None != type and None != posy and None != posx:
+        if type not in world_db["ThingTypes"] \
+           or posy >= world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] or posx >= world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]:
+            print("Ignoring: Illegal value for thing type or position.")
+        else:
+            memthing = (type, posy, posx)
+            world_db["Things"][]["T_MEMTHING"].append(memthing)
+def command_ttname(name):
+    """Set TT_NAME of selected ThingType."""
+    world_db["ThingTypes"][]["TT_NAME"] = name
+def command_tttool(name):
+    """Set TT_TOOL of selected ThingType."""
+    world_db["ThingTypes"][]["TT_TOOL"] = name
+def command_ttsymbol(char):
+    """Set TT_SYMBOL of selected ThingType. """
+    if 1 == len(char):
+        world_db["ThingTypes"][]["TT_SYMBOL"] = char
+    else:
+        print("Ignoring: Argument must be single character.")
+def command_ttcorpseid(str_int):
+    """Set TT_CORPSE_ID of selected ThingType."""
+    val = integer_test(str_int, 0)
+    if None != val:
+        if val in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
+            world_db["ThingTypes"][]["TT_CORPSE_ID"] = val
+        else:
+            print("Ignoring: Corpse ID belongs to no known ThignType.")
+def command_taname(name):
+    """Set TA_NAME of selected ThingAction.
+    The name must match a valid thing action function. If after the name
+    setting no ThingAction with name "wait" remains, call set_world_inactive().
+    """
+    if name == "wait" or name == "move" or name == "use" or name == "drop" \
+       or name == "pick_up":
+        world_db["ThingActions"][]["TA_NAME"] = name
+        if 1 == world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
+            wait_defined = False
+            for id in world_db["ThingActions"]:
+                if "wait" == world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"]:
+                    wait_defined = True
+                    break
+            if not wait_defined:
+                set_world_inactive()
+    else:
+        print("Ignoring: Invalid action name.")
+    # In contrast to the original,naming won't map a function to a ThingAction.
+def setter(category, key, min, max=None):
+    """Build setter for world_db([category + "s"][id])[key] to >=min/<=max."""
+    if category is None:
+        def f(val_string):
+            val = integer_test(val_string, min, max)
+            if None != val:
+                world_db[key] = val
+    else:
+        if category == "Thing":
+            id_store = command_tid
+            decorator = test_Thing_id
+        elif category == "ThingType":
+            id_store = command_ttid
+            decorator = test_ThingType_id
+        elif category == "ThingAction":
+            id_store = command_taid
+            decorator = test_ThingAction_id
+        @decorator
+        def f(val_string):
+            val = integer_test(val_string, min, max)
+            if None != val:
+                world_db[category + "s"][][key] = val
+    return f
+def setter_map(maptype):
+    """Set (world or Thing's) map of maptype's int(str_int)-th line to mapline.
+    If no map of maptype exists yet, initialize it with ' ' bytes first.
+    """
+    def valid_map_line(str_int, mapline):
+        val = integer_test(str_int, 0, 255)
+        if None != val:
+            if val >= world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]:
+                print("Illegal value for map line number.")
+            elif len(mapline) != world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]:
+                print("Map line length is unequal map width.")
+            else:
+                return val
+        return None
+    def nonThingMap_helper(str_int, mapline):
+        val = valid_map_line(str_int, mapline)
+        if None != val:
+            length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+            if not world_db["MAP"]:
+                map = bytearray(b' ' * (length ** 2))
+            else:
+                map = world_db["MAP"]
+            map[val * length:(val * length) + length] = mapline.encode()
+            if not world_db["MAP"]:
+                world_db["MAP"] = map
+    @test_Thing_id
+    def ThingMap_helper(str_int, mapline):
+        val = valid_map_line(str_int, mapline)
+        if None != val:
+            length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+            if not world_db["Things"][][maptype]:
+                map = bytearray(b' ' * (length ** 2))
+            else:
+                map = world_db["Things"][][maptype]
+            map[val * length:(val * length) + length] = mapline.encode()
+            if not world_db["Things"][][maptype]:
+                world_db["Things"][][maptype] = map
+    return nonThingMap_helper if maptype == "MAP" else ThingMap_helper
+def setter_tpos(axis):
+    """Generate setter for T_POSX or  T_POSY of selected Thing.
+    If world is active, rebuilds animate things' fovmap, player's memory map.
+    """
+    @test_Thing_id
+    def helper(str_int):
+        val = integer_test(str_int, 0, 255)
+        if None != val:
+            if val < world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]:
+                world_db["Things"][]["T_POS" + axis] = val
+                if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] \
+                   and world_db["Things"][]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+                    build_fov_map(world_db["Things"][])
+                    if 0 ==
+                        update_map_memory(world_db["Things"][])
+            else:
+                print("Ignoring: Position is outside of map.")
+    return helper
+def set_command(action):
+    """Set player's T_COMMAND, then call turn_over()."""
+    id = [x for x in world_db["ThingActions"]
+          if world_db["ThingActions"][x]["TA_NAME"] == action][0]
+    world_db["Things"][0]["T_COMMAND"] = id
+    turn_over()
+def play_wait():
+    """Try "wait" as player's T_COMMAND."""
+    set_command("wait")
+def play_pickup():
+    """Try "pick_up" as player's T_COMMAND"."""
+    t = world_db["Things"][0]
+    ids = [id for id in world_db["Things"] if id
+           if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
+           if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] == t["T_POSY"]
+           if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] == t["T_POSX"]]
+    if not len(ids):
+         log("NOTHING to pick up.")
+    else:
+        set_command("pick_up")
+def play_drop(str_arg):
+    """Try "drop" as player's T_COMMAND, int(str_arg) as T_ARGUMENT / slot."""
+    t = world_db["Things"][0]
+    if 0 == len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
+        log("You have NOTHING to drop in your inventory.")
+    else:
+        val = integer_test(str_arg, 0, 255)
+        if None != val and val < len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
+            world_db["Things"][0]["T_ARGUMENT"] = val
+            set_command("drop")
+        else:
+            print("Illegal inventory index.")
+def play_use(str_arg):
+    """Try "use" as player's T_COMMAND, int(str_arg) as T_ARGUMENT / slot."""
+    t = world_db["Things"][0]
+    if 0 == len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
+        log("You have NOTHING to use in your inventory.")
+    else:
+        val = integer_test(str_arg, 0, 255)
+        if None != val and val < len(t["T_CARRIES"]):
+            id = t["T_CARRIES"][val]
+            type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
+            if not world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_TOOL"] == "food":
+                log("You CAN'T consume this thing.")
+                return
+            world_db["Things"][0]["T_ARGUMENT"] = val
+            set_command("use")
+        else:
+            print("Illegal inventory index.")
+def play_move(str_arg):
+    """Try "move" as player's T_COMMAND, str_arg as T_ARGUMENT / direction."""
+    from server.config.world_data import directions_db
+    t = world_db["Things"][0]
+    if not str_arg in directions_db:
+        print("Illegal move direction string.")
+        return
+    dir = ord(directions_db[str_arg])
+    from server.utils import mv_yx_in_dir_legal
+    move_result = mv_yx_in_dir_legal(chr(dir), t["T_POSY"], t["T_POSX"])
+    if 1 == move_result[0]:
+        pos = (move_result[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + move_result[2]
+        if ord(".") == world_db["MAP"][pos]:
+            world_db["Things"][0]["T_ARGUMENT"] = dir
+            set_command("move")
+            return
+    log("You CAN'T move there.")
+def command_ai():
+    """Call ai() on player Thing, then turn_over()."""
+    from import ai
+    ai(world_db["Things"][0])
+    turn_over()
diff --git a/server/config/ b/server/config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c07a9d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from server.actions import actor_wait, actor_move, actor_pick_up, actor_drop, \
+    actor_use
+action_db = {
+    "actor_wait": actor_wait,
+    "actor_move": actor_move,
+    "actor_pick_up": actor_pick_up,
+    "actor_drop": actor_drop,
+    "actor_use": actor_use
diff --git a/server/config/ b/server/config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0184051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+from server.commands import command_plugin, command_quit, command_ping, \
+    command_thingshere, command_makeworld, command_seedrandomness, setter, \
+    command_maplength, command_worldactive, setter_map, command_taid, \
+    command_taname, command_ttid, command_ttname, command_tttool, \
+    command_ttsymbol, command_ttcorpseid, command_tid, command_tcommand, \
+    command_ttype, command_tcarries, command_tmemthing, setter_tpos, \
+    play_wait, play_move, play_pickup, play_drop, play_use, command_ai
+"""Commands database.
+Map command start tokens to ([0]) number of expected command arguments, ([1])
+the command's meta-ness (i.e. is it to be written to the record file, is it to
+be ignored in replay mode if read from server input file), and ([2]) a function
+to be called on it.
+commands_db = {
+    "PLUGIN": (1, True, command_plugin),
+    "QUIT": (0, True, command_quit),
+    "PING": (0, True, command_ping),
+    "THINGS_HERE": (2, True, command_thingshere),
+    "MAKE_WORLD": (1, False, command_makeworld),
+    "SEED_RANDOMNESS": (1, False, command_seedrandomness),
+    "TURN": (1, False, setter(None, "TURN", 0, 65535)),
+    "PLAYER_TYPE": (1, False, setter(None, "PLAYER_TYPE", 0)),
+    "MAP_LENGTH": (1, False, command_maplength),
+    "WORLD_ACTIVE": (1, False, command_worldactive),
+    "MAP": (2, False, setter_map("MAP")),
+    "TA_ID": (1, False, command_taid),
+    "TA_EFFORT": (1, False, setter("ThingAction", "TA_EFFORT", 0, 255)),
+    "TA_NAME": (1, False, command_taname),
+    "TT_ID": (1, False, command_ttid),
+    "TT_NAME": (1, False, command_ttname),
+    "TT_TOOL": (1, False, command_tttool),
+    "TT_SYMBOL": (1, False, command_ttsymbol),
+    "TT_CORPSE_ID": (1, False, command_ttcorpseid),
+    "TT_TOOLPOWER": (1, False, setter("ThingType", "TT_TOOLPOWER", 0, 65535)),
+    "TT_START_NUMBER": (1, False, setter("ThingType", "TT_START_NUMBER",
+                                         0, 255)),
+    "TT_PROLIFERATE": (1, False, setter("ThingType", "TT_PROLIFERATE",
+                                        0, 65535)),
+    "TT_LIFEPOINTS": (1, False, setter("ThingType", "TT_LIFEPOINTS", 0, 255)),
+    "T_ID": (1, False, command_tid),
+    "T_ARGUMENT": (1, False, setter("Thing", "T_ARGUMENT", 0, 255)),
+    "T_PROGRESS": (1, False, setter("Thing", "T_PROGRESS", 0, 255)),
+    "T_LIFEPOINTS": (1, False, setter("Thing", "T_LIFEPOINTS", 0, 255)),
+    "T_SATIATION": (1, False, setter("Thing", "T_SATIATION", -32768, 32767)),
+    "T_COMMAND": (1, False, command_tcommand),
+    "T_TYPE": (1, False, command_ttype),
+    "T_CARRIES": (1, False, command_tcarries),
+    "T_MEMMAP": (2, False, setter_map("T_MEMMAP")),
+    "T_MEMDEPTHMAP": (2, False, setter_map("T_MEMDEPTHMAP")),
+    "T_MEMTHING": (3, False, command_tmemthing),
+    "T_POSY": (1, False, setter_tpos("Y")),
+    "T_POSX": (1, False, setter_tpos("X")),
+    "wait": (0, False, play_wait),
+    "move": (1, False, play_move),
+    "pick_up": (0, False, play_pickup),
+    "drop": (1, False, play_drop),
+    "use": (1, False, play_use),
+    "ai": (0, False, command_ai)
+# TODO: Unhandled cases: (Un-)killing animates (esp. player!) with T_LIFEPOINTS.
diff --git a/server/config/ b/server/config/
index 2f22a28..76f403c 100644
--- a/server/config/
+++ b/server/config/
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ io_db = {
     "path_worldstate": "server_run/worldstate",
     "tmp_suffix": "_tmp",
     "kicked_by_rival": False,
-    "worldstate_updateable": False
+    "worldstate_updateable": False,
+    "wait_on_read_fail": 0.03333,
+    "max_wait_on_read_fail": 5,
+    "save_wait": 15
diff --git a/server/ b/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46facb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+import os
+import time
+from server.config.world_data import world_db
+from import io_db
+def server_test():
+    """Ensure valid server out file belonging to current process.
+    This is done by comparing io_db["teststring"] to what's found at the start
+    of the current file at io_db["path_out"]. On failure, set
+    io_db["kicked_by_rival"] and raise SystemExit.
+    """
+    if not os.access(io_db["path_out"], os.F_OK):
+        raise SystemExit("Server output file has disappeared.")
+    file = open(io_db["path_out"], "r")
+    test = file.readline().rstrip("\n")
+    file.close()
+    if test != io_db["teststring"]:
+        io_db["kicked_by_rival"] = True
+        msg = "Server test string in server output file does not match. This" \
+              " indicates that the current server process has been " \
+              "superseded by another one."
+        raise SystemExit(msg)
+def safely_remove_worldstate_file():
+    from import server_test
+    if os.access(io_db["path_worldstate"], os.F_OK):
+        server_test()
+        os.remove(io_db["path_worldstate"])
+def atomic_write(path, text, do_append=False, delete=True):
+    """Atomic write of text to file at path, appended if do_append is set."""
+    path_tmp = path + io_db["tmp_suffix"]
+    mode = "w"
+    if do_append:
+        mode = "a"
+        if os.access(path, os.F_OK):
+            from shutil import copyfile 
+            copyfile(path, path_tmp)
+    file = open(path_tmp, mode)
+    strong_write(file, text)
+    file.close()
+    if delete and os.access(path, os.F_OK):
+        os.remove(path)
+    os.rename(path_tmp, path)
+def strong_write(file, string):
+    """Apply write(string), then flush()."""
+    file.write(string)
+    file.flush()
+def setup_server_io():
+    """Fill IO files DB with proper file( path)s. Write process IO test string.
+    Ensure IO files directory at server/. Remove any old input file if found.
+    Set up new input file for reading, and new output file for appending. Start
+    output file with process hash line of format PID + " " + floated UNIX time
+    (io_db["teststring"]). Raise SystemExit if file is found at path of either
+    record or save file plus io_db["tmp_suffix"].
+    """
+    def detect_atomic_leftover(path, tmp_suffix):
+        path_tmp = path + tmp_suffix
+        msg = "Found file '" + path_tmp + "' that may be a leftover from an " \
+              "aborted previous attempt to write '" + path + "'. Aborting " \
+              "until matter is resolved by removing it from its current path."
+        if os.access(path_tmp, os.F_OK):
+            raise SystemExit(msg)
+    io_db["teststring"] = str(os.getpid()) + " " + str(time.time())
+    io_db["save_wait_start"] = 0
+    io_db["verbose"] = False
+    io_db["record_chunk"] = ""
+    os.makedirs(io_db["path_server"], exist_ok=True)
+    io_db["file_out"] = open(io_db["path_out"], "a")
+    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], io_db["teststring"] + "\n")
+    if os.access(io_db["path_in"], os.F_OK):
+        os.remove(io_db["path_in"])
+    io_db["file_in"] = open(io_db["path_in"], "w")
+    io_db["file_in"].close()
+    io_db["file_in"] = open(io_db["path_in"], "r")
+    detect_atomic_leftover(io_db["path_save"], io_db["tmp_suffix"])
+    detect_atomic_leftover(io_db["path_record"], io_db["tmp_suffix"])
+def cleanup_server_io():
+    """Close and (if io_db["kicked_by_rival"] false) remove files in io_db."""
+    def helper(file_key, path_key):
+        if file_key in io_db:
+            io_db[file_key].close()
+        if not io_db["kicked_by_rival"] \
+           and os.access(io_db[path_key], os.F_OK):
+            os.remove(io_db[path_key])
+    helper("file_in", "path_in")
+    helper("file_out", "path_out")
+    helper("file_worldstate", "path_worldstate")
+    if "file_record" in io_db:
+        io_db["file_record"].close()
+def read_command():
+    """Return next newline-delimited command from server in file.
+    Keep building return string until a newline is encountered. Pause between
+    unsuccessful reads, and after too much waiting, run server_test().
+    """
+    wait_on_fail = io_db["wait_on_read_fail"]
+    max_wait = io_db["max_wait_on_read_fail"] 
+    now = time.time()
+    command = ""
+    while True:
+        add = io_db["file_in"].readline()
+        if len(add) > 0:
+            command = command + add
+            if len(command) > 0 and "\n" == command[-1]:
+                command = command[:-1]
+                break
+        else:
+            time.sleep(wait_on_fail)
+            if now + max_wait < time.time():
+                server_test()
+                now = time.time()
+    return command
+def log(msg):
+    """Send "msg" to log."""
+    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "LOG " + msg + "\n")
+def save_world():
+    """Save all commands needed to reconstruct current world state."""
+    from server.utils import rand
+    def quote_escape(string):
+        string = string.replace("\u005C", '\u005C\u005C')
+        return '"' + string.replace('"', '\u005C"') + '"'
+    def mapsetter(key):
+        def helper(id=None):
+            string = ""
+            if key == "MAP" or world_db["Things"][id][key]:
+                map = world_db["MAP"] if key == "MAP" \
+                                      else world_db["Things"][id][key]
+                length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+                for i in range(length):
+                    line = map[i * length:(i * length) + length].decode()
+                    string = string + key + " " + str(i) + " " + \
+                        quote_escape(line) + "\n"
+            return string
+        return helper
+    def memthing(id):
+        string = ""
+        for memthing in world_db["Things"][id]["T_MEMTHING"]:
+            string = string + "T_MEMTHING " + str(memthing[0]) + " " + \
+                str(memthing[1]) + " " + str(memthing[2]) + "\n"
+        return string
+    def helper(category, id_string, special_keys={}):
+        string = ""
+        for id in sorted(world_db[category].keys()):
+            string = string + id_string + " " + str(id) + "\n"
+            for key in sorted(world_db[category][id].keys()):
+                if not key in special_keys:
+                    x = world_db[category][id][key]
+                    argument = quote_escape(x) if str == type(x) else str(x)
+                    string = string + key + " " + argument + "\n"
+                elif special_keys[key]:
+                    string = string + special_keys[key](id)
+        return string
+    string = ""
+    for key in sorted(world_db.keys()):
+        if (not isinstance(world_db[key], dict)) and key != "MAP" and \
+           key != "WORLD_ACTIVE":
+            string = string + key + " " + str(world_db[key]) + "\n"
+    string = string + mapsetter("MAP")()
+    string = string + helper("ThingActions", "TA_ID")
+    string = string + helper("ThingTypes", "TT_ID", {"TT_CORPSE_ID": False})
+    for id in sorted(world_db["ThingTypes"].keys()):
+        string = string + "TT_ID " + str(id) + "\n" + "TT_CORPSE_ID " + \
+            str(world_db["ThingTypes"][id]["TT_CORPSE_ID"]) + "\n"
+    string = string + helper("Things", "T_ID",
+                             {"T_CARRIES": False, "carried": False,
+                              "T_MEMMAP": mapsetter("T_MEMMAP"),
+                              "T_MEMTHING": memthing, "fovmap": False,
+                              "T_MEMDEPTHMAP": mapsetter("T_MEMDEPTHMAP")})
+    for id in sorted(world_db["Things"].keys()):
+        if [] != world_db["Things"][id]["T_CARRIES"]:
+            string = string + "T_ID " + str(id) + "\n"
+            for carried in sorted(world_db["Things"][id]["T_CARRIES"]):
+                string = string + "T_CARRIES " + str(carried) + "\n"
+    string = string + "SEED_RANDOMNESS " + str(rand.seed) + "\n" + \
+        "WORLD_ACTIVE " + str(world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"])
+    atomic_write(io_db["path_save"], string)
+def obey(command, prefix, replay=False, do_record=False):
+    """Call function from commands_db mapped to command's first token.
+    Tokenize command string with shlex.split(comments=True). If replay is set,
+    a non-meta command from the commands_db merely triggers obey() on the next
+    command from the records file. If not, non-meta commands set
+    io_db["worldstate_updateable"] to world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"], and, if
+    do_record is set, are recorded to io_db["record_chunk"], and save_world()
+    is called (and io_db["record_chunk"] written) if io_db["save_wait"] seconds
+    have passed since the last time it was called. The prefix string is
+    inserted into the server's input message between its beginning 'input ' and
+    ':'. All activity is preceded by a server_test() call. Commands that start
+    with a lowercase letter are ignored when world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] is
+    False/0.
+    """
+    import shlex
+    from server.config.commands import commands_db
+    server_test()
+    if io_db["verbose"]:
+        print("input " + prefix + ": " + command)
+    try:
+        tokens = shlex.split(command, comments=True)
+    except ValueError as err:
+        print("Can't tokenize command string: " + str(err) + ".")
+        return
+    if len(tokens) > 0 and tokens[0] in commands_db \
+       and len(tokens) == commands_db[tokens[0]][0] + 1:
+        if commands_db[tokens[0]][1]:
+            commands_db[tokens[0]][2](*tokens[1:])
+        elif tokens[0][0].islower() and not world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
+            print("Ignoring lowercase-starting commands when world inactive.")
+        elif replay:
+            print("Due to replay mode, reading command as 'go on in record'.")
+            line = io_db["file_record"].readline()
+            if len(line) > 0:
+                obey(line.rstrip(), io_db["file_record"].prefix
+                     + str(io_db["file_record"].line_n))
+                io_db["file_record"].line_n = io_db["file_record"].line_n + 1
+            else:
+                print("Reached end of record file.")
+        else:
+            commands_db[tokens[0]][2](*tokens[1:])
+            if do_record:
+                io_db["record_chunk"] += command + "\n"
+                if time.time() > io_db["save_wait_start"] + io_db["save_wait"]:
+                    atomic_write(io_db["path_record"], io_db["record_chunk"],
+                                 do_append=True)
+                    if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]:
+                        save_world()
+                    io_db["record_chunk"] = ""
+                    io_db["save_wait"] = time.time()
+            io_db["worldstate_updateable"] = world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"]
+    elif 0 != len(tokens):
+        print("Invalid command/argument, or bad number of tokens.")
+def obey_lines_in_file(path, name, do_record=False):
+    """Call obey() on each line of path's file, use name in input prefix."""
+    file = open(path, "r")
+    line_n = 1
+    for line in file.readlines():
+        obey(line.rstrip(), name + "file line " + str(line_n),
+             do_record=do_record)
+        line_n = line_n + 1
+    file.close()
+def try_worldstate_update():
+    """Write worldstate file if io_db["worldstate_updateable"] is set."""
+    from server.config.commands import commands_db
+    if io_db["worldstate_updateable"]:
+        def write_map(string, map):
+            for i in range(length):
+                line = map[i * length:(i * length) + length].decode()
+                string = string + line + "\n"
+            return string
+        inventory = ""
+        if [] == world_db["Things"][0]["T_CARRIES"]:
+            inventory = "(none)\n"
+        else:
+            for id in world_db["Things"][0]["T_CARRIES"]:
+                type_id = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
+                name = world_db["ThingTypes"][type_id]["TT_NAME"]
+                inventory = inventory + name + "\n"
+        string = str(world_db["TURN"]) + "\n" + \
+            str(world_db["Things"][0]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]) + "\n" + \
+            str(world_db["Things"][0]["T_SATIATION"]) + "\n" + \
+            inventory + "%\n" + \
+            str(world_db["Things"][0]["T_POSY"]) + "\n" + \
+            str(world_db["Things"][0]["T_POSX"]) + "\n" + \
+            str(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + "\n"
+        length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+        fov = bytearray(b' ' * (length ** 2))
+        ord_v = ord("v")
+        for pos in [pos for pos in range(length ** 2)
+                        if ord_v == world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"][pos]]:
+            fov[pos] = world_db["MAP"][pos]
+        length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+        for id in [id for tid in reversed(sorted(list(world_db["ThingTypes"])))
+                      for id in world_db["Things"]
+                      if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]
+                      if world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"] == tid
+                      if world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"][
+                           world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] * length
+                           + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]] == ord_v]:
+            type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
+            c = ord(world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_SYMBOL"])
+            fov[world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] * length
+                + world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]] = c
+        string = write_map(string, fov)
+        mem = world_db["Things"][0]["T_MEMMAP"][:]
+        for mt in [mt for tid in reversed(sorted(list(world_db["ThingTypes"])))
+                      for mt in world_db["Things"][0]["T_MEMTHING"]
+                      if mt[0] == tid]:
+             c = world_db["ThingTypes"][mt[0]]["TT_SYMBOL"]
+             mem[(mt[1] * length) + mt[2]] = ord(c)
+        string = write_map(string, mem)
+        atomic_write(io_db["path_worldstate"], string, delete=False)
+        strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "WORLD_UPDATED\n")
+        io_db["worldstate_updateable"] = False
diff --git a/server/ b/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22e2454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+import ctypes
+def mv_yx_in_dir_legal(dir, y, x):
+    """Wrapper around libpr.mv_yx_in_dir_legal to simplify its use."""
+    dir_c = dir.encode("ascii")[0]
+    test = libpr.mv_yx_in_dir_legal_wrap(dir_c, y, x)
+    if -1 == test:
+        raise RuntimeError("Too much wrapping in mv_yx_in_dir_legal_wrap()!")
+    return (test, libpr.result_y(), libpr.result_x())
+class RandomnessIO:
+    """"Interface to libplomrogue's pseudo-randomness generator."""
+    def set_seed(self, seed):
+        libpr.seed_rrand(1, seed)
+    def get_seed(self):
+        return libpr.seed_rrand(0, 0)
+    def next(self):
+        return libpr.rrand()
+    seed = property(get_seed, set_seed)
+def integer_test(val_string, min, max=None):
+    """Return val_string if integer >= min & (if max set) <= max, else None."""
+    try:
+        val = int(val_string)
+        if val < min or (max is not None and val > max):
+            raise ValueError
+        return val
+    except ValueError:
+        msg = "Ignoring: Please use integer >= " + str(min)
+        if max is not None:
+            msg += " and <= " + str(max)
+        msg += "."
+        print(msg)
+        return None
+def id_setter(id, category, id_store=False, start_at_1=False):
+    """Set ID of object of category to manipulate ID. Unused? Create new one.
+    The ID is stored as (if id_store is set). If the integer of the
+    input is valid (if start_at_1, >= 0, else >= -1), but <0 or (if start_at_1)
+    <1, calculate new ID: lowest unused ID >=0 or (if start_at_1) >= 1. None is
+    always returned when no new object is created, else the new object's ID.
+    """
+    from server.config.world_data import world_db
+    min = 0 if start_at_1 else -1
+    if str == type(id):
+        id = integer_test(id, min)
+    if None != id:
+        if id in world_db[category]:
+            if id_store:
+       = id
+            return None
+        else:
+            if (start_at_1 and 0 == id) \
+               or ((not start_at_1) and (id < 0)):
+                id = 0 if start_at_1 else -1
+                while 1:
+                    id = id + 1
+                    if id not in world_db[category]:
+                        break
+            if id_store:
+       = id
+    return id
+def prep_library():
+    """Prepare ctypes library at ./"""
+    import os
+    libpath = ("./")
+    if not os.access(libpath, os.F_OK):
+        raise SystemExit("No library " + libpath + ", run ./ first?")
+    libpr = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libpath)
+    libpr.seed_rrand.restype = ctypes.c_uint32
+    return libpr
+def c_pointer_to_bytearray(ba):
+    """Return C char * pointer to ba."""
+    type = ctypes.c_char * len(ba)
+    return type.from_buffer(ba)
+def parse_command_line_arguments():
+    """Return settings values read from command line arguments."""
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-s', nargs='?', type=int, dest='replay', const=1,
+                        action='store')
+    parser.add_argument('-l', nargs="?", const="save", dest='savefile',
+                        action="store")
+    parser.add_argument('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true')
+    opts, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
+    return opts
+libpr = prep_library()
+rand = RandomnessIO()
+opts = parse_command_line_arguments()
diff --git a/server/ b/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f31c3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+from server.config.world_data import world_db
+from import log
+from server.utils import rand, libpr, c_pointer_to_bytearray
+from server.utils import id_setter
+def thingproliferation(t, prol_map):
+    """To chance of 1/TT_PROLIFERATE, create t offspring in open neighbor cell.
+    Naturally only works with TT_PROLIFERATE > 0. The neighbor cell must be be
+    marked '.' in prol_map. If there are several map cell candidates, one is
+    selected randomly.
+    """
+    from server.config.world_data import directions_db
+    from server.utils import mv_yx_in_dir_legal
+    prolscore = world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_PROLIFERATE"]
+    if prolscore and (1 == prolscore or 1 == ( % prolscore)):
+        candidates = []
+        for dir in [directions_db[key] for key in sorted(directions_db.keys())]:
+            mv_result = mv_yx_in_dir_legal(dir, t["T_POSY"], t["T_POSX"])
+            if mv_result[0] and  ord('.') == prol_map[mv_result[1]
+                                                      * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+                                                      + mv_result[2]]:
+                candidates.append((mv_result[1], mv_result[2]))
+        if len(candidates):
+            i = % len(candidates)
+            id = id_setter(-1, "Things")
+            newT = new_Thing(t["T_TYPE"], (candidates[i][0], candidates[i][1]))
+            world_db["Things"][id] = newT
+def update_map_memory(t, age_map=True):
+    """Update t's T_MEMMAP with what's in its FOV now,age its T_MEMMEPTHMAP."""
+    def age_some_memdepthmap_on_nonfov_cells():
+        # ord_v = ord("v")
+        # ord_0 = ord("0")
+        # ord_9 = ord("9")
+        # for pos in [pos for pos in range(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
+        #             if not ord_v == t["fovmap"][pos]
+        #             if ord_0 <= t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][pos]
+        #             if ord_9 > t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][pos]
+        #             if not % (2 **
+        #                                   (t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][pos] - 48))]:
+        #     t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][pos] += 1
+        memdepthmap = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"])
+        fovmap = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["fovmap"])
+        libpr.age_some_memdepthmap_on_nonfov_cells(memdepthmap, fovmap)
+    if not t["T_MEMMAP"]:
+        t["T_MEMMAP"] = bytearray(b' ' * (world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2))
+    if not t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"]:
+        t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"] = bytearray(b' ' * (world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2))
+    ord_v = ord("v")
+    ord_0 = ord("0")
+    for pos in [pos for pos in range(world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
+                if ord_v == t["fovmap"][pos]]:
+        t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"][pos] = ord_0
+        t["T_MEMMAP"][pos] = world_db["MAP"][pos]
+    if age_map:
+        age_some_memdepthmap_on_nonfov_cells()
+    t["T_MEMTHING"] = [mt for mt in t["T_MEMTHING"]
+                       if ord_v != t["fovmap"][(mt[1] * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"])
+                                               + mt[2]]]
+    for id in [id for id in world_db["Things"]
+               if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]]:
+        type = world_db["Things"][id]["T_TYPE"]
+        if not world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+            y = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"]
+            x = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]
+            if ord_v == t["fovmap"][(y * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]) + x]:
+                t["T_MEMTHING"].append((type, y, x))
+def build_fov_map(t):
+    """Build Thing's FOV map."""
+    t["fovmap"] = bytearray(b'v' * (world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2))
+    fovmap = c_pointer_to_bytearray(t["fovmap"])
+    map = c_pointer_to_bytearray(world_db["MAP"])
+    if libpr.build_fov_map(t["T_POSY"], t["T_POSX"], fovmap, map):
+        raise RuntimeError("Malloc error in build_fov_Map().")
+def new_Thing(type, pos=(0, 0)):
+    """Return Thing of type T_TYPE, with fovmap if alive and world active."""
+    thing = {
+        "T_LIFEPOINTS": world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"],
+        "T_ARGUMENT": 0,
+        "T_PROGRESS": 0,
+        "T_SATIATION": 0,
+        "T_COMMAND": 0,
+        "T_TYPE": type,
+        "T_POSY": pos[0],
+        "T_POSX": pos[1],
+        "T_CARRIES": [],
+        "carried": False,
+        "T_MEMTHING": [],
+        "T_MEMMAP": False,
+        "T_MEMDEPTHMAP": False,
+        "fovmap": False
+    }
+    if world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] and thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+        build_fov_map(thing)
+    return thing
+def decrement_lifepoints(t):
+    """Decrement t's lifepoints by 1, and if to zero, corpse it.
+    If t is the player avatar, only blank its fovmap, so that the client may
+    still display memory data. On non-player things, erase fovmap and memory.
+    Dying actors drop all their things.
+    """
+    t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] -= 1
+    if 0 == t["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+        for id in t["T_CARRIES"]:
+            t["T_CARRIES"].remove(id)
+            world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] = t["T_POSY"]
+            world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] = t["T_POSX"]
+            world_db["Things"][id]["carried"] = False
+        t["T_TYPE"] = world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_CORPSE_ID"]
+        if world_db["Things"][0] == t:
+            t["fovmap"] = bytearray(b' ' * (world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2))
+            log("You die.")
+            log("See README on how to start over.")
+        else:
+            t["fovmap"] = False
+            t["T_MEMMAP"] = False
+            t["T_MEMDEPTHMAP"] = False
+            t["T_MEMTHING"] = []
+def try_healing(t):
+    """If t's HP < max, increment them if well-nourished, maybe waiting."""
+    if t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] < \
+       world_db["ThingTypes"][t["T_TYPE"]]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+        wait_id = [id for id in world_db["ThingActions"]
+                      if world_db["ThingActions"][id]["TA_NAME"] == "wait"][0]
+        wait_divider = 8 if t["T_COMMAND"] == wait_id else 1
+        testval = int(abs(t["T_SATIATION"]) / wait_divider)
+        if (testval <= 1 or 1 == ( % testval)):
+            t["T_LIFEPOINTS"] += 1
+            if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
+                log("You HEAL.")
+def hunger_per_turn(type_id):
+    """The amount of satiation score lost per turn for things of given type."""
+    import math
+    return int(math.sqrt(world_db["ThingTypes"][type_id]["TT_LIFEPOINTS"]))
+def hunger(t):
+    """Decrement t's satiation,dependent on it trigger lifepoint dec chance."""
+    if t["T_SATIATION"] > -32768:
+        t["T_SATIATION"] -= hunger_per_turn(t["T_TYPE"])
+    if 0 != t["T_SATIATION"] and 0 == int( / abs(t["T_SATIATION"])):
+        if t == world_db["Things"][0]:
+            if t["T_SATIATION"] < 0:
+                log("You SUFFER from hunger.")
+            else:
+                log("You SUFFER from over-eating.")
+        decrement_lifepoints(t)
+def set_world_inactive():
+    """Set world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] to 0 and remove worldstate file."""
+    from import safely_remove_worldstate_file
+    safely_remove_worldstate_file()
+    world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] = 0
+def make_map():
+    """(Re-)make island map.
+    Let "~" represent water, "." land, "X" trees: Build island shape randomly,
+    start with one land cell in the middle, then go into cycle of repeatedly
+    selecting a random sea cell and transforming it into land if it is neighbor
+    to land. The cycle ends when a land cell is due to be created at the map's
+    border. Then put some trees on the map (TODO: more precise algorithm desc).
+    """
+    def is_neighbor(coordinates, type):
+        y = coordinates[0]
+        x = coordinates[1]
+        length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+        ind = y % 2
+        diag_west = x + (ind > 0)
+        diag_east = x + (ind < (length - 1))
+        pos = (y * length) + x
+        if (y > 0 and diag_east
+            and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos - length + ind])) \
+           or (x < (length - 1)
+               and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos + 1])) \
+           or (y < (length - 1) and diag_east
+               and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos + length + ind])) \
+           or (y > 0 and diag_west
+               and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos - length - (not ind)])) \
+           or (x > 0
+               and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos - 1])) \
+           or (y < (length - 1) and diag_west
+               and type == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos + length - (not ind)])):
+            return True
+        return False
+    world_db["MAP"] = bytearray(b'~' * (world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2))
+    length = world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+    add_half_width = (not (length % 2)) * int(length / 2)
+    world_db["MAP"][int((length ** 2) / 2) + add_half_width] = ord(".")
+    while (1):
+        y = % length
+        x = % length
+        pos = (y * length) + x
+        if "~" == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos]) and is_neighbor((y, x), "."):
+            if y == 0 or y == (length - 1) or x == 0 or x == (length - 1):
+                break
+            world_db["MAP"][pos] = ord(".")
+    n_trees = int((length ** 2) / 16)
+    i_trees = 0
+    while (i_trees <= n_trees):
+        single_allowed = % 32
+        y = % length
+        x = % length
+        pos = (y * length) + x
+        if "." == chr(world_db["MAP"][pos]) \
+                and ((not single_allowed) or is_neighbor((y, x), "X")):
+            world_db["MAP"][pos] = ord("X")
+            i_trees += 1
+    # This all-too-precise replica of the original C code misses iter_limit().
+def make_world(seed):
+    """(Re-)build game world, i.e. map, things, to a new turn 1 from seed.
+    Seed rand with seed. Do more only with a "wait" ThingAction and
+    world["PLAYER_TYPE"] matching ThingType of TT_START_NUMBER > 0. Then,
+    world_db["Things"] emptied, call make_map() and set
+    world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"], world_db["TURN"] to 1. Build new Things
+    according to ThingTypes' TT_START_NUMBERS, with Thing of ID 0 to ThingType
+    of ID = world["PLAYER_TYPE"]. Place Things randomly, and actors not on each
+    other. Init player's memory map. Write "NEW_WORLD" line to out file.
+    """
+    def free_pos():
+        i = 0
+        while 1:
+            err = "Space to put thing on too hard to find. Map too small?"
+            while 1:
+                y = % world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+                x = % world_db["MAP_LENGTH"]
+                if "." == chr(world_db["MAP"][y * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + x]):
+                    break
+                i += 1
+                if i == 65535:
+                    raise SystemExit(err)
+            # Replica of C code, wrongly ignores animatedness of new Thing.
+            pos_clear = (0 == len([id for id in world_db["Things"]
+                                   if world_db["Things"][id]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]
+                                   if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"] == y
+                                   if world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"] == x]))
+            if pos_clear:
+                break
+        return (y, x)
+    rand.seed = seed 
+    player_will_be_generated = False
+    playertype = world_db["PLAYER_TYPE"]
+    for ThingType in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
+        if playertype == ThingType:
+            if 0 < world_db["ThingTypes"][ThingType]["TT_START_NUMBER"]:
+                player_will_be_generated = True
+            break
+    if not player_will_be_generated:
+        print("Ignoring: No player type with start number >0 defined.")
+        return
+    wait_action = False
+    for ThingAction in world_db["ThingActions"]:
+        if "wait" == world_db["ThingActions"][ThingAction]["TA_NAME"]:
+            wait_action = True
+    if not wait_action:
+        print("Ignoring beyond SEED_MAP: " +
+              "No thing action with name 'wait' defined.")
+        return
+    world_db["Things"] = {}
+    make_map()
+    world_db["WORLD_ACTIVE"] = 1
+    world_db["TURN"] = 1
+    for i in range(world_db["ThingTypes"][playertype]["TT_START_NUMBER"]):
+        id = id_setter(-1, "Things")
+        world_db["Things"][id] = new_Thing(playertype, free_pos())
+    if not world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"]:
+        empty_fovmap = bytearray(b" " * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] ** 2)
+        world_db["Things"][0]["fovmap"] = empty_fovmap
+    update_map_memory(world_db["Things"][0])
+    for type in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
+        for i in range(world_db["ThingTypes"][type]["TT_START_NUMBER"]):
+            if type != playertype:
+                id = id_setter(-1, "Things")
+                world_db["Things"][id] = new_Thing(type, free_pos())
+    from import io_db
+    from import strong_write
+    strong_write(io_db["file_out"], "NEW_WORLD\n")
+def turn_over():
+    """Run game world and its inhabitants until new player input expected."""
+    from server.config.actions import action_db
+    from import ai
+    id = 0
+    whilebreaker = False
+    while world_db["Things"][0]["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+        proliferable_map = world_db["MAP"][:]
+        for id in [id for id in world_db["Things"]
+                   if not world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]]:
+            y = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSY"]
+            x = world_db["Things"][id]["T_POSX"]
+            proliferable_map[y * world_db["MAP_LENGTH"] + x] = ord('X')
+        for id in [id for id in world_db["Things"]]:  # Only what's from start!
+            if not id in world_db["Things"] or \
+               world_db["Things"][id]["carried"]:   # May have been consumed or
+                continue                            # picked up during turn …
+            Thing = world_db["Things"][id]
+            if Thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+                if not Thing["T_COMMAND"]:
+                    update_map_memory(Thing)
+                    if 0 == id:
+                        whilebreaker = True
+                        break
+                    ai(Thing)
+                try_healing(Thing)
+                hunger(Thing)
+                if Thing["T_LIFEPOINTS"]:
+                    Thing["T_PROGRESS"] += 1
+                    taid = [a for a in world_db["ThingActions"]
+                              if a == Thing["T_COMMAND"]][0]
+                    ThingAction = world_db["ThingActions"][taid]
+                    if Thing["T_PROGRESS"] == ThingAction["TA_EFFORT"]:
+                        action = action_db["actor_" + ThingAction["TA_NAME"]]
+                        action(Thing)
+                        #eval("actor_" + ThingAction["TA_NAME"])(Thing)
+                        Thing["T_COMMAND"] = 0
+                        Thing["T_PROGRESS"] = 0
+            thingproliferation(Thing, proliferable_map)
+        if whilebreaker:
+            break
+        world_db["TURN"] += 1