1 from plomrogue.misc import quote, stringify_yx
5 def cmd_GEN_WORLD(game, yx, seed):
6 game.world.make_new(yx, seed)
7 cmd_GEN_WORLD.argtypes = 'yx_tuple:pos string'
9 def cmd_GET_GAMESTATE(game, connection_id):
10 """Send game state to caller."""
11 game.send_gamestate(connection_id)
13 def cmd_MAP(game, yx):
14 """Create new map of size yx and only '?' cells."""
15 game.world.new_map(yx)
16 cmd_MAP.argtypes = 'yx_tuple:pos'
18 def cmd_THING_TYPE(game, i, type_):
19 t_old = game.world.get_thing(i)
20 t_new = game.thing_types[type_](game.world, i)
21 #attr_names_of_old = [name for name in dir(t_old) where name[:2] != '__']
22 #attr_names_of_new = [name for name in dir(t_new) where name[:2] != '__']
23 #class_new = type(t_new)
24 #for attr_name in [v for v in attr_names_of_old if v in attr_names_of_new]:
25 # if hasattr(class_new, attr_name):
26 # attr_new = getattr(class_new, attr_name)
27 # if type(attr_new) == property and attr_new.fset is None:
28 # continue # ignore read-only properties on t_new
29 # attr_old = getattr(t_old, attr_name)
30 # attr_new = getattr(t_new, attr_name)
31 # if type(attr_old) != type(attr_new):
33 # setattr(t_new, attr_name, attr_old)
34 t_new.position = t_old.position
35 t_old_index = game.world.things.index(t_old)
36 game.world.things[t_old_index] = t_new
37 cmd_THING_TYPE.argtypes = 'int:nonneg string:thingtype'
39 def cmd_THING_POS(game, i, yx):
40 t = game.world.get_thing(i)
42 cmd_THING_POS.argtypes = 'int:nonneg yx_tuple:nonneg'
44 def cmd_THING_INVENTORY(game, id_, ids):
45 t = game.world.get_thing(id_)
46 t.inventory = [ids] # TODO: test whether valid IDs
47 cmd_THING_INVENTORY.argtypes = 'int:nonneg, seq:int:nonneg'
49 def cmd_TERRAIN_LINE(game, y, terrain_line):
50 game.world.map_.set_line(y, terrain_line)
51 cmd_TERRAIN_LINE.argtypes = 'int:nonneg string'
53 def cmd_PLAYER_ID(game, id_):
54 # TODO: test whether valid thing ID
55 game.world.player_id = id_
56 cmd_PLAYER_ID.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
58 def cmd_TURN(game, n):
60 cmd_TURN.argtypes = 'int:nonneg'
62 def cmd_SWITCH_PLAYER(game):
63 player = game.world.get_player()
64 player.set_task('WAIT')
65 thing_ids = [t.id_ for t in game.world.things]
66 player_index = thing_ids.index(player.id_)
67 if player_index == len(thing_ids) - 1:
68 game.world.player_id = thing_ids[0]
70 game.world.player_id = thing_ids[player_index + 1]
78 save_file_name = game.io.game_file_name + '.save'
79 with open(save_file_name, 'w') as f:
80 write(f, 'TURN %s' % game.world.turn)
81 write(f, 'MAP ' + stringify_yx(game.world.map_.size))
82 for y, line in game.world.map_.lines():
83 write(f, 'TERRAIN_LINE %5s %s' % (y, quote(line)))
84 for thing in game.world.things:
85 write(f, 'THING_TYPE %s %s' % (thing.id_, thing.type_))
86 write(f, 'THING_POS %s %s' % (thing.id_,
87 stringify_yx(thing.position)))
88 write(f, 'THING_INVENTORY %s %s' % (thing.id_,
89 ','.join([str(i) for i in
91 if hasattr(thing, 'task'):
94 task_args = task.get_args_string()
95 task_name = [k for k in game.tasks.keys()
96 if game.tasks[k] == task.__class__][0]
97 write(f, 'SET_TASK:%s %s %s %s' % (task_name, thing.id_,
98 task.todo, task_args))
99 write(f, 'PLAYER_ID %s' % game.world.player_id)
100 cmd_SAVE.dont_save = True