4 small blog system using the redo build system
23 To set up a directory with symbolic links to the relevant files in ./processor/,
24 run ./add_dir.sh DIRECTORY.
26 You can then enter the directory and run redo there. This will generate article
27 .html files from all .md and .rst files, plus a ./index.html, and a ./feed.xml.
28 (Some other metadata files will also be generated: for each article, there will
29 also be generated a .uuid and a .intermediate file; furthermore, files with
30 metadata used in ./feed.xml and ./index.html will be built and can be edited to
31 customize the blog: ./url, ./author, ./uuid, ./title.)
36 Due to bad shell scripting in ./processor/index.html.do and
37 ./processor/feed.xml.do (see the FIXME notes there), source files whose names
38 contain "$" break the redo processing.