# Settings for interactive shells. # Fancy colors for ls. alias ls="ls --color=auto" # Use vim as default editor for anything. export VISUAL=vim export EDITOR=$VISUAL # Colored prompt with username, hostname, date/time, directory. colornumber=7 # Default to white if no color set via colornumber dotfile. colornumber_file=~/.shell_prompt_color if [ -f $colornumber_file ]; then colornumber=`cat $colornumber_file` fi tput_color="$(tput setaf $colornumber)$(tput bold)" tput_reset="$(tput sgr0)" # Bash confuses the line length when not told to not count escape sequences. if [ ! "$BASH" = "" ]; then tput_color="\[$tput_color\]" tput_reset="\[$tput_reset\]" fi PS1="${tput_color}["\$\(date\ +%Y-%m-%d/%H:%M:%S/%Z\)" $(whoami)@$(hostname):"\$\(pwd\)"]$ $tput_reset" PS2="${tput_color}> $tput_reset" PS3="${tput_color}select: $tput_reset" PS4="${tput_color}+ $tput_reset"