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12 days ago Christian HellerUpdate plomlib.
12 days ago Christian HellerFix incompletely formatted error message.
12 days ago Christian HellerFor reading DbData tables, add check for DbData._cols...
12 days ago Christian HellerFix broken tagging in some pages' player control display.
2025-02-17 Christian HellerLink tags everywhere to tag-filtered files listing.
2025-02-17 Christian HellerAdd "inject all" button to /files view.
2025-02-17 Christian HellerTo /playlist, add "empty" button to clear playlist.
2025-02-17 Christian HellerRemove playlist manipulation form from /playlist, turn...
2025-02-16 Christian HellerFor /files, move towards live-updating view by filter...
2025-02-15 Christian HellerImprove tag selection interface in files index.
2025-02-15 Christian HellerMinor refactoring of VideoFile tags config.
2025-02-14 Christian HellerRefactor tags filtering/display configuration.
2025-02-14 Christian HellerAdd anchor links and jumps to them to playlist.
2025-02-14 Christian HellerMake header sticky.
2025-02-13 Christian HellerIn file view, add play button.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerImprove ModuleNotFoundError message.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerRetrieve bugfixing plomlib commit.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerOutsource install and startup shell code to plomlib.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerAdapt plomlib links to its new directory structure.
2025-02-10 Christian HellerReplace direct cloning of submodule into src/ by specif...
2025-02-10 Christian HellerAllow calling mere "ytplom" rather than "ytplom serve...
2025-02-08 Christian HellerAvoid unnecessary pip install runs.
2025-01-26 Christian HellerUpdate plomlib (for Jinja autoescaping).
2025-01-18 Christian HellerAdapt web server code to plomlib.web.
2025-01-15 Christian HellerFix broken tag filtering.
2025-01-15 Christian HellerUpdate yt-dlp requirement.
2025-01-15 Christian HellerInclude plomlib for its db.py, adapt DB code to it.
2025-01-06 Christian HellerSimplify schema validation code.
2025-01-06 Christian HellerMinor code refactoring, and fix default DB path back...
2025-01-06 Christian HellerDon't commit migrations before surviving schema validat...
2025-01-06 Christian HellerReorganize migrations code.
2025-01-05 Christian HellerRe-work migration mechanisms.
2025-01-04 Christian HellerAdd table schema validation.
2025-01-04 Christian HellerRe-organize command calling of sub-scripts.
2025-01-04 Christian HellerMore DB management code reorganization; add explicit...
2025-01-03 Christian HellerSome further minor DB management code simplifications.
2025-01-02 Christian HellerFurther simplify DB code.
2025-01-02 Christian HellerSimplify DB management code.
2024-12-26 Christian HellerSimplify _ReqMap code.
2024-12-26 Christian HellerRe-organize http module code, mostly alphabetically.
2024-12-26 Christian HellerMinor re-organizations and refactorings of http module.
2024-12-26 Christian HellerOn purge command, reload playlist, to avoid impossible...
2024-12-26 Christian HellerOn sync, rather than only unlink "deleted" files, also...
2024-12-26 Christian HellerTo file view, add button to unlink locally.
2024-12-25 Christian HellerAdd "do not sync" flag to keep files from syncing witho...
2024-12-25 Christian HellerDon't try to ffprobe for duration if file is not actual...
2024-12-25 Christian HellerFix sync using from hash representation for retrieving...
2024-12-25 Christian HellerFor sync, identify missing files by .digest.b64 rather...
2024-12-25 Christian HellerTo file data view, add duration as per ffprobe.
2024-12-23 Christian HellerFix variability of VideoFile hash due to missing sortin...
2024-12-23 Christian HellerImprove verbosity of sync script.
2024-12-22 Christian HellerDon't start right into playback, simplify player control.
2024-12-19 Christian HellerFix broken tag editing.
2024-12-19 Christian HellerFix tags not showing in file view.
2024-12-19 Christian HellerFix playing link brokenness.
2024-12-18 Christian HellerSimplify keeping alive of events stream.
2024-12-18 Christian HellerMinor improvements to events connection handling.
2024-12-18 Christian HellerMinor code clean-up.
2024-12-17 Christian HellerIdentify "playing" entry in playlist by playlist.idx...
2024-12-17 Christian HellerRestart playlist after ending of last file.
2024-12-16 Christian HellerIn /playlist, don't block moving up/down towards playin...
2024-12-16 Christian HellerRe-organize Player code.
2024-12-15 Christian HellerSlightly reorganize sync script.
2024-12-15 Christian HellerClose events stream earlier by checking for frequent...
2024-12-15 Christian HellerSimplify config file tagset fields.
2024-12-15 Christian HellerRe-organize tags code.
2024-12-11 Christian HellerAdd option for tags whitelist prefilter, i.e. tags...
2024-12-11 Christian HellerMinor redesigns/refactorings/renamings on Tag code.
2024-12-11 Christian HellerAdd config option to (dis-)allow file data editing.
2024-12-11 Christian HellerAdd config option to always apply invisible AND tag...
2024-12-10 Christian HellerTurn tags-filtering from OR into AND filter.
2024-12-10 Christian HellerTreat tag filter input fields as OR of comma-delimited...
2024-12-10 Christian HellerIn YT result page, don't directly link files, instead...
2024-12-10 Christian HellerTo each new file, add "new" tag.
2024-12-10 Christian HellerUpdate yt-dlp version.
2024-12-10 Christian HellerReduce overkill in type definitions.
2024-12-10 Christian HellerAdd config option to hide YT queries older than a defin...
2024-12-10 Christian HellerRemove over-complicating tag editing in playlist view.
2024-12-10 Christian HellerIn all-pages player control, show playing titles tags.
2024-12-10 Christian HellerIn all-pages player control, link playing title to...
2024-12-10 Christian HellerReorganize playlist page to only use JS API, smaller...
2024-12-06 Christian HellerGreatly simplify template context type checking.
2024-12-06 Christian HellerHave basic player control as part of every page's head...
2024-12-05 Christian HellerImmediately start player after loading files.
2024-12-05 Christian HellerFix broken redir_target passing.
2024-12-05 Christian HellerAdd filtering to /playlist.
2024-12-04 Christian HellerMake background color configurable.
2024-12-04 Christian HellerShow reduced file data form/table in playlist view.
2024-12-03 Christian HellerFor VideoFiles, renew .last_update any time .save(...
2024-12-03 Christian HellerTo /files view, add filtering by tags.
2024-12-03 Christian HellerIn /file view, for tag addition propose tags used elsew...
2024-12-03 Christian HellerAdd file tagging.
2024-12-03 Christian HellerIn /file view, move deletion checkbox out of danger...
2024-12-03 Christian HellerTo fix sync, add comparison and string representation...
2024-12-03 Christian HellerStore files hash digest as BLOB field .digest, overhaul...
2024-12-02 Christian HellerReorganize DB code and especially migrations handling.
2024-12-02 Christian HellerEnsure DbConn encapsulates its executions into rollback...
2024-12-01 Christian HellerFrom sync script, remove no-longer-necessary ID name...
2024-12-01 Christian HellerTurn files.sha512_digest into new primary key, get...
2024-12-01 Christian HellerTo files table, add sha512 checksum field.