of linked lists.
- enable toggling of showing "\n" in the window content either as newline breaks
(as currently) or as " / " (without newline break) for more efficent screen
estate use
-- does get_n_of_keybs() really need to be its own function? (only used once)
-- transform Keybindings struct series from a linked list into an array
extern uint8_t try_key(uint16_t key)
- struct Command * command = get_command_to_keycode(world.kb_global.kbs, key);
+ struct Command * command = get_command_to_keycode(&world.kb_global, key);
if (!command && world.winDB.active)
struct Win * w = get_win_by_id(world.winDB.active);
if (0 == w->view)
- command = get_command_to_keycode(w->kb.kbs, key);
+ command = get_command_to_keycode(&w->kb, key);
else if (1 == w->view)
- command = get_command_to_keycode(world.kb_wingeom.kbs, key);
+ command = get_command_to_keycode(&world.kb_wingeom, key);
else if (2 == w->view)
- command = get_command_to_keycode(world.kb_winkeys.kbs, key);
+ command = get_command_to_keycode(&world.kb_winkeys, key);
if (command)
static void draw_text_from_bottom(struct Win * win, char * text);
-/* Return keybinding list line via "kb_pp", iterate pointer pointed to by it. */
-static char * get_kb_line_and_iterate(struct KeyBinding ** kb_pp);
+/* Return a properly formatted keybinding list line for "kb". */
+static char * get_kb_line(struct KeyBinding * kb);
/* Draw from line "start" on config view for keybindings defined at "kb". */
static void draw_keybinding_config(struct Win * w, struct KeyBindingDB * kb,
uint8_t start);
/* Draw into window "w" from line "start" on a "title" followed by an empty
- * line followed by a list of all keybindings starting at kb_p.
+ * line followed by a list of all keybindings starting in "kbdb".
static uint16_t draw_titled_keybinding_list(char * title, struct Win * w,
uint16_t start,
- struct KeyBinding * kb_p);
+ struct KeyBindingDB * kbdb);
-static char * get_kb_line_and_iterate(struct KeyBinding ** kb_pp)
+static char * get_kb_line(struct KeyBinding * kb)
- char * f_name = "get_kb_line_and_iterate()";
- struct KeyBinding * kb_p = * kb_pp;
- char * keyname = get_keyname_to_keycode(kb_p->keycode);
- struct Command * command = get_command_to_keycode(kb_p, kb_p->keycode);
- uint16_t size = 9 + 1 + strlen(command->dsc_long) + 1;
- char * line = try_malloc(size, f_name);
- sprintf(line, "%-9s %s", keyname, command->dsc_long);
+ char * f_name = "get_kb_line()";
+ char * keyname = get_keyname_to_keycode(kb->keycode);
+ uint16_t size = 9 + 1 + strlen(kb->command->dsc_long) + 1;
+ char * kb_line = try_malloc(size, f_name);
+ sprintf(kb_line, "%-9s %s", keyname, kb->command->dsc_long);
- * kb_pp = kb_p->next;
- return line;
+ return kb_line;
-static void draw_keybinding_config(struct Win * w, struct KeyBindingDB * kb,
+static void draw_keybinding_config(struct Win * w, struct KeyBindingDB * kbdb,
uint8_t start)
- if (0 == kb->kbs)
+ if (0 == kbdb->n_of_kbs)
add_line(w, "(none)", 0);
- struct KeyBinding * kb_p = kb->kbs;
- uint16_t y;
- for (y = start; 0 != kb_p; y++)
+ uint16_t y, kb_n;
+ for (y = start, kb_n = 0; kb_n < kbdb->n_of_kbs; y++, kb_n++)
attr_t attri = 0;
- if (y - start == kb->select)
+ if (y - start == kbdb->select)
attri = A_REVERSE;
- if (1 == kb->edit)
+ if (1 == kbdb->edit)
attri = attri | A_BLINK;
- char * kb_line = get_kb_line_and_iterate(&kb_p);
+ char * kb_line = get_kb_line(&kbdb->kbs[kb_n]);
add_line(w, kb_line, attri);
static uint16_t draw_titled_keybinding_list(char * title, struct Win * w,
uint16_t start,
- struct KeyBinding * kb_p)
+ struct KeyBindingDB * kbdb)
uint16_t y;
uint8_t state = 0;
- for (y = start; (0 == state || 0 != kb_p); y++)
+ uint16_t kb_n = 0;
+ for (y = start; (0 == state || kb_n < kbdb->n_of_kbs); y++, kb_n++)
if (0 == state)
add_line(w, title, 0);
add_line(w, " ", 0);
- state = 1 + (0 == kb_p);
+ state = 1 + (0 == kbdb->n_of_kbs);
- char * kb_line = get_kb_line_and_iterate(&kb_p);
+ char * kb_line = get_kb_line(&kbdb->kbs[kb_n]);
add_line(w, kb_line, 0);
extern void draw_win_available_keybindings(struct Win * win)
char * title = "Active window's keybindings:";
- struct KeyBinding * kb_p;
+ struct KeyBindingDB * kbdb;
struct Win * w = get_win_by_id(world.winDB.active);
if (0 == w->view)
- kb_p = w->kb.kbs;
+ kbdb = &w->kb;
else if (1 == w->view)
- kb_p = world.kb_wingeom.kbs;
+ kbdb = &world.kb_wingeom;
else if (2 == w->view)
- kb_p = world.kb_winkeys.kbs;
+ kbdb = &world.kb_winkeys;
- uint16_t offset = draw_titled_keybinding_list(title, win, 0, kb_p);
+ uint16_t offset = draw_titled_keybinding_list(title, win, 0, kbdb);
add_line(win, " ", 0);
- struct KeyBinding * kbs_glo = world.kb_global.kbs;
- draw_titled_keybinding_list("Global keybindings", win, offset + 1, kbs_glo);
+ draw_titled_keybinding_list("Global keybindings", win, offset + 1,
+ &world.kb_global);
#include <stddef.h> /* NULL */
#include <stdint.h> /* uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t */
#include <stdio.h> /* FILE, sprintf() */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* free(), atoi() */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* atoi() */
#include <string.h> /* strlen(), strchr(), strcmp() */
#include "../common/err_try_fgets.h" /* err_try_fgets(), err_line() */
#include "../common/readwrite.h" /* try_fwrite()*/
#include "../common/try_malloc.h" /* try_malloc() */
#include "command_db.h" /* get_command() */
+#include "misc.h" /* array_append() */
#include "windows.h" /* draw_all_wins() */
#include "world.h" /* global world */
-/* Return "n"-th keybinding in keybindings chain from "kb_p" on. */
-static struct KeyBinding * get_keyb_of_n(struct KeyBinding * kb_p, uint16_t n);
-/* Return number of keybindings in keybindings chain from "kb_p" on. */
-static uint16_t get_n_of_keybs(struct KeyBinding * kb_p);
/* Return pointer to global keybindings or to keybindings for wingeometry config
* (c = "g") or winkeys config (c = "k") or active window's keybindings ("w").
-static struct KeyBinding * get_keyb_of_n(struct KeyBinding * kb_p, uint16_t n)
- uint16_t i = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- if (n == i)
- {
- break;
- }
- i++;
- kb_p = kb_p->next;
- }
- return kb_p;
-static uint16_t get_n_of_keybs(struct KeyBinding * kb_p)
- uint16_t i = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- if (0 == kb_p)
- {
- break;
- }
- i++;
- kb_p = kb_p->next;
- }
- return i;
static struct KeyBindingDB * char_selected_kb_db(char c)
- struct KeyBindingDB * kbd;
- kbd = &world.kb_global;
+ struct KeyBindingDB * kbdb;
+ kbdb = &world.kb_global;
if ('g' == c)
- kbd = &world.kb_wingeom;
+ kbdb = &world.kb_wingeom;
else if ('k' == c)
- kbd = &world.kb_winkeys;
+ kbdb = &world.kb_winkeys;
else if ('w' == c)
struct Win * w = get_win_by_id(world.winDB.active);
- kbd = &w->kb;
+ kbdb = &w->kb;
- return kbd;
+ return kbdb;
-extern struct Command * get_command_to_keycode(struct KeyBinding * kb_p,
+extern struct Command * get_command_to_keycode(struct KeyBindingDB * kbdb,
uint16_t keycode)
- while (0 != kb_p)
+ uint16_t n_kb;
+ for (n_kb = 0; n_kb < kbdb->n_of_kbs; n_kb++)
- if (keycode == kb_p->keycode)
+ if (keycode == kbdb->kbs[n_kb].keycode)
- return kb_p->command;
+ return kbdb->kbs[n_kb].command;
- kb_p = kb_p->next;
return NULL;
char * f_name = "write_keybindings_to_file()";
uint16_t linemax = 0;
- struct KeyBinding * kb_p = kbd->kbs;
- while (0 != kb_p)
+ uint16_t n_kb;
+ for (n_kb = 0; n_kb < kbd->n_of_kbs; n_kb++)
- if (strlen(kb_p->command->dsc_short) > linemax)
+ if (strlen(kbd->kbs[n_kb].command->dsc_short) > linemax)
- linemax = strlen(kb_p->command->dsc_short);
+ linemax = strlen(kbd->kbs[n_kb].command->dsc_short);
- kb_p = kb_p->next;
linemax = linemax + 6; /* + 6 = + 3 digits + ' ' + '\n' + '\0' */
char line[linemax];
- kb_p = kbd->kbs;
- while (0 != kb_p)
+ for (n_kb = 0; n_kb < kbd->n_of_kbs; n_kb++)
- sprintf(line, "%d %s\n", kb_p->keycode, kb_p->command->dsc_short);
+ sprintf(line, "%d %s\n",
+ kbd->kbs[n_kb].keycode, kbd->kbs[n_kb].command->dsc_short);
try_fwrite(line, sizeof(char), strlen(line), file, f_name);
- kb_p = kb_p->next;
try_fwrite(world.delim, strlen(world.delim), 1, file, f_name);
extern void read_keybindings_from_file(char * line, uint32_t linemax,
- FILE * file, struct KeyBindingDB * kbd)
+ FILE * file, struct KeyBindingDB * kbdb)
- char * f_name = "read_keybindings_from_file()";
char * context = "Failed reading keybindings from interface config file. ";
char * err_space = "Line illegally ends in whitespace.";
char * err_nospace = "No whitespace found in line.";
char * err_int = "Line starts not with a decimal number in digits.";
char * err_toolarge = "Keycode number too large, must be below 1000.";
char * err_cmd = "No such command in command DB.";
- struct KeyBinding ** loc_last_ptr = &kbd->kbs;
- * loc_last_ptr = 0;
+ kbdb->n_of_kbs = 0;
while (1)
err_try_fgets(line, linemax, file, context, "0nf");
err_line(line[i] < '0' || '9' < line[i], line, context, err_int);
err_line(i > 3, line, context, err_toolarge);
- * loc_last_ptr = try_malloc(sizeof(struct KeyBinding), f_name);
- struct KeyBinding * kb_p = * loc_last_ptr;
- line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';
- kb_p->command = get_command(ptr_space + 1);
- err_line(!(kb_p->command), line, context, err_cmd);
- kb_p->next = 0;
- kb_p->keycode = atoi(line);
- loc_last_ptr = & kb_p->next;
- }
-extern void free_keybindings(struct KeyBinding * kb_start)
- if (0 == kb_start)
- {
- return;
- }
- struct KeyBinding * kb_p = kb_start->next;
- if (0 != kb_p)
- {
- free_keybindings(kb_p);
+ struct KeyBinding kb;
+ line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';
+ kb.command = get_command(ptr_space + 1);
+ err_line(!(kb.command), line, context, err_cmd);
+ kb.keycode = atoi(line);
+ array_append(kbdb->n_of_kbs, sizeof(struct KeyBinding), (void *) &kb,
+ (void **) kbdb);
+ kbdb->n_of_kbs++;
- free(kb_start);
extern void mod_selected_keyb(char kb_c)
- struct KeyBindingDB * kbd = char_selected_kb_db(kb_c);
- kbd->edit = 1;
+ struct KeyBindingDB * kbdb = char_selected_kb_db(kb_c);
+ kbdb->edit = 1;
int keycode = getch();
if (keycode < 1000)
- struct KeyBinding * kb_p = get_keyb_of_n(kbd->kbs, kbd->select);
- kb_p->keycode = keycode;
+ kbdb->kbs[kbdb->select].keycode = keycode;
- kbd->edit = 0;
+ kbdb->edit = 0;
extern void move_keyb_selection(char kb_c, char dir)
- struct KeyBindingDB * kbd = char_selected_kb_db(kb_c);
- if ('u' == dir && kbd->select > 0)
+ struct KeyBindingDB * kbdb = char_selected_kb_db(kb_c);
+ if ('u' == dir && kbdb->select > 0)
- kbd->select--;
+ kbdb->select--;
- else if ('d' == dir && kbd->select < get_n_of_keybs(kbd->kbs) - 1)
+ else if ('d' == dir && kbdb->select < kbdb->n_of_kbs - 1)
- kbd->select++;
+ kbdb->select++;
struct KeyBinding
- struct KeyBinding * next;
uint16_t keycode;
struct Command * command; /* command in command DB to which key is bound */
struct KeyBindingDB
struct KeyBinding * kbs;
+ uint16_t n_of_kbs; /* how many KeyBinding structs are stored below .kbs? */
uint16_t select; /* linear list index of keybinding selected for editing */
uint8_t edit; /* 1 if currently editing a keybinding, else 0 */
-/* Return command bound to keycode; NULL on failure. */
-extern struct Command * get_command_to_keycode(struct KeyBinding * kb_p,
+/* Return command bound to "keycode" in "kbdb"; NULL if none found. */
+extern struct Command * get_command_to_keycode(struct KeyBindingDB * kbdb,
uint16_t keycode);
/* Return human-readable name (of maximum 9 chars) for "keycode" as matched by
extern void read_keybindings_from_file(char * line, uint32_t linemax,
FILE * file, struct KeyBindingDB * kbd);
-/* Free keybinding chain starting at "kb_start". */
-extern void free_keybindings(struct KeyBinding * kb_start);
/* Mark keybinding in KeybindingDB (char_selected_kb_db()-) selected by "kb_c"
* as being edited, get user input to modify it, then unmark it again. Ensure
* there are max. three digits in the ASCII string of the kecode read from user.
#include "../common/rexit.h" /* exit_err() */
#include "../common/try_malloc.h" /* try_malloc() */
#include "cleanup.h" /* set_cleanup_flag() */
-#include "keybindings.h" /* free_keybindings(), read_keybindings_from_file(),
+#include "keybindings.h" /* read_keybindings_from_file(),
* write_keybindings_to_file()
#include "map.h" /* map_center() */
read_keybindings_from_file(line, linemax, file, &world.kb_winkeys);
char active_tmp;
char * order_tmp;
- read_order_wins_visible_active(line, linemax, file, &order_tmp, &active_tmp);
+ read_order_wins_visible_active(line, linemax, file, &order_tmp,&active_tmp);
while (read_winconf_from_file(line, linemax, file));
try_fclose(file, f_name);
extern void unload_interface_conf()
- free_keybindings(world.kb_global.kbs);
- free_keybindings(world.kb_wingeom.kbs);
- free_keybindings(world.kb_winkeys.kbs);
+ free(world.kb_global.kbs);
+ world.kb_global.kbs = NULL;
+ free(world.kb_wingeom.kbs);
+ world.kb_wingeom.kbs = NULL;
+ free(world.kb_winkeys.kbs);
+ world.kb_winkeys.kbs = NULL;
while ('\0' != world.winDB.active)
* draw_win_keybindings_winconf_geometry(),
* draw_win_keybindings_global()
-#include "keybindings.h" /* free_keybindings(), write_keybidings_to_file(),
+#include "keybindings.h" /* write_keybidings_to_file(),
* read_keybindings_from_file()
#include "misc.h" /* array_append() */
struct Win * wc = get_win_by_id(id);
- free_keybindings(wc->kb.kbs);
+ free(wc->kb.kbs);
+ wc->kb.kbs = NULL;
free(world.winDB.ids); /* NULL this too since add_win_to_winDB() checks */
world.winDB.ids = NULL; /* for it to detect its first post-DB-purge round.*/