1 from plomrogue.misc import quote
2 from plomrogue.errors import GameError, ArgError
3 from plomrogue.misc import Terrain
7 # TODO: instead of sending tasks, thing types etc. on request, send them on connection
9 def cmd_TASKS(game, connection_id):
10 game.io.send('TASKS ' + ','.join(game.tasks.keys()), connection_id)
11 cmd_TASKS.argtypes = ''
13 def cmd_THING_TYPES(game, connection_id):
14 for t_t in game.thing_types.values():
15 game.io.send('THING_TYPE %s %s' % (t_t.get_type(), quote(t_t.symbol_hint)),
17 cmd_THING_TYPES.argtypes = ''
19 def cmd_TERRAINS(game, connection_id):
20 for t in game.terrains.values():
21 game.io.send('TERRAIN %s %s' % (quote(t.character),
22 quote(t.description)), connection_id)
23 cmd_TERRAINS.argtypes = ''
25 def cmd_TERRAIN(game, character, description,
26 blocks_light, blocks_sound, blocks_movement):
27 game.terrains[character] = Terrain(character, description, blocks_light,
28 blocks_sound, blocks_movement)
29 cmd_TERRAIN.argtypes = 'char string bool bool bool'
31 def cmd_ALL(game, msg, connection_id):
32 speaker = game.get_player(connection_id)
34 raise GameError('need to be logged in for this')
35 speaker.sound(speaker.name, msg)
36 cmd_ALL.argtypes = 'string'
38 def cmd_SPAWN_POINT(game, big_yx, little_yx):
39 if little_yx.y >= game.map_geometry.size.y or \
40 little_yx.x >= game.map_geometry.size.x:
41 raise GameError('illegal spawn point')
42 game.spawn_point = big_yx, little_yx
43 cmd_SPAWN_POINT.argtypes = 'yx_tuple yx_tuple:nonneg'
45 def cmd_LOGIN(game, nick, connection_id):
48 raise GameError('empty name')
49 for t in [t for t in game.things if t.type_ == 'Player' and t.name == nick]:
50 raise GameError('name already in use')
51 if game.get_player(connection_id):
52 raise GameError('cannot log in twice')
53 t = game.add_thing('Player', game.spawn_point)
55 t.thing_char = game.get_next_player_char()
56 game.sessions[connection_id] = {
60 game.io.send('PLAYER_ID %s' % t.id_, connection_id)
61 game.io.send('LOGIN_OK', connection_id)
62 game.io.send('CHAT ' + quote(t.name + ' entered the map.'))
63 for s in [s for s in game.things
64 if s.type_ == 'SpawnPoint' and s.name == t.name]:
65 t.position = s.position
67 # game.changed = True # handled by game.add_thing
68 cmd_LOGIN.argtypes = 'string'
70 def cmd_BECOME_ADMIN(game, password, connection_id):
71 player = game.get_player(connection_id)
73 raise GameError('need to be logged in for this')
74 if password in game.admin_passwords:
75 game.sessions[connection_id]['status'] = 'admin'
76 game.io.send('ADMIN_OK', connection_id)
78 raise GameError('wrong password')
79 cmd_BECOME_ADMIN.argtypes = 'string'
81 def cmd_ADMIN_PASSWORD(game, password):
82 game.admin_passwords += [password]
83 cmd_ADMIN_PASSWORD.argtypes = 'string'
85 def cmd_SET_TILE_CONTROL(game, yx, control_char, connection_id):
86 player = game.get_player(connection_id)
88 raise GameError('need to be logged in for this')
89 if not game.sessions[connection_id]['status'] == 'admin':
90 raise GameError('need to be admin for this')
91 big_yx, little_yx = player.fov_stencil.source_yxyx(yx)
92 map_control = game.get_map(big_yx, 'control')
93 map_control[little_yx] = control_char
95 game.record_change((big_yx, little_yx), 'fov')
96 cmd_SET_TILE_CONTROL.argtypes = 'yx_tuple:nonneg char'
98 def cmd_THING_PROTECTION(game, protection_char, connection_id):
99 player = game.get_player(connection_id)
101 raise GameError('need to be logged in for this')
102 if not game.sessions[connection_id]['status'] == 'admin':
103 raise GameError('need to be admin for this')
104 if not player.carrying:
105 raise GameError('need to carry a thing to protect it')
106 player.carrying.protection = protection_char
108 game.record_change(player.carrying.position, 'other')
109 cmd_THING_PROTECTION.argtypes = 'char'
111 def cmd_SET_MAP_CONTROL_PASSWORD(game, tile_class, password, connection_id):
112 player = game.get_player(connection_id)
114 raise GameError('need to be logged in for this')
115 if not game.sessions[connection_id]['status'] == 'admin':
116 raise GameError('need to be admin for this')
117 if tile_class == '.':
118 raise GameError('tile class "." must remain unprotected')
119 game.map_control_passwords[tile_class] = password
120 cmd_SET_MAP_CONTROL_PASSWORD.argtypes = 'char string'
122 def cmd_NICK(game, nick, connection_id):
125 raise GameError('empty name')
126 for t in [t for t in game.things if t.type_ == 'Player' and t.name == nick]:
127 raise GameError('name already in use')
128 t = game.get_player(connection_id)
130 raise GameError('can only rename when already logged in')
133 game.io.send('CHAT ' + quote(old_nick + ' renamed themselves to ' + nick))
135 game.record_change(t.position, 'other')
136 cmd_NICK.argtypes = 'string'
138 def cmd_GET_GAMESTATE(game, connection_id):
139 game.send_gamestate(connection_id)
140 cmd_GET_GAMESTATE.argtypes = ''
142 # def cmd_QUERY(game, target_nick, msg, connection_id):
143 # if not connection_id in game.sessions:
144 # raise GameError('can only query when logged in')
145 # t = game.get_thing(game.sessions[connection_id], False)
146 # source_nick = t.name
147 # for t in [t for t in game.things if t.type_ == 'Player' and t.name == target_nick]:
148 # for c_id in game.sessions:
149 # if game.sessions[c_id] == t.id_:
150 # game.io.send('CHAT ' + quote(source_nick+ '->' + target_nick + ': ' + msg), c_id)
151 # game.io.send('CHAT ' + quote(source_nick+ '->' + target_nick + ': ' + msg), connection_id)
153 # raise GameError('target user offline')
154 # raise GameError('can only query with registered nicknames')
155 # cmd_QUERY.argtypes = 'string string'
157 def cmd_PING(game, connection_id):
158 game.io.send('PONG', connection_id)
159 cmd_PING.argtypes = ''
161 def cmd_TURN(game, n):
163 cmd_TURN.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
165 def cmd_ANNOTATE(game, yx, msg, pw, connection_id):
167 raise ArgError('annotation text must be <= 500 characters')
168 player = game.get_player(connection_id)
169 big_yx, little_yx = player.fov_stencil.source_yxyx(yx)
170 if not player.fov_test(big_yx, little_yx):
171 raise GameError('cannot annotate tile outside field of view')
172 if not game.can_do_tile_with_pw(big_yx, little_yx, pw):
173 raise GameError('wrong password for tile')
175 if big_yx in game.annotations:
176 if little_yx in game.annotations[big_yx]:
177 del game.annotations[big_yx][little_yx]
179 if big_yx not in game.annotations:
180 game.annotations[big_yx] = {}
181 game.annotations[big_yx][little_yx] = msg
182 game.record_change([big_yx, little_yx], 'other')
184 cmd_ANNOTATE.argtypes = 'yx_tuple:nonneg string string'
186 def cmd_PORTAL(game, yx, msg, pw, connection_id):
187 player = game.get_player(connection_id)
188 big_yx, little_yx = player.fov_stencil.source_yxyx(yx)
189 if not player.fov_test(big_yx, little_yx):
190 raise GameError('cannot edit portal on tile outside field of view')
191 if not game.can_do_tile_with_pw(big_yx, little_yx, pw):
192 raise GameError('wrong password for tile')
194 if big_yx in game.portals:
195 if little_yx in game.portals[big_yx]:
196 del game.portals[big_yx][little_yx]
198 if big_yx not in game.portals:
199 game.portals[big_yx] = {}
200 game.portals[big_yx][little_yx] = msg
201 game.record_change([big_yx, little_yx], 'other')
203 cmd_PORTAL.argtypes = 'yx_tuple:nonneg string string'
205 def cmd_GOD_ANNOTATE(game, big_yx, little_yx, msg):
206 if big_yx not in game.annotations:
207 game.annotations[big_yx] = {}
208 game.annotations[big_yx][little_yx] = msg
210 cmd_GOD_ANNOTATE.argtypes = 'yx_tuple yx_tuple:nonneg string'
212 def cmd_GOD_PORTAL(game, big_yx, little_yx, msg):
213 if big_yx not in game.portals:
214 game.portals[big_yx] = {}
215 game.portals[big_yx][little_yx] = msg
217 cmd_GOD_PORTAL.argtypes = 'yx_tuple yx_tuple:nonneg string'
219 def cmd_MAP_LINE(game, big_yx, y, line):
220 map_ = game.get_map(big_yx)
221 map_.set_line(y, line)
222 cmd_MAP_LINE.argtypes = 'yx_tuple int:nonneg string'
224 def cmd_MAP(game, geometry, size):
225 from plomrogue.mapping import MapGeometryHex, MapGeometrySquare
226 map_geometry_class = MapGeometrySquare
227 if geometry == 'Hex':
228 map_geometry_class = MapGeometryHex
229 game.new_world(map_geometry_class(size))
231 cmd_MAP.argtypes = 'string:map_geometry yx_tuple:pos'
233 def cmd_MAP_CONTROL_LINE(game, big_yx, y, line):
234 map_control = game.get_map(big_yx, 'control')
235 map_control.set_line(y, line)
236 cmd_MAP_CONTROL_LINE.argtypes = 'yx_tuple int:nonneg string'
238 def cmd_MAP_CONTROL_PW(game, tile_class, password):
239 game.map_control_passwords[tile_class] = password
240 cmd_MAP_CONTROL_PW.argtypes = 'char string'
242 def cmd_THING(game, big_yx, little_yx, thing_type, thing_id):
243 if thing_type not in game.thing_types:
244 raise GameError('illegal thing type %s' % thing_type)
245 _ = game.get_map(big_yx)
246 game.add_thing(thing_type, (big_yx, little_yx), id_=thing_id)
247 cmd_THING.argtypes = 'yx_tuple yx_tuple:nonneg string:thing_type int:nonneg'
249 def cmd_THING_NAME(game, name, pw, connection_id):
250 player = game.get_player(connection_id)
252 raise GameError('need to be logged in for this')
253 if not player.carrying:
254 raise GameError('need to carry a thing to rename it')
255 if not game.can_do_thing_with_pw(player.carrying, pw):
256 raise GameError('wrong password for thing')
258 if hasattr(player.carrying.__class__, 'name'):
259 raise GameError('cannot un-name things of this type')
260 if hasattr(player.carrying, 'name'):
261 del player.carrying.name
263 player.carrying.name = name
265 game.record_change(player.carrying.position, 'other')
266 cmd_THING_NAME.argtypes = 'string string'
268 def cmd_GOD_THING_NAME(game, thing_id, name):
269 t = game.get_thing(thing_id)
271 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not found' % thing_id)
273 cmd_GOD_THING_NAME.argtypes = 'int:pos string'
275 def cmd_GOD_THING_PROTECTION(game, thing_id, protection_char):
276 t = game.get_thing(thing_id)
278 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not found' % thing_id)
279 t.protection = protection_char
280 cmd_GOD_THING_PROTECTION.argtypes = 'int:pos char'
282 def cmd_THING_DOOR_CLOSED(game, thing_id):
283 t = game.get_thing(thing_id)
285 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not found' % thing_id)
286 if not t.type_ == 'Door':
287 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not door' % thing_id)
289 cmd_THING_DOOR_CLOSED.argtypes = 'int:pos'
291 def cmd_THING_MUSICPLAYER_SETTINGS(game, thing_id, playing, index, repeat):
292 t = game.get_thing(thing_id)
294 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not found' % thing_id)
295 if not t.type_ == 'MusicPlayer':
296 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not music player' % thing_id)
298 t.playlist_index = index
300 cmd_THING_MUSICPLAYER_SETTINGS.argtypes = 'int:pos bool int bool'
302 def cmd_THING_MUSICPLAYER_PLAYLIST_ITEM(game, thing_id, title, length):
303 t = game.get_thing(thing_id)
305 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not found' % thing_id)
306 if not t.type_ == 'MusicPlayer':
307 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not music player' % thing_id)
308 t.playlist += [(title, length)]
309 cmd_THING_MUSICPLAYER_PLAYLIST_ITEM.argtypes = 'int:pos string int:pos'
311 def cmd_THING_BOTTLE_EMPTY(game, thing_id):
312 t = game.get_thing(thing_id)
314 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not found' % thing_id)
315 if not t.type_ == 'Bottle':
316 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not bottle' % thing_id)
318 cmd_THING_BOTTLE_EMPTY.argtypes = 'int:pos'
320 def cmd_THING_INSTALLED(game, thing_id):
321 t = game.get_thing(thing_id)
323 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not found' % thing_id)
324 if not hasattr(t, 'installable'):
325 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not installable' % thing_id)
327 cmd_THING_INSTALLED.argtypes = 'int:pos'
329 def cmd_PLAYER_FACE(game, face, connection_id):
330 t = game.get_player(connection_id)
332 raise GameError('can only draw face when already logged in')
334 raise GameError('wrong face string length')
335 game.faces[t.name] = face
337 game.record_change(t.position, 'other')
338 cmd_PLAYER_FACE.argtypes = 'string'
340 def cmd_PLAYER_HAT(game, hat, connection_id):
341 t = game.get_player(connection_id)
343 raise GameError('can only edit hat when already logged in')
344 if not t.name in game.hats:
345 raise GameError('not currently wearing an editable hat')
347 raise GameError('wrong hat string length')
348 legal_chars = t.get_cookie_chars()
350 if c not in legal_chars:
351 raise GameError('used illegal character: "%s" – '
352 'allowed characters: %s'
354 game.hats[t.name] = hat
356 game.record_change(t.position, 'other')
357 cmd_PLAYER_HAT.argtypes = 'string'
359 def cmd_GOD_PLAYER_FACE(game, name, face):
361 raise GameError('wrong face string length')
362 game.faces[name] = face
363 cmd_GOD_PLAYER_FACE.argtypes = 'string string'
365 def cmd_GOD_PLAYER_HAT(game, name, hat):
367 raise GameError('wrong hat string length')
368 game.hats[name] = hat
369 cmd_GOD_PLAYER_HAT.argtypes = 'string string'
371 def cmd_GOD_PLAYERS_HAT_CHARS(game, name, hat_chars):
372 game.players_hat_chars[name] = hat_chars
373 cmd_GOD_PLAYERS_HAT_CHARS.argtypes = 'string string'
375 def cmd_THING_HAT_DESIGN(game, thing_id, design):
376 if len(design) != 18:
377 raise GameError('hat design of wrong length')
378 t = game.get_thing(thing_id)
380 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not found' % thing_id)
382 raise GameError('thing of ID %s not a hat' % thing_id)
384 cmd_THING_HAT_DESIGN.argtypes = 'int:pos string'