From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 03:05:47 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Server: Make map geometry definable in config file.
X-Git-Tag: tce~775

Server: Make map geometry definable in config file.

diff --git a/README b/README
index bd4c0eb..a944cea 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -79,9 +79,30 @@ option (like "-s100") to start the recording at the respective turn number.
 Hacking / server internals and configuration
-The ./confserver/world file defines the map object types and the actions
-available to them. Each object type and action is defined by a multi-line block
-wherein each line sets one attribute of the object type or action.
+The ./confserver/world file defines the map object types, actions available to
+them and the map itself. Each definition consists of a multi-line block wherein
+each line sets one attribute of the object type, action or the map.
+Here's a typical map definition block:
+A line of "MAP_TYPE" followed by a non-empty token starts the map definition
+block. In the future, the second token may differentiate different map types,
+but as of right now, only one is available and the value is not interpreted.
+The numbers after "HEIGHT" and "WIDTH" give the map's vertical and horizontal
+extensions in cells. They must be >= 1 and <= 256. The numbers after
+"DIST_ORTHOGONAL" and "DIST_DIAGONAL" define the diagonal movement penalty as
+the second value divided by the first. The above values define a penalty ratio
+of 7/5 or 1.4, i.e. it takes 40% longer in turns to move diagonally than
+orthogonally. Set both to the same value to eliminate the diagonal movement
+penalty. A negative penalty to realize weird geometry is possible by setting
+"DIST_DIAGONAL" to a lower value than "DIST_ORTHOGONAL". Both values, however,
+must be >= 1 and <= 255.
 Here's a typical action definition block:
@@ -118,14 +139,16 @@ yet: or if they are inanimate, but are otherwise crushed). Note that the
 "CORPSE_ID" must match the id of an object type defined in the file (before or
 after, it may even be the same).
-All this definition block members must be present within a block, but only
-"ACTION" / "OBJECT" must be positioned at the respective blocks' first line,
-the others may appear in whatever order and even multiple times. If a block is
-finished, however, it cannot be re-defined by starting a new block wit the same
-object type or action id. Tokens in this config file are separated by
-whitespace. Single quotes can be put around string values that are to include
-whitespace by themslves. Note that all numbers must be decimal representations
-of unsigned 8 bit integers, i.e. >= 0 and < 256 and sans preceding "+".
+All these definition block members must be present within their blocks, but only
+"ACTION" / "OBJECT" / "MAP_TYPE" must be positioned at their respective blocks'
+first line; the others may appear in whatever order and even multiple times. If
+an object or action definition block is finished, however, it cannot be
+re-defined by starting a new block with the same object type or action id.
+Tokens in this config file are separated by whitespace. Single quotes can be
+put around string values that are to include whitespace by themslves. Note that
+all numbers must be decimal representations of unsigned 8 bit integers, i.e.
+>= 0 and < 256 and sans preceding "+".
 All source files are thoroughly documented to explain more details of
 plomrogue's internals. The ./roguelike-server executable can be run with a -v
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 17d1364..e80f6d7 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ SERVER:
 - is it actually useful to define map object action ids in the config file?
-- make shape of map (and diagonal movement penalty) configurable in config file
 - for game continuation, replace re-playing of whole record files with loading
   game state snapshots / save files
diff --git a/confserver/world b/confserver/world
index 01d475a..84e747d 100644
--- a/confserver/world
+++ b/confserver/world
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
 NAME wait
diff --git a/src/server/configfile.c b/src/server/configfile.c
index a48c494..1eb5165 100644
--- a/src/server/configfile.c
+++ b/src/server/configfile.c
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
 enum flag
+    HEIGHT_SET     = 0x02,
+    WIDTH_SET      = 0x04,
+    ORTH_SET       = 0x08,
+    DIAG_SET       = 0x10,
     NAME_SET       = 0x02,
     EFFORT_SET     = 0x04,
     CORPSE_ID_SET  = 0x04,
@@ -34,7 +38,8 @@ enum flag
     CONSUMABLE_SET = 0x20,
-                | CONSUMABLE_SET
+                | CONSUMABLE_SET,
@@ -72,6 +77,11 @@ static uint8_t start_entry(char * token0, char * token1, char * comparand,
                          struct EntryHead ** entry,
                          struct EntryHead * entry_cmp);
+/* Start reading map definition if "token0" matches "comparand". Set "map_flags"
+ * to EDIT_STARTED to mark beginning of map definition reading.
+ */
+static uint8_t start_map(char * token0, char * comparand, uint8_t * map_flags);
 /* Write DB entry pointed to by "entry" to its appropriate location. */
 static void write_if_entry(struct EntryHead ** entry,
                            struct EntryHead *** entry_p_p_p);
@@ -81,16 +91,19 @@ static void write_if_entry(struct EntryHead ** entry,
 static void test_corpse_ids();
-/* Try to read tokens as members for the entry currently edited, which must be
- * either "mod" or "moa". What member of which of the two is set depends on
- * which of "object_flags" and "action_flags" has EDIT_STARTED set and on the
- * key name in "token0". Return 1 if interpretation succeeds, else 0.
+/* Try to read tokens as members for the definition currently edited, which may
+ * be "mod" or "moa" or that of What member of which of the three is
+ * set depends on which of the flags has EDIT_STARTED set and on the key name in
+ * "token0". Return 1 if interpretation succeeds, else 0.
  * Note that MapObjAct entries' .name also determines their .func.
 static uint8_t set_members(char * token0, char * token1, uint8_t * object_flags,
-                           uint8_t * action_flags, struct MapObjDef * mod,
-                           struct MapObjAct * moa);
+                           uint8_t * action_flags, uint8_t * map_flags,
+                           struct MapObjDef * mod, struct MapObjAct * moa);
+/* set_members() helper specifically for editing members. */
+static uint8_t set_map_members(char * token0,char * token1,uint8_t * map_flags);
 /* If "name" fits "moa"->name, set "moa"->func to "func". (Derives MapObjAct
  * .func from .name for set_members().
@@ -104,16 +117,20 @@ static void tokens_into_entries(char * token0, char * token1)
     char * str_act = "ACTION";
     char * str_obj = "OBJECT";
+    char * str_map = "MAP_TYPE";
     static struct MapObjAct ** moa_p_p = &world.map_obj_acts;
     static struct MapObjDef ** mod_p_p = &world.map_obj_defs;
     static uint8_t action_flags = READY_ACT;
     static uint8_t object_flags = READY_OBJ;
+    static uint8_t map_flags = READY_MAP;
     static struct EntryHead * moa = NULL;
     static struct EntryHead * mod = NULL;
-    if (!token0 || !strcmp(token0,str_act) || !strcmp(token0,str_obj))
+    if (!token0 || !strcmp(token0, str_act) || !strcmp(token0, str_obj)
+                || !strcmp(token0, str_map))
         parse_and_reduce_to_readyflag(&action_flags, READY_ACT);
         parse_and_reduce_to_readyflag(&object_flags, READY_OBJ);
+        parse_and_reduce_to_readyflag(&map_flags, READY_MAP);
         write_if_entry(&moa, (struct EntryHead ***) &moa_p_p);
         write_if_entry(&mod, (struct EntryHead ***) &mod_p_p);
@@ -126,8 +143,10 @@ static void tokens_into_entries(char * token0, char * token1)
               || start_entry(token0, token1, str_obj, &object_flags,
                              sizeof(struct MapObjDef),(struct EntryHead**) &mod,
                              (struct EntryHead *) world.map_obj_defs)
+              || start_map(token0, str_map, &map_flags)
               || set_members(token0, token1, &object_flags, &action_flags,
-                             (struct MapObjDef *)mod,(struct MapObjAct *) moa)))
+                              &map_flags, (struct MapObjDef *)mod,
+                              (struct MapObjAct *) moa)))
@@ -157,6 +176,18 @@ static uint8_t start_entry(char * token0, char * token1, char * comparand,
+static uint8_t start_map(char * token0, char * comparand, uint8_t * map_flags)
+    if (strcmp(token0, comparand))
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    *map_flags = EDIT_STARTED;
+    return 1;
 static void write_if_entry(struct EntryHead ** entry,
                            struct EntryHead *** entry_p_p_p)
@@ -200,9 +231,33 @@ static void test_corpse_ids()
+static uint8_t set_map_members(char * token0, char * token1, uint8_t * map_flags)
+    if      (   parse_val(token0, token1, "HEIGHT", map_flags,
+                          HEIGHT_SET, 'i', (char *) &
+             || parse_val(token0, token1, "WIDTH", map_flags,
+                          WIDTH_SET, 'i', (char *) &
+    {
+        int test = atoi(token1) > 256 || atoi(token1) < 1;
+        err_line(test, "Value must be >= 1 and <= 256.");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    else if (    parse_val(token0, token1, "DIST_ORTHOGONAL", map_flags,
+                          ORTH_SET, '8', (char *) &
+             ||  parse_val(token0, token1, "DIST_DIAGONAL", map_flags,
+                          DIAG_SET, '8', (char *) &
+    {
+        err_line(0 == atoi(token1), "Value must not be zero.");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
 static uint8_t set_members(char * token0, char * token1, uint8_t * object_flags,
-                           uint8_t * action_flags, struct MapObjDef * mod,
-                           struct MapObjAct * moa)
+                           uint8_t * action_flags, uint8_t * map_flags,
+                           struct MapObjDef * mod, struct MapObjAct * moa)
     if (   *action_flags & EDIT_STARTED
         && parse_val(token0, token1, "NAME", action_flags,
@@ -218,7 +273,8 @@ static uint8_t set_members(char * token0, char * token1, uint8_t * object_flags,
         *action_flags = *action_flags | NAME_SET;
         return 1;
-    else if (   parse_val(token0, token1, "NAME", object_flags,
+    else if (   set_map_members(token0, token1, map_flags)
+             || parse_val(token0, token1, "NAME", object_flags,
                           NAME_SET, 's', (char *) &mod->name)
              || parse_val(token0, token1, "SYMBOL", object_flags,
                           SYMBOL_SET, 'c', (char *) &mod->char_on_map)
@@ -254,6 +310,7 @@ static uint8_t try_func_name(struct MapObjAct * moa, char * name,
 extern void read_config_file()
     parse_file(world.path_config, tokens_into_entries);
+    exit_err(!, "Map not defined in config file.");
diff --git a/src/server/init.c b/src/server/init.c
index fec2fce..9f2a4e9 100644
--- a/src/server/init.c
+++ b/src/server/init.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* src/server/init.c */
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L /* getopt(), optarg, strdup() */
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 /* getopt(), optarg */
 #include "init.h"
 #include <errno.h> /* global errno, EEXIST */
 #include <stddef.h> /* NULL */
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 #include "../common/rexit.h" /* exit_err() */
 #include "../common/try_malloc.h" /* try_malloc() */
 #include "cleanup.h" /* set_cleanup_flag() */
-#include "configfile.h" /* read_config_file() */
 #include "map.h" /* init_map() */
 #include "map_objects.h" /* free_map_objects(), add_map_objects() */
 #include "rrand.h" /* rrand() */
@@ -53,17 +52,6 @@ extern void obey_argv(int argc, char * argv[])
-extern void init_map_and_map_objects_configs()
- = 64;
- = 64;
- = 5;
-   = 7;
-    read_config_file();
 extern void setup_server_io()
     char * f_name = "setup_server_io()";
diff --git a/src/server/init.h b/src/server/init.h
index a906273..0be0dfd 100644
--- a/src/server/init.h
+++ b/src/server/init.h
@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@
 /* Parses command line arguments -v and -s into server configuration. */
 extern void obey_argv(int argc, char * argv[]);
-/* Set map geometry and, from config files, map object (action) definitions. */
-extern void init_map_and_map_objects_configs();
 /* Start server in file and out file, latter with server process test string. */
 extern void setup_server_io();
diff --git a/src/server/main.c b/src/server/main.c
index 642a6fe..366fb17 100644
--- a/src/server/main.c
+++ b/src/server/main.c
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
 #include <stdlib.h> /* exit() */
 #include "../common/rexit.h" /* exit_err, set_cleanup_func() */
 #include "cleanup.h" /* set_cleanup_flag(), cleanup() */
-#include "init.h" /* run_game(), obey_argv(), obey_argv(), setup_server_io(),
-                   * init_map_and_map_object_configs()
-                   */
+#include "configfile.h" /* read_config_file() */
+#include "init.h" /* run_game(), obey_argv(), obey_argv(), setup_server_io() */
 #include "world.h" /* struct World */
@@ -41,8 +40,8 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
     world.path_record       = "record";
     world.tmp_suffix        = "_tmp";
-    /* Init map, map object configurations and server i/o files. */
-    init_map_and_map_objects_configs();
+    /* Init config file and server i/o files. */
+    read_config_file();
     /* Enter play or replay mode loops, then leave properly. */