From: Christian Heller <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2019 21:42:04 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: To command parser, add string options; use TASK syntax for task commands.

To command parser, add string options; use TASK syntax for task commands.

diff --git a/ b/
index ca907db..9a8178d 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -108,6 +108,21 @@ class Game(game_common.CommonCommandsMixin):
         self.do_quit = False
+    def get_command_signature(self, command_name):
+        method_candidate = 'cmd_' + command_name
+        method = None
+        argtypes = ''
+        if hasattr(self, method_candidate):
+            method = getattr(self, method_candidate)
+            if hasattr(method, 'argtypes'):
+                argtypes = method.argtypes
+        return method, argtypes
+    def get_string_options(self, string_option_type):
+        if string_option_type == 'geometry':
+            return self.map_manager.get_map_geometries()
+        return None
     def handle_input(self, msg):
         if msg == 'BYE':
             self.do_quit = True
@@ -120,8 +135,8 @@ class Game(game_common.CommonCommandsMixin):
         except ArgError as e:
-                self.log('ARGUMENT ERROR: ' + msg + '\n' + str(e))
-                self.to_update['log'] = True
+            self.log('ARGUMENT ERROR: ' + msg + '\n' + str(e))
+            self.to_update['log'] = True
     def log(self, msg):
         """Prefix msg plus newline to self.log_text."""
@@ -385,26 +400,26 @@ class TUI:
                 elif map_mode:
                     if type( == MapSquare:
                         if key == 'a':
-                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'MOVE LEFT')
+                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'TASK:MOVE LEFT')
                         elif key == 'd':
-                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'MOVE RIGHT')
+                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'TASK:MOVE RIGHT')
                         elif key == 'w':
-                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'MOVE UP')
+                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'TASK:MOVE UP')
                         elif key == 's':
-                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'MOVE DOWN')
+                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'TASK:MOVE DOWN')
                     elif type( == MapHex:
                         if key == 'w':
-                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'MOVE UPLEFT')
+                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'TASK:MOVE UPLEFT')
                         elif key == 'e':
-                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'MOVE UPRIGHT')
+                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'TASK:MOVE UPRIGHT')
                         if key == 's':
-                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'MOVE LEFT')
+                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'TASK:MOVE LEFT')
                         elif key == 'd':
-                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'MOVE RIGHT')
+                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'TASK:MOVE RIGHT')
                         if key == 'x':
-                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'MOVE DOWNLEFT')
+                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'TASK:MOVE DOWNLEFT')
                         elif key == 'c':
-                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'MOVE DOWNRIGHT')
+                            plom_socket_io.send(self.socket, 'TASK:MOVE DOWNRIGHT')
                     if len(key) == 1 and key in ASCII_printable and \
                             len(self.to_send) < len(self.edit):
diff --git a/ b/
index 1119ce1..3c17bd1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -80,12 +80,8 @@ class CommonCommandsMixin:
     def cmd_MAP(self, geometry, yx):
         """Create new map of grid geometry, size yx and only '?' cells."""
-        legal_grids = self.map_manager.get_map_geometries()
-        if geometry not in legal_grids:
-            raise ArgError('First map argument must be one of: ' +
-                           ', '.join(legal_grids)), yx)
-    cmd_MAP.argtypes = 'string yx_tuple:pos'
+    cmd_MAP.argtypes = 'string:geometry yx_tuple:pos'
     def cmd_THING_TYPE(self, i, type_):
         t =
diff --git a/ b/
index 38283bb..2292f88 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -45,27 +45,25 @@ class Parser:
         return tokens
     def parse(self, msg):
-        """Parse msg as call to method, return method with arguments.
+        """Parse msg as call to method, return method with arguments.
         Respects method signatures defined in methods' .argtypes attributes.
         tokens = self.tokenize(msg)
         if len(tokens) == 0:
             return None
-        method_candidate = 'cmd_' + tokens[0]
-        if not hasattr(, method_candidate):
+        method, argtypes =[0])
+        if method is None:
             return None
-        method = getattr(, method_candidate)
+        if len(argtypes) == 0:
+            if len(tokens) > 1:
+                raise ArgError('Command expects no argument(s).')
+            return method
         if len(tokens) == 1:
-            if not hasattr(method, 'argtypes'):
-                return method
-            else:
-                raise ArgError('Command expects argument(s).')
+            raise ArgError('Command expects argument(s).')
         args_candidates = tokens[1:]
-        if not hasattr(method, 'argtypes'):
-            raise ArgError('Command expects no argument(s).')
-        args, kwargs = self.argsparse(method.argtypes, args_candidates)
-        return partial(method, *args, **kwargs)
+        args = self.argsparse(argtypes, args_candidates)
+        return partial(method, *args)
     def parse_yx_tuple(self, yx_string, range_):
         """Parse yx_string as yx_tuple:nonneg argtype, return result.
@@ -93,11 +91,12 @@ class Parser:
         return (y, x)
     def argsparse(self, signature, args_tokens):
-        """Parse into / return args_tokens as args/kwargs defined by signature.
+        """Parse into / return args_tokens as args defined by signature.
         Expects signature to be a ' '-delimited sequence of any of the strings
         'int:nonneg', 'yx_tuple:nonneg', 'yx_tuple:pos', 'string',
-        'seq:int:nonneg', defining the respective argument types.
+        'seq:int:nonneg', 'string:' + an option type string accepted by
+, defining the respective argument types.
         tmpl_tokens = signature.split()
         if len(tmpl_tokens) != len(args_tokens):
@@ -105,6 +104,7 @@ class Parser:
                            ') not expected number (' + str(len(tmpl_tokens))
                            + ').')
         args = []
+        string_string = 'string'
         for i in range(len(tmpl_tokens)):
             tmpl = tmpl_tokens[i]
             arg = args_tokens[i]
@@ -116,8 +116,6 @@ class Parser:
                 args += [self.parse_yx_tuple(arg, 'nonneg')]
             elif tmpl == 'yx_tuple:pos':
                 args += [self.parse_yx_tuple(arg, 'pos')]
-            elif tmpl == 'string':
-                args += [arg]
             elif tmpl == 'seq:int:nonneg':
                 sub_tokens = arg.split(',')
                 if len(sub_tokens) < 1:
@@ -129,9 +127,22 @@ class Parser:
                                        'non-negative integers.')
                     seq += [int(tok)]
                 args += [seq]
+            elif tmpl == string_string:
+                args += [arg]
+            elif tmpl[:len(string_string) + 1] == string_string + ':':
+                if not hasattr(, 'get_string_options'):
+                    raise ArgError('No string option directory.')
+                string_option_type = tmpl[len(string_string) + 1:]
+                options =
+                if options is None:
+                    raise ArgError('Unknown string option type.')
+                if arg not in options:
+                    msg = 'Argument #%s must be one of: %s' % (i + 1, options)
+                    raise ArgError(msg)
+                args += [arg]
                 raise ArgError('Unknown argument type.')
-        return args, {}
+        return args
 class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -156,7 +167,6 @@ class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(p.parse('x'), None)
     def test_argsparse(self):
-        from functools import partial
         p = Parser()
         assertErr = partial(self.assertRaises, ArgError, p.argsparse)
         assertErr('', ['foo'])
diff --git a/server_/ b/server_/
index 5ba3ab2..958bdc8 100644
--- a/server_/
+++ b/server_/
@@ -68,20 +68,15 @@ class World(game_common.World):
 class Task:
-    def __init__(self, thing, name, args=(), kwargs={}):
+    def __init__(self, thing, name, args=()): = name
         self.thing = thing
         self.args = args
-        self.kwargs = kwargs
         self.todo = 3
     def check(self):
-        if == 'move':
-            if len(self.args) > 0:
-                direction = self.args[0]
-            else:
-                direction = self.kwargs['direction']
-            test_pos =, direction)
+        if == 'MOVE':
+            test_pos =, self.args[0])
             if[test_pos] != '.':
                 raise GameError(str(self.thing.id_) +
                                 ' would move into illegal terrain')
@@ -95,16 +90,17 @@ class Thing(game_common.Thing):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.task = Task(self, 'wait')
+        self.task = Task(self, 'WAIT')
         self.last_task_result = None
         self._stencil = None
-    def task_wait(self):
+    def task_WAIT(self):
         return 'success'
-    def task_move(self, direction):
+    def task_MOVE(self, direction):
         self.position =, direction)
         return 'success'
+    task_MOVE.argtypes = 'string:direction'
     def move_towards_target(self, target):
         dijkstra_map = type(
@@ -153,7 +149,7 @@ class Thing(game_common.Thing):
                 direction = dirs[i_dir]
         #print('DEBUG result', direction)
         if direction:
-            self.set_task('move', direction=direction)
+            self.set_task('MOVE', (direction,))
   'would move ' + direction)
     def decide_task(self):
@@ -169,11 +165,11 @@ class Thing(game_common.Thing):
             except GameError:
-        self.set_task('wait')
+        self.set_task('WAIT')
-    def set_task(self, task_name, *args, **kwargs):
-        self.task = Task(self, task_name, args, kwargs)
+    def set_task(self, task_name, args=()):
+        self.task = Task(self, task_name, args)
         self.task.check()  # will throw GameError if necessary
     def proceed(self, is_AI=True):
@@ -198,18 +194,18 @@ class Thing(game_common.Thing):
                 except GameError:
-                    self.set_task('wait')
+                    self.set_task('WAIT')
         self.task.todo -= 1
         if self.task.todo <= 0:
             task = getattr(self, 'task_' +
-            self.last_task_result = task(*self.task.args, **self.task.kwargs)
+            self.last_task_result = task(*self.task.args)
             self.task = None
         if is_AI and self.task is None:
             except GameError:
-                self.set_task('wait')
+                self.set_task('WAIT')
     def get_stencil(self):
         if self._stencil is not None:
@@ -324,20 +320,9 @@ class Game(game_common.CommonCommandsMixin):
         self.pool_result = self.pool.map_async(fib, (35, 35))
-    def cmd_MOVE(self, direction):
-        """Set player task to 'move' with direction arg, finish player turn."""
-        import parser
-        legal_directions =
-        if direction not in legal_directions:
-            raise parser.ArgError('Move argument must be one of: ' +
-                                  ', '.join(legal_directions))
-'move', direction=direction)
-        self.proceed()
-    cmd_MOVE.argtypes = 'string'
     def cmd_SWITCH_PLAYER(self):
         player =
-        player.set_task('wait')
+        player.set_task('WAIT')
         thing_ids = [t.id_ for t in]
         player_index = thing_ids.index(player.id_)
         if player_index == len(thing_ids) - 1:
@@ -346,11 +331,6 @@ class Game(game_common.CommonCommandsMixin):
    = thing_ids[player_index + 1]
-    def cmd_WAIT(self):
-        """Set player task to 'wait', finish player turn."""
-        self.proceed()
     def cmd_GET_GAMESTATE(self, connection_id):
         """Send game state to caller."""
@@ -370,9 +350,38 @@ class Game(game_common.CommonCommandsMixin):
     cmd_TERRAIN_LINE.argtypes = 'int:nonneg string'
     def cmd_GEN_WORLD(self, geometry, yx, seed):
-        legal_grids = self.map_manager.get_map_geometries()
-        if geometry not in legal_grids:
-            raise ArgError('First map argument must be one of: ' +
-                           ', '.join(legal_grids)), yx, seed)
-    cmd_GEN_WORLD.argtypes = 'string yx_tuple:pos string'
+    cmd_GEN_WORLD.argtypes = 'string:geometry yx_tuple:pos string'
+    def get_command_signature(self, command_name):
+        from functools import partial
+        def cmd_TASK_colon(task_name, *args):
+  , args)
+            self.proceed()
+        method = None
+        argtypes = ''
+        task_prefix = 'TASK:'
+        if command_name[:len(task_prefix)] == task_prefix:
+            task_name = command_name[len(task_prefix):]
+            task_method_candidate = 'task_' + task_name
+            if hasattr(Thing, task_method_candidate):
+                method = partial(cmd_TASK_colon, task_name)
+                task_method = getattr(Thing, task_method_candidate)
+                if hasattr(task_method, 'argtypes'):
+                    argtypes = task_method.argtypes
+            return method, argtypes
+        method_candidate = 'cmd_' + command_name
+        if hasattr(self, method_candidate):
+            method = getattr(self, method_candidate)
+            if hasattr(method, 'argtypes'):
+                argtypes = method.argtypes
+        return method, argtypes
+    def get_string_options(self, string_option_type):
+        if string_option_type == 'geometry':
+            return self.map_manager.get_map_geometries()
+        elif string_option_type == 'direction':
+            return
+        return None