5 from plomlib import PlomDB, PlomException, run_server, PlomHandler
7 db_path = '/home/plom/org/calories_db.json'
13 table { margin-bottom: 2em; }
14 th, td { text-align: left; }
15 td.number { text-align: right; }
16 input[type="number"] { text-align: right; }
19 <form action="{{homepage}}" method="POST">
20 <td><input name="update" type="submit" value="update" /></td>
22 <tr><th>eatable</th><th>unit count</th><th>unit weight (g)</th><th>calories</th><th>sugar (g)</th></tr>
23 {% for c in consumptions %}
25 <input type="hidden" name="keep_visible" value="1"><input name="eatable_key" type="hidden" value="{{c.key|e}}">
26 <td class="number"><input class="unit_count number" name="unit_count" type="number" min="0" step="0.1" value="{{c.count}}" /></td>
29 <td class="number">{{c.cals}}</td>
30 <td class="number">{{c.sugar}}</td>
37 <input type="hidden" name="keep_visible" value="0">
38 <td class="number"><input class="unit_count" name="unit_count" type="number" step="0.1" min="0" value="0" /></td>
39 <td><select name="eatable_key">{% for sel in eatables_selection %}
40 <option value="{{sel.0|e}}">{{sel.1|e}}</option>
41 {% endfor %}</select></td>
46 <tr><th>today:</th><th></th><th></th><th>archive?</th></tr>
47 <td><input name="new_date" size=8 value="{{db.today_date}}" /><td>
48 <td class="number"><input name="new_day_cals" type="hidden" value="{{db.today.calories}}" readonly />{{db.today.calories}}</td>
49 <td class="number"><input name="new_day_sugar" type="hidden" value="{{db.today.sugar_g}}" readonly />{{db.today.sugar_g}}</td>
50 <td><input name="archive_day" type="checkbox" /></td>
52 <tr><th>day</th><th>calories</th><th>sugar (g)</th></tr>
55 <td><input name="day_date" type="hidden" value="{{d.date|e}}" />{{d.date_short|e}}</td>
56 <td class="number"><input name="day_cals" type="hidden" step="0.1" min="0" value="{{d.cals}}" />{{d.cals}}</td>
57 <td class="number"><input name="day_sugar" type="hidden" step="0.1" min="0" value="{{d.sugar}}" />{{d.sugar}}</td>
62 <tr><th>title</th><th>calories</th><th>sugar (g)</th><th>standard weight (g)</th><th>comments</th><th>delete</th></tr>
63 {% for e in eatables %}
65 <input name="eatable_uuid" type="hidden" value="{{e.uuid}}" />
66 <td><input name="title" value="{{e.title|e}}" /></td>
67 <td class="number"><input name="cals" type="number" step="0.1" min="0" value="{{e.cals}}" /></td>
68 <td class="number"><input name="sugar_g" type="number" step="0.1" min="0" value="{{e.sugar_g}}" /></td>
69 <td class="number"><input name="standard_g" type="number" step="0.1" min="0" value="{{e.sugar_g}}" /></td>
70 <td><input name="comments" value="{{e.comments|e}}" /</td>
71 <td><input name="delete" type="checkbox" value="{{e.uuid}}" />
78 <td><input name="title" type="text" value="" /></td>
79 <td class="number"><input name="cals" type="number" min="0" step="0.1" value="0" /></td>
80 <td class="number"><input name="sugar_g" type="number" min="0" step="0.1" value="0" /></td>
81 <td class="number"><input name="standard_g" type="number" min="1" step="0.1" value="1" /></td>
82 <td><input name="comments" type="text" value="" /></td>
88 var unit_count_inputs = document.getElementsByClassName("unit_count");
89 for (let i = 0; i < unit_count_inputs.length; i++) {
90 let input = unit_count_inputs[i];
91 let button = document.createElement('button');
92 button.innerHTML = '+1';
93 button.onclick = function(event) {
94 event.preventDefault();
95 input.value = parseFloat(input.value) + 1.0;
97 input.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', button);
106 def __init__(self, title, cals, sugar_g, standard_g=100, comments="", popularity=0):
108 self.cals = cals # per 100g
109 self.sugar_g = sugar_g # per 100g
110 self.standard_g = standard_g # common unit weight
111 self.comments = comments
112 self.popularity = popularity
118 "sugar_g": self.sugar_g,
119 "standard_g": self.standard_g,
120 "comments": self.comments,
121 "popularity": self.popularity
127 def __init__(self, eatable_key, unit_count=None, keep_visible=0):
128 self.eatable_key = eatable_key
129 self.unit_count = unit_count
130 self.keep_visible = keep_visible
134 "eatable_key": self.eatable_key,
135 "unit_count": self.unit_count,
136 "keep_visible": self.keep_visible
142 def __init__(self, calories, sugar_g):
143 self.calories = calories
144 self.sugar_g = sugar_g
148 "calories": self.calories,
149 "sugar_g": self.sugar_g,
153 class CaloriesDB(PlomDB):
155 def __init__(self, load_from_file=True):
156 self.load_from_file = load_from_file
158 self.consumptions = []
160 self.today = Day(0, 0)
162 super().__init__(db_path)
164 def read_db_file(self, f):
165 if not self.load_from_file:
167 self.from_dict(json.load(f))
169 def from_dict(self, d):
170 self.set_today_date(d["today_date"])
171 for k,v in d["eatables"].items():
172 self.add_eatable(k, Eatable(v["title"], v["cals"], v["sugar_g"], v["standard_g"], v["comments"]))
173 for c in d["consumptions"]:
174 self.add_consumption(Consumption(c["eatable_key"], c["unit_count"]))
175 for k,v in d["days"].items():
176 self.add_day(k, Day(v["calories"], v["sugar_g"]))
179 d = {"eatables": {}, "consumptions": [], "days":{}, "today_date":self.today_date}
180 for k,v in self.eatables.items():
181 d["eatables"][k] = v.to_dict()
182 for c in self.consumptions:
183 d["consumptions"] += [c.to_dict()]
184 for k,v in self.days.items():
185 d["days"][k] = v.to_dict()
188 def calc_consumption(self, c):
189 eatable = self.eatables[c.eatable_key]
190 calories = eatable.cals * c.unit_count
191 sugar_g = eatable.sugar_g * c.unit_count
192 self.today.calories += calories
193 self.today.sugar_g += sugar_g
194 return {"cals": calories, "sugar": sugar_g }
196 def eatables_selection(self):
198 already_selected = [c.eatable_key for c in self.consumptions]
199 for k, v in sorted(self.eatables.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].title):
200 if k in already_selected:
203 options += [(k, v.title)]
206 def add_eatable(self, id_, eatable):
207 self.eatables[id_] = eatable
209 def add_consumption(self, consumption):
210 self.consumptions += [consumption]
212 def add_day(self, date, day, archives_today=False):
214 date = date + str(datetime.datetime.now())[10:]
215 self.days[date] = day
217 def set_today_date(self, today_date):
218 self.today_date = today_date
220 def delete(self, id_):
221 del self.eatables[id_]
224 self.write_text_to_db(json.dumps(self.to_dict()))
227 class ConsumptionsHandler(PlomHandler):
229 def app_init(self, handler):
230 default_path = '/consumptions'
231 handler.add_route('GET', default_path, self.show_db)
232 handler.add_route('POST', default_path, self.write_db)
233 return 'consumptions', default_path
239 from uuid import uuid4
240 from urllib.parse import parse_qs
241 length = int(self.headers['content-length'])
242 postvars = parse_qs(self.rfile.read(length).decode(), keep_blank_values=1)
243 db = CaloriesDB(False)
244 def decode(key, i, is_num=True):
246 return float(postvars[key][i])
247 return postvars[key][i]
249 if 'delete' in postvars.keys():
250 for target in postvars['delete']:
251 to_delete += [target]
253 if 'eatable_uuid' in postvars.keys():
254 for uuid_encoded in postvars['eatable_uuid']:
256 if uuid not in to_delete:
257 e = Eatable(decode("title", i, False), decode("cals", i), decode("sugar_g", i), decode("standard_g", i), decode("comments", i, False))
258 db.add_eatable(uuid, e)
260 if 'title' in postvars.keys() and len(postvars['title'][i]) > 0:
261 e = Eatable(decode("title", i, False), decode("cals", i), decode("sugar_g", i), decode("standard_g", i), decode("comments", i, False))
262 db.add_eatable(str(uuid4()), e)
264 if 'eatable_key' in postvars.keys():
265 for eatable_key in postvars['eatable_key']:
266 c = Consumption(decode("eatable_key", i, False), decode("unit_count", i), decode("keep_visible", i))
268 if c.unit_count == 0 and c.keep_visible == 0:
270 db.add_consumption(c)
272 if 'day_date' in postvars.keys():
273 for date in postvars['day_date']:
274 db.add_day((date), Day(decode("day_cals", i), decode("day_sugar", i)))
276 if 'new_date' in postvars.keys():
277 db.set_today_date(postvars["new_date"][0])
278 if 'archive_day' in postvars.keys():
279 new_cals = postvars["new_day_cals"][0]
280 new_sugar = postvars["new_day_sugar"][0]
281 db.add_day(db.today_date, Day(float(new_cals), float(new_sugar)), archives_today=True)
282 db.set_today_date(str(datetime.datetime.now())[:10])
283 for c in db.consumptions:
285 db.eatables[c.eatable_key].popularity += 1
288 for k, v in sorted(db.eatables.items(), key=lambda item: -item[1].popularity):
289 db.add_consumption(Consumption(k, 0))
291 if (default_slots <= 0):
295 homepage = self.apps['consumptions'] if hasattr(self, 'apps') else self.homepage
296 self.redirect(homepage)
297 except PlomException as e:
306 for k,v in db.eatables.items():
310 'cals': f'{v.cals:.1f}',
311 'sugar_g': f'{v.sugar_g:.1f}',
312 'standard_g': f'{v.standard_g:.1f}',
313 'comments': v.comments
315 db.consumptions = sorted(db.consumptions, key=lambda x: db.eatables[x.eatable_key].title)
316 consumption_rows = []
317 for c in db.consumptions:
318 r = db.calc_consumption(c)
319 consumption_rows += [{
320 'key': c.eatable_key,
321 'count': c.unit_count,
322 'title': db.eatables[c.eatable_key].title,
327 for date in reversed(sorted(db.days.keys())):
331 'date_short': date[:10],
332 'cals': f'{day.calories:.1f}',
333 'sugar': f'{day.sugar_g:.1f}',
335 homepage = self.apps['consumptions'] if hasattr(self, 'apps') else self.homepage
336 page = jinja2.Template(tmpl).render(
340 consumptions=consumption_rows,
341 eatables=eatable_rows,
342 eatables_selection=db.eatables_selection())
346 if __name__ == "__main__":
347 run_server(server_port, ConsumptionsHandler)