--- - hosts: all user: root become: yes tasks: - name: ensure directories for symlinks exist file: state=directory dest={{item}} with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/dirs_new | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' - name: symlink system files file: state=hard force=yes src={{item}} dest={{item|basename|regex_replace('___','/')}} with_fileglob: ~/config/ansible/files/system_new/minimal/* with_fileglob: ~/config/ansible/files/system_new/{{ system_name }}/* - name: set hostname for current session shell: hostname {{ system_name }} # Init package management. - name: update package lists apt: update_cache=yes - name: APT - dist-upgrade apt: upgrade=dist # Ensure power management. - name: ensure power management tools are installed apt: name={{item}} state=present with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/minimal/power_management | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' - name: start TLP shell: tlp start # Configure console. # # For some reason, some settings are only applied two reboots after this. - name: symlink console config files file: state=link force=yes src={{item}} dest={{item|basename|regex_replace('___','/')}} with_fileglob: ~/config/ansible/files/console/* - name: ensure locales and console-setup are installed apt: name={{item}} state=present with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/minimal/console | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' - name: generate en_US.UTF-8 locale locale_gen: name=en_US.UTF-8 state=present - name: Touch keyboard config file so setupcon does not ignore it. command: touch /etc/default/keyboard - name: run setupcon to apply console settings from /etc/default/ command: setupcon # Miscellaneous. - name: Ensure dotfile symlinks file: state=link force=yes src={{item}} dest=~/.{{item|basename}} with_fileglob: - ~/config/dotfiles/minimal/* - ~/config/dotfiles/root/* - name: ensure ~/.vimbackups directory file: state=directory dest=~/.vimbackups - name: ensure man-db, manpages are installed apt: name={{item}} state=present with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/minimal/man | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' - name: set /etc/localtime file: state=link force=yes src=/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin dest=/etc/localtime - name: ensure various useful tools are installed – sudo, git, vim, less, openssh apt: name={{item}} state=present with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/minimal/various_useful | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' - name: ensure boot messages are not cleared on start up replace: dest=/etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@tty1.service regexp='^TTYVTDisallocate=yes.*$' replace='TTYVTDisallocate=no' # Config user. - name: create user plom with sudo privileges and bash shell user: name=plom groups=sudo shell=/bin/bash - name: have config repo in user directory git: repo=https://github.com/plomlompom/config dest=/home/plom/config become_user: plom become_method: su # Ensure X window environment. - name: ensure minimal X window environment apt: name={{item}} state=present with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/minimal/minimal_x | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' - name: ensure 3d acceleration core apt: name={{item}} state=present with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/minimal/3d_acceleration | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' #- name: ensure further 3d acceleration and optimus switch # apt: name={{item}} state=present # with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/W530/3d_acceleration | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' #- name: ensure user plom is in bumblebee group # user: name=plom groups=bumblebee append=yes - name: ensure basic X tools apt: name={{item}} state=present with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/minimal/basic_x_tools | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' # Set up pentadactyl. - name: ensure browser environment apt: name={{item}} state=present with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/minimal/browser_environment | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' # Ensure wifi. - name: ensure wifi configuration apt: name={{item}} state=present with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/minimal/wifi | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' #- name: ensure wicd # apt: name={{item}} state=present # with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark_new/W530/wicd | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' # Ensure audio/video consumption necessities. #- name: ensure multimedia tools # apt: name={{item}} state=present # with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark/multimedia | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' # Ensure hotkeys. # # For some reason, the brightness hotkeys still won't be available unless acpid is restarted (yes, after reboot). #- name: ensure hotkeys # apt: name={{item}} state=present # with_lines: cat ~/config/ansible/files/apt-mark/hotkeys | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' # Remove undesired packages - name: collect desired packages shell: cat files/apt-mark_new/minimal/* files/apt-mark_new/{{ system_name }}/* | sed -e 's/ *#.*$//' > /tmp/white_list_unsorted && sort /tmp/white_list_unsorted > /tmp/white_list_sorted - name: collect currently installed packages shell: dpkg-query -Wf '${Package}\n' > /tmp/all_unsorted && sort /tmp/all_unsorted > /tmp/all_sorted - name: create black list of packages to mark as automatically installed from the difference between the required packages and the packages currently installed shell: comm -3 /tmp/all_sorted /tmp/white_list_sorted > /tmp/list_black - name: mark all packages from black list as automatically installed shell: apt-mark auto $(cat /tmp/list_black) - name: mark all packages from white list as manually installed shell: apt-mark manual $(cat /tmp/white_list_unsorted) - name: purge all packages automatically installed that are not depended on shell: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --purge autoremove