+def command_ttid(id_string):
+ """Set ID of ThingType to manipulate. ID unused? Create new ThingType.
+ The ID of the ThingType to manipulate is stored as command_ttid.id. If
+ the integer of the input value is valid (>= -32768 and <= 32767), but <0 or
+ >255, a new ID is calculated: the lowest unused ID >=0 and <= 255.
+ """
+ id = integer_test(id_string, -32768, 32767)
+ if id:
+ if id in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
+ command_ttid.id = id
+ else:
+ if id < 0 or id > 255:
+ id = -1
+ while 1:
+ id = id + 1
+ if id not in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
+ break
+ if id > 255:
+ print("Ignoring: "
+ "No unused ID available to add to ID list.")
+ return
+ command_ttid.id = id
+ world_db["ThingTypes"][id] = {
+ "TT_NAME": "(none)",
+ "TT_SYMBOL": "?",
+ "TT_CORPSE_ID": id
+ }
+def test_for_id_maker(object, category):
+ """Return decorator testing for object having "id" attribute."""
+ def decorator(f):
+ def helper(*args):
+ if hasattr(object, "id"):
+ f(*args)
+ else:
+ print("Ignoring: No " + category +
+ " defined to manipulate yet.")
+ return helper
+ return decorator
+test_ThingType_id = test_for_id_maker(command_ttid, "ThingType")
+def ThingType_value_setter(key, min, max):
+ """Build: Set selected ThingType's [key] to int(val_string) >=min/<=max."""
+ @test_ThingType_id
+ def f(val_string):
+ val = integer_test(val_string, min, max)
+ if val:
+ world_db["ThingTypes"][command_ttid.id][key] = val
+ return f
+def command_ttname(name):
+ """Set to name TT_NAME of selected ThingType."""
+ world_db["ThingTypes"][command_ttid.id]["TT_NAME"] = name
+def command_ttsymbol(char):
+ """Set to char TT_SYMBOL of selected ThingType. """
+ if 1 == len(char):
+ world_db["ThingTypes"][command_ttid.id]["TT_SYMBOL"] = char
+ else:
+ print("Ignoring: Argument must be single character.")
+def command_ttcorpseid(str_int):
+ """Set to int(str_int) TT_CORPSE_ID of selected ThingType."""
+ val = integer_test(str_int, 0, 255)
+ if val:
+ if val in world_db["ThingTypes"]:
+ world_db["ThingTypes"][command_ttid.id]["TT_CORPSE_ID"] = val
+ else:
+ print("Corpse ID belongs to no known object type.")