- implement field of view / line of sight and obstacles for those on the map
-- get rid of the hard-coding of the MAGIC MEAT item type and its use mode
- is it actually useful to define map object action ids in the config file?
- make shape of map (and diagonal movement penalty) configurable in config file
- for game continuation, replace re-playing of whole record files with loading
game state snapshots / save files
-- rename confserver/defs to confserver/map_objects
- enable toggling of window borders
exit_err(-1 == test, printf_err);
- world.path_map_obj_defs = "confserver/defs";
+ world.path_map_obj_defs = "confserver/map_objects";
world.path_map_obj_acts = "confserver/map_object_actions";
world.path_worldstate = "server/worldstate";
world.path_out = "server/out";