# X init configuration # Set keymap. setxkbmap de # Read in X configuration. xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources-local # Redshift to Berlin, Germany. redshift -rl 53:13 & # Enforce QWERTZ. (Why twice?) setxkbmap de # Set up compose key. xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap # Optionally, for certain Optimus systems with a first GPU connected to the # display and a second (NVidia) GPU providing 3D acceleration, use the first GPU # as sink for the second. This may confuse DPI settings, so re-set those. if [ "${NVIDIA_DIRECT}" ]; then xrandr --setprovideroutputsource modesetting NVIDIA-0 xrandr --auto xrandr --dpi 96 fi # Launch window manager. i3 -c ~/.i3