- name: ensure minimal X window environment
apt: name={{item}} state=present
- - xserver-xorg
+ - xserver-xorg-core
+ - xserver-xorg-input-evdev # supports lal input devices the kernel knows about
- xinit # contains startx
- libpam-systemd # needed to start X as non-root
- name: ensure basic X tools
apt: name={{item}} state=present
- - x11-xserver-utils # includes xrdb which applies .Xresources files
- xterm
+ - x11-xserver-utils # includes xrdb which applies .Xresources files
- redshift
- i3
- i3status
# Set up pentadactyl.
- name: ensure browser environment
apt: name={{item}} state=present
+ with_items:
- iceweasel
- xul-ext-noscript
- xul-ext-pentadactyl