plomrogue ========= plomlompom tries to build his own roguelike. Currently, it doesn't do much interesting, apart from managing some ncurses windows in a bizarre fashion. You can move around a player and meet a number of different enemies. They move randomly and will only accidentally hit you. You have 5 hitpoints to lose before death; they have either 1, 3 or 9. Your score grows by killing enemies, to the amount of hitpoints each killed enemy started with. The map get generated randomly, too. There is only one save file (named "savefile"), and it gets overwritten each new turn. To start over with a new world, delete it. Install/run ----------- Dependencies: the ncurses library. git clone cd plomrogue make ./roguelike Default keybindings ------------------- Q quit F1 toggle keybinding editing window F2 toggle map window F3 toggle info window F4 toggle log window LEFT scroll windows pad left RIGHT scroll windows pad right > cycle window selection forwards < cycle window selection backwards y shift window forwards Y shift window backwards * grow window horizontally _ shrink window horizontally + grow window vertically - shrink window vertically Z reload window configuration w scroll map up x scroll map down a scroll map left d scroll map right s center map on player W move player up X move player down A move player left D move player right S next turn / wait K save current keybindings UP navigate selection upwards in keybinding editing window DOWN navigate selection downwards in keybinding editing window RETURN modify keybinding selected in keybinding editing window Replay game recording --------------------- Run "./roguelike -s" to watch a recording of the current game from the beginning. Hit the "next turn / wait" key to increment turns. Keys to manage windows, scroll on the map and quit the program are active; keys to perform player actions are inactive. Append a number to the -s option (like "-s100") to start the recording at the respective turn number.