def cleanup_server_io(io_db):
- """Close and remove all files open in IO files DB."""
+ """Close and (if io_db["kicked_by_rival"] false) remove files in io_db."""
def helper(file_key, path_key):
if file_key in io_db:
- os.remove(io_db[path_key])
+ if not io_db["kicked_by_rival"]:
+ os.remove(io_db[path_key])
helper("file_out", "path_out")
helper("file_in", "path_in")
helper("file_worldstate", "path_worldstate")
def server_test(io_db):
- """Check for valid server out file belonging to current process."""
+ """Ensure valid server out file belonging to current process.
+ On failure, set io_db["kicked_by_rival"] and raise SystemExit.
+ """
if not os.access(io_db["path_out"], os.F_OK):
raise SystemExit("Server output file has disappeared.")
file = open(io_db["path_out"], "r")
test = file.readline().rstrip("\n")
- print(str(test) + " == " + io_db["teststring"] + " ?")
if test != io_db["teststring"]:
+ io_db["kicked_by_rival"] = True
msg = "Server test string in server output file does not match. This" \
" indicates that the current server process has been " \
"superseded by another one."
raise SystemExit(msg)
io_db = {}
world_db = {}
raise SystemExit(msg)
obey_lines_in_file(io_db["path_worldconf"], "world config ")
obey("MAKE_WORLD " + str(int(time.time())), io_db, "in file")
+ while 1:
+ server_test(io_db)
# print("DUMMY: Run io_loop().")
except SystemExit as exit:
print("ABORTING: " + exit.args[0])