# this provides setupcon which reads /etc/default/console-setup console-setup # without this, systemd-logind won't run, and so not detect lid close for hibernation dbus # for wifi firmware-ralink wicd-curses # for X to start at all xserver-xorg-video-intel # X input: keyboard and touchpad xserver-xorg-input-evdev xserver-xorg-input-synaptics # for startx xinit # for xrdb x11-xserver-utils # for startx to run for non-root user libpam-systemd # window environment i3 i3status suckless-tools xterm # to get sleepy at night redshift # for alsamixer alsa-utils # for xterm and browser unicode display ttf-unifont # also useful vim sudo less man-db manpages # firefox dependencies libdbus-glib-1-2 libgtk-3-0 # firefox installation dependencies (remove later?) bzip2 wget jq #