--- /dev/null
+# Enforce ~/.weechatrc as sole persistent weechat config file.
+~/config/bin/simplemail.sh ~/config/mails/weechat_restart_reminder
+rm -rf ~/.weechat/
+WEECHATCONF=`tr '\n' ';' < ~/.weechatrc`
+weechat -r "$WEECHATCONF"
+rm -rf ~/.weechat/
# Fancy colors for ls.
alias ls="ls --color=auto"
+# Wrapper for weechat to force local config file on it anew on each run.
+alias weechat="~/config/bin/weechat-wrapper.sh"
# Blue prompt with time.
PS1="\[\e[1;34m\][\\t \\u@\\h \\w]$\[\e[m\] "
PS2="\[\e[1;34m\]>\[\e[m\] "
--- /dev/null
+/set logger.file.path ~/weechatlogs
+/set logger.file.flush_delay 0
+/script install otr.py
+/set weechat.bar.status.items "[time],[buffer_last_number],[buffer_plugin],buffer_number+:+buffer_name+(buffer_modes)+{buffer_nicklist_count}+buffer_zoom+buffer_filter,[lag],[hotlist],completion,scroll,[otr]"
+/server add localhost localhost
+/connect localhost
+/server del freenode
+/server add freenode irc.freenode.net -nicks=plomlompom,plomlomp0m,ploml0mp0m,pl0ml0mp0m -realname="Christian Heller"
+#/server add freenode irc.freenode.net -nicks=plomlompom,plomlomp0m,ploml0mp0m,pl0ml0mp0m -realname="Christian Heller" -autojoin=#nodrama.de,#twitter.de,#freie-gesellschaft,#dumme-gesellschaft
+/connect freenode
apt-get -y install cron
su plom -c "echo '0 18 * * 0 ~/config/bin/simplemail.sh ~/config/mails/update_reminder' | crontab -"
-# Set up screen.
-apt-get -y install screen
+# Set up tmux.
+apt-get -y install tmux
-# Set up ping.
-apt-get -y install iputils-ping
+# Set up weechat, OTR, bitlbee.
+apt-get install weechat-plugins python-potr bitlbee
+cp config/systemfiles/weechat /etc/systemd/system/weechat.service
+systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/weechat.service
+# Set up screen.
+#apt-get -y install screen
+# Set up ping.
+#apt-get -y install iputils-ping
# Set up irssi.
-apt-get -y install irssi
-cp config/systemfiles/irssi.service /etc/systemd/system/irssi.service
-systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/irssi.service
+#apt-get -y install irssi
+#cp config/systemfiles/irssi.service /etc/systemd/system/irssi.service
+#systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/irssi.service
# Clean up.
rm jessie_start_server.sh
- run (as root) config/setup_opendkim.sh $selector to set up system for DKIM key
signing, with a second parameter $keyfile if a key already exists; without
second parameter, this will generate a new key and print the DNS record to add
+- in the tmux weechat/bitlbee session (run "tmux attach"), switch to the
+ &bitlbee channel, register with a password ("register", "/oper . [password]"),
+ and set up Jabber account with password ("account add jabber
+ plomlompom@jabber.ccc.de", "/oper . [password]"), then activate it ("account
+ on")
--- /dev/null
+[SYSADMIN] weechat restarted, re-identify!
+Your weechat was restarted, so don't forget to re-identify on freenode to
+nickserv via "/msg nickserv identify [password]", and on bitlbee by joining
+&bitlbee, "identify", "/oper . [password]", and "account on".
--- /dev/null
+# /etc/systemd/system/weechat.service
+Description=tmux weechat
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/tmux new-session -d '~/config/bin/weechat-wrapper.sh'