From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 03:36:44 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Client: Split off parts of misc.h into interface_conf.h.
X-Git-Tag: tce~800

Client: Split off parts of misc.h into interface_conf.h.

diff --git a/src/client/cleanup.c b/src/client/cleanup.c
index f060250..7611139 100644
--- a/src/client/cleanup.c
+++ b/src/client/cleanup.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h> /* free() */
 #include "../common/readwrite.h" /* try_fclose() */
 #include "command_db.h" /* free_command_db() */
-#include "misc.h" /* unload_interface_conf() */
+#include "interface_conf.h" /* unload_interface_conf() */
 #include "world.h" /* world global */
diff --git a/src/client/control.c b/src/client/control.c
index ad94ea1..ed44d12 100644
--- a/src/client/control.c
+++ b/src/client/control.c
@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@
 #include <stdint.h> /* uint8_t, uint16_t */
 #include <stdio.h> /* sprintf() */
 #include <string.h> /* strlen() */
+#include "interface_conf.h" /* reload_interface_conf(), save_interface_conf() */
 #include "io.h" /* send() */
 #include "keybindings.h" /* get_command_to_keycode(), get_keycode_to_command(),
                           * mod_selected_keyb(), move_keyb_selection()
 #include "map.h" /* for map_scroll(), map_center() */
-#include "misc.h" /* reload_interface_conf(), save_interface_conf(),
-                   * nav_inventory()
-                   */
+#include "misc.h" /* nav_inventory() */
 #include "wincontrol.h" /* shift_active_win(), resize_active_win(),
                          * toggle_win_size_type(), toggle_window(),
                          * cycle_active_win(), scroll_v_screen(),
diff --git a/src/client/interface_conf.c b/src/client/interface_conf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a67cb55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/interface_conf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+/* src/client/interface_conf.c */
+#include "misc.h"
+#include <ncurses.h> /* delwin() */
+#include <stdint.h> /* uint8_t, uint32_t */
+#include <stdio.h> /* FILE, sprintf() */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* free(), exit() */
+#include <string.h> /* strlen() */
+#include <unistd.h> /* global optarg, getopt() */
+#include "../common/err_try_fgets.h" /* reset_err_try_fgets_counter() */
+#include "../common/readwrite.h" /* try_fopen(), try_fclose(), textfile_width(),
+                                  * try_fclose_unlink_rename(),
+                                  */
+#include "../common/rexit.h" /* exit_err() */
+#include "cleanup.h" /* set_cleanup_flag() */
+#include "keybindings.h" /* read_keybindings_from_file(),
+                          * write_keybindings_to_file()
+                          */
+#include "map.h" /* map_center() */
+#include "wincontrol.h" /* toggle_window() */
+#include "windows.h" /* free_winDB(), make_v_screen_and_init_win_sizes(),
+                      * read_winconf_from_file(), write_winconf_of_id_to_file(),
+                      */
+#include "world.h" /* global world */
+extern void obey_argv(int argc, char * argv[])
+    int opt;
+    while (-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:")))
+    {
+        if      ('i' == opt)
+        {
+            world.path_interface = optarg;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+        }
+    }
+extern void save_interface_conf()
+    char * f_name = "save_interface_conf()";
+    char * path = world.path_interface;
+    char path_tmp[strlen(path) + 4 + 1];
+    sprintf(path_tmp, "%s_tmp", path);
+    FILE * file = try_fopen(path_tmp, "w", f_name);
+    write_keybindings_to_file(file, &world.kb_global);
+    write_keybindings_to_file(file, &world.kb_wingeom);
+    write_keybindings_to_file(file, &world.kb_winkeys);
+    write_order_wins_visible_active(file);
+    uint8_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < strlen(world.winDB.ids); i++)
+    {
+        write_winconf_of_id_to_file(file, world.winDB.ids[i]);
+    }
+    try_fclose_unlink_rename(file, path_tmp, path, f_name);
+extern void load_interface_conf()
+    char * f_name = "load_interface_conf()";
+    /* Read keybindings and WincConf DB from interface config file. */
+    reset_err_try_fgets_counter();
+    FILE * file = try_fopen(world.path_interface, "r", f_name);
+    uint32_t linemax = textfile_width(file);
+    char line[linemax + 1];
+    read_keybindings_from_file(line, linemax, file, &world.kb_global);
+    read_keybindings_from_file(line, linemax, file, &world.kb_wingeom);
+    read_keybindings_from_file(line, linemax, file, &world.kb_winkeys);
+    char active_tmp;
+    char * order_tmp;
+    read_order_wins_visible_active(line, linemax, file, &order_tmp,&active_tmp);
+    while (read_winconf_from_file(line, linemax, file));
+    try_fclose(file, f_name);
+    /* Check that windows of all legal IDs have been initalized. The validity of
+     * this test relies on read_winconf_from_file() failing on duplicates. Only
+     * on success initialize the windows as visible, to enable safe cleaning up.
+     */
+    char * err = "Failed to initialize all expected windows.";
+    exit_err(strlen(world.winDB.legal_ids) != strlen(world.winDB.ids), err);
+ = active_tmp;
+    world.winDB.order = order_tmp;
+    /* Build windows as defined by read interface data and toggle them on. */
+    make_v_screen_and_init_win_sizes();
+    char tmp_active =;
+    char tmp_order[strlen(world.winDB.order) + 1];
+    sprintf(tmp_order, "%s", world.winDB.order);
+    world.winDB.order[0] = '\0';
+    uint8_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < strlen(tmp_order); toggle_window(tmp_order[i]), i++);
+ = tmp_active;
+    /* So that the interface config data and the window structs get freed. */
+    set_cleanup_flag(CLEANUP_INTERFACE);
+extern void unload_interface_conf()
+    free(world.kb_global.kbs);
+    world.kb_global.kbs = NULL;
+    free(world.kb_wingeom.kbs);
+    world.kb_wingeom.kbs = NULL;
+    free(world.kb_winkeys.kbs);
+    world.kb_winkeys.kbs = NULL;
+    while ('\0' !=
+    {
+        toggle_window(;
+    }
+    free_winDB();
+    delwin(world.winDB.v_screen);
+extern void reload_interface_conf()
+    unload_interface_conf();
+    load_interface_conf();
+    map_center();
+    world.winDB.v_screen_offset = 0;
diff --git a/src/client/interface_conf.h b/src/client/interface_conf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..937a3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/interface_conf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* src/client/interface_conf.h
+ *
+ * Read/unread/write interface configuration file.
+ */
+/* Parses command line argument -i into client configuration. */
+extern void obey_argv(int argc, char * argv[]);
+/* Save / load (init) / unload (free/dissolve) / reload interface configuration
+ * data, world.wins.pad (initialized before opening any windows to the height of
+ * the terminal screen and a width of 1) and window chains.
+ *
+ * Note that reload_interface_conf() also calls map_center() and re-sets
+ * world.winDB.v_screen_offset to zero.
+ */
+extern void save_interface_conf();
+extern void load_interface_conf();
+extern void unload_interface_conf();
+extern void reload_interface_conf();
diff --git a/src/client/main.c b/src/client/main.c
index c021ef8..a0cb82c 100644
--- a/src/client/main.c
+++ b/src/client/main.c
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 #include "../common/rexit.h" /* set_cleanup_func(), exit_trouble(),exit_err() */
 #include "cleanup.h" /* cleanup(), set_cleanup_flag() */
 #include "command_db.h" /* init_command_db() */
+#include "interface_conf.h" /* load_interface_conf(), obey_argv() */
 #include "io.h" /* io_loop() */
-#include "misc.h" /* load_interface_conf(), winch_called() */
 #include "windows.h" /* winch_called() */
 #include "world.h" /* struct World */
diff --git a/src/client/misc.c b/src/client/misc.c
index c152727..329fe7a 100644
--- a/src/client/misc.c
+++ b/src/client/misc.c
@@ -1,141 +1,15 @@
 /* src/client/misc.c */
 #include "misc.h"
-#include <ncurses.h> /* delwin() */
+#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
 #include <stdint.h> /* uint8_t, uint32_t */
-#include <stdio.h> /* FILE, sprintf() */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* free(), exit() */
-#include <string.h> /* memcpy(), strlen() */
-#include <unistd.h> /* global optarg, getopt() */
-#include "../common/err_try_fgets.h" /* reset_err_try_fgets_counter() */
-#include "../common/readwrite.h" /* try_fopen(), try_fclose(), textfile_width(),
-                                  * try_fclose_unlink_rename(),
-                                  */
-#include "../common/rexit.h" /* exit_err() */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* free() */
+#include <string.h> /* memcpy() */
 #include "../common/try_malloc.h" /* try_malloc() */
-#include "cleanup.h" /* set_cleanup_flag() */
-#include "keybindings.h" /* read_keybindings_from_file(),
-                          * write_keybindings_to_file()
-                          */
-#include "map.h" /* map_center() */
-#include "wincontrol.h" /* toggle_window() */
-#include "windows.h" /* free_winDB(), make_v_screen_and_init_win_sizes(),
-                      * read_winconf_from_file(), write_winconf_of_id_to_file(),
-                      */
 #include "world.h" /* global world */
-extern void obey_argv(int argc, char * argv[])
-    int opt;
-    while (-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:")))
-    {
-        if      ('i' == opt)
-        {
-            world.path_interface = optarg;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-        }
-    }
-extern void save_interface_conf()
-    char * f_name = "save_interface_conf()";
-    char * path = world.path_interface;
-    char path_tmp[strlen(path) + 4 + 1];
-    sprintf(path_tmp, "%s_tmp", path);
-    FILE * file = try_fopen(path_tmp, "w", f_name);
-    write_keybindings_to_file(file, &world.kb_global);
-    write_keybindings_to_file(file, &world.kb_wingeom);
-    write_keybindings_to_file(file, &world.kb_winkeys);
-    write_order_wins_visible_active(file);
-    uint8_t i;
-    for (i = 0; i < strlen(world.winDB.ids); i++)
-    {
-        write_winconf_of_id_to_file(file, world.winDB.ids[i]);
-    }
-    try_fclose_unlink_rename(file, path_tmp, path, f_name);
-extern void load_interface_conf()
-    char * f_name = "load_interface_conf()";
-    /* Read keybindings and WincConf DB from interface config file. */
-    reset_err_try_fgets_counter();
-    FILE * file = try_fopen(world.path_interface, "r", f_name);
-    uint32_t linemax = textfile_width(file);
-    char line[linemax + 1];
-    read_keybindings_from_file(line, linemax, file, &world.kb_global);
-    read_keybindings_from_file(line, linemax, file, &world.kb_wingeom);
-    read_keybindings_from_file(line, linemax, file, &world.kb_winkeys);
-    char active_tmp;
-    char * order_tmp;
-    read_order_wins_visible_active(line, linemax, file, &order_tmp,&active_tmp);
-    while (read_winconf_from_file(line, linemax, file));
-    try_fclose(file, f_name);
-    /* Check that windows of all legal IDs have been initalized. The validity of
-     * this test relies on read_winconf_from_file() failing on duplicates. Only
-     * on success initialize the windows as visible, to enable safe cleaning up.
-     */
-    char * err = "Failed to initialize all expected windows.";
-    exit_err(strlen(world.winDB.legal_ids) != strlen(world.winDB.ids), err);
- = active_tmp;
-    world.winDB.order = order_tmp;
-    /* Build windows as defined by read interface data and toggle them on. */
-    make_v_screen_and_init_win_sizes();
-    char tmp_active =;
-    char tmp_order[strlen(world.winDB.order) + 1];
-    sprintf(tmp_order, "%s", world.winDB.order);
-    world.winDB.order[0] = '\0';
-    uint8_t i;
-    for (i = 0; i < strlen(tmp_order); toggle_window(tmp_order[i]), i++);
- = tmp_active;
-    /* So that the interface config data and the window structs get freed. */
-    set_cleanup_flag(CLEANUP_INTERFACE);
-extern void unload_interface_conf()
-    free(world.kb_global.kbs);
-    world.kb_global.kbs = NULL;
-    free(world.kb_wingeom.kbs);
-    world.kb_wingeom.kbs = NULL;
-    free(world.kb_winkeys.kbs);
-    world.kb_winkeys.kbs = NULL;
-    while ('\0' !=
-    {
-        toggle_window(;
-    }
-    free_winDB();
-    delwin(world.winDB.v_screen);
-extern void reload_interface_conf()
-    unload_interface_conf();
-    load_interface_conf();
-    map_center();
-    world.winDB.v_screen_offset = 0;
 extern void nav_inventory(char dir)
     if ('u' == dir)
diff --git a/src/client/misc.h b/src/client/misc.h
index 5a74586..9733d39 100644
--- a/src/client/misc.h
+++ b/src/client/misc.h
@@ -12,21 +12,6 @@
-/* Parses command line argument -i into client configuration. */
-extern void obey_argv(int argc, char * argv[]);
-/* Save / load (init) / unload (free/dissolve) / reload interface configuration
- * data, world.wins.pad (initialized before opening any windows to the height of
- * the terminal screen and a width of 1) and window chains.
- *
- * Note that reload_interface_conf() also calls map_center() and re-sets
- * world.winDB.v_screen_offset to zero.
- */
-extern void save_interface_conf();
-extern void load_interface_conf();
-extern void unload_interface_conf();
-extern void reload_interface_conf();
 /* Move world.inventory_sel up ("dir"="u") or down (else) as far as possible. */
 extern void nav_inventory(char dir);