{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block css %} #pick_upper, #pick_lower { margin-right: 1em; } {% endblock %} {% block content %}

pick todos for day

prev | {{day.date}} | next | {{day.comment}}

{% for task in all_tasks %} {% endfor %} {% for todo in chosen_todos %} {% endfor %} {% for todo in relevant_todos %} {% endfor %} {% for task in filtered_tasks %} {% endfor %}
task quick-add:
do effort what comment
{% if todo.day_effort %}{{todo.day_effort}} {% else %}({{todo.default_effort}}){% endif %}{% if todo.done and not "cancelled" in todo.contemporary_tags%}✓{% else %} {% endif %} {% if "cancelled" in todo.tags.now %}{% endif %} {{todo.path|e}}{{todo.title|e}} {%if "cancelled" in todo.tags.now %}{% endif %} {{todo.comment|e}}
earlier todos to continue
{{todo.all_days_effort}}/{{todo.default_effort}} {{todo.dated_title|e}} {{todo.comment|e}}
({{task.default_effort.then}})  {{ task.title.then|e }} {{task.comment|e}}

{% include 'tagfilters.html' %}
hide chosen tasks
{% include 'watch_form.html' %} {% endblock %}