{% extends '_base.html' %} {% import '_macros.html' as macros %} {% block css %} td, th, tr, table { padding: 0; margin: 0; } th { border: 1px solid black; } td.min_width { min-width: 1em; } td.cond_line_0 { background-color: #ffbbbb; } td.cond_line_1 { background-color: #bbffbb; } td.cond_line_2 { background-color: #bbbbff; } td.todo_line { border-bottom: 1px solid #bbbbbb; } {% endblock %} {% macro show_node_undone(node, indent) %} {% if not node.todo.is_done %} {% if not node.seen %} {% endif %} {% for condition in conditions_present %} {% if condition in node.todo.conditions and not condition.is_active %}O{% elif condition in node.todo.blockers and condition.is_active %}!{% endif %} {% endfor %} -> {% if node.seen %} {% if node.todo.effort %}{{ node.todo.effort }}{% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% for i in range(indent) %}  {% endfor %} + {% if node.seen %}({% endif %}{{node.todo.title_then|e}}{% if node.seen %}){% endif %} -> {% for condition in conditions_present|reverse %} {% if condition in node.todo.enables %}+{% elif condition in node.todo.disables %}!{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if node.seen %} {{node.todo.comment|e}} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if not node.seen %} {% for child in node.children %} {{ show_node_undone(child, indent+1) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro show_node_done(node, indent, path) %} {% if node.todo.is_done %} {% if path|length > 0 and not path[-1].todo.is_done %} ({% for path_node in path %}{{path_node.todo.title_then|e}} <- {% endfor %})   + {% else %} {% for i in range(indent) %}  {% endfor %} + {% endif %} {% if node.seen %}({% endif %}{{node.todo.title_then|e}} {% if node.todo.comment|length > 0 %}[{{node.todo.comment|e}}]{% endif %}{% if node.seen %}){% endif %} {% endif %} {% if not node.seen %} {% for child in node.children %} {{ show_node_done(child, indent+1, path + [node]) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% block content %}

{{day.date}} / {{day.weekday}}

prev | next

add todo:


{% for condition in conditions_present %} {% set outer_loop = loop %} {% for _ in conditions_present %} {% if outer_loop.index > loop.index %} {% endfor %} {% for _ in conditions_present %} {% if outer_loop.index0 + loop.index0 < conditions_present|length %} {{ macros.datalist_of_titles(list_name, enablers_for[condition.id_]) }} {% set list_name = "todos_against_%s"|format(condition.id_) %} {{ macros.datalist_of_titles(list_name, disablers_for[condition.id_]) }} {% endfor %} {% for condition in conditions_present %} {% endfor %} {% for condition in conditions_present %} {% endfor %} {% for node in top_nodes %} {{ show_node_undone(node, 0) }} {% endfor %}
c states t add enabler add disabler
{% else %} {% endif %} {% if outer_loop.index == loop.index %} {% endif %} [{% if condition.is_active %}X{% else %} {% endif %}] {{condition.title.at(day.date)|e}} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% set list_name = "todos_for_%s"|format(condition.id_) %}


{% for node in top_nodes %} {{ show_node_done(node, 0, []) }} {% endfor %}
{{ macros.datalist_of_titles("processes", processes) }} {% endblock %}