Next planned steps in plomrogue development: BOTH SERVER/CLIENT: - implement better server/client architecture, meeting these criteria: - keep interaction of server and client in the filesystem (as currently happens by use of plain text files and fifos) to allow for easy scripting - allow for specific requests of the client for specific server data (such as: "what path do you propose for the player character to get from A to B?") - reduce hard disk i/o for server/client interaction (use fifos only?) - further avoid exits that keep the server running and the lock file existing when it shouldn't - check for return values of *printf() SERVER: - implement field of view / line of sight and obstacles for those on the map - get rid of the hard-coding of the MAGIC MEAT item type and its use mode - is it actually useful to define map object action ids in the config file? - make shape of map (and diagonal movement penalty) configurable in config file CLIENT: - enable toggling of window borders - enable toggling of showing "\n" in the window content either as newline breaks (as currently) or as " / " (without newline break) for more efficent screen estate use - does get_n_of_keybs() really need to be its own function? (only used once) - transform Keybindings struct series from a linked list into an array