"""Web server stuff."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from plomtask.exceptions import HandledException, BadFormatException, \
from plomtask.db import DatabaseConnection, DatabaseFile
-from plomtask.processes import Process, ProcessStep
+from plomtask.processes import Process, ProcessStep, ProcessStepsNode
from plomtask.conditions import Condition
from plomtask.todos import Todo
TEMPLATES_DIR = 'templates'
+class TodoStepsNode:
+ """Collect what's useful for Todo steps tree display."""
+ id_: int
+ todo: Todo | None
+ process: Process | None
+ children: list[TodoStepsNode]
+ fillable: bool = False
class TaskServer(HTTPServer):
"""Variant of HTTPServer that knows .jinja as Jinja Environment."""
return self.inputs[key][0]
def get_first_strings_starting(self, prefix: str) -> dict[str, str]:
- """Retrieve list of (first) strings at key starting with prefix."""
+ """Retrieve dict of (first) strings at key starting with prefix."""
ret = {}
for key in [k for k in self.inputs.keys() if k.startswith(prefix)]:
ret[key] = self.inputs[key][0]
def do_GET_todo(self) -> dict[str, object]:
"""Show single Todo of ?id=."""
+ def walk_process_steps(id_: int,
+ process_step_nodes: list[ProcessStepsNode],
+ steps_nodes: list[TodoStepsNode]) -> None:
+ for process_step_node in process_step_nodes:
+ id_ += 1
+ node = TodoStepsNode(id_, None, process_step_node.process, [])
+ steps_nodes += [node]
+ walk_process_steps(id_, list(process_step_node.steps.values()),
+ node.children)
+ def walk_todo_steps(id_: int, todos: list[Todo],
+ steps_nodes: list[TodoStepsNode]) -> None:
+ for todo in todos:
+ matched = False
+ for match in [item for item in steps_nodes
+ if item.process
+ and item.process == todo.process]:
+ match.todo = todo
+ matched = True
+ for child in match.children:
+ child.fillable = True
+ walk_todo_steps(id_, todo.children, match.children)
+ if not matched:
+ id_ += 1
+ node = TodoStepsNode(id_, todo, None, [])
+ steps_nodes += [node]
+ walk_todo_steps(id_, todo.children, node.children)
+ def collect_adoptables_keys(steps_nodes: list[TodoStepsNode]
+ ) -> set[int]:
+ ids = set()
+ for node in steps_nodes:
+ if not node.todo:
+ assert isinstance(node.process, Process)
+ assert isinstance(node.process.id_, int)
+ ids.add(node.process.id_)
+ ids = ids | collect_adoptables_keys(node.children)
+ return ids
id_ = self.params.get_int('id')
todo = Todo.by_id(self.conn, id_)
- return {'todo': todo,
+ todo_steps = [step.todo for step in todo.get_step_tree(set()).children]
+ process_tree = todo.process.get_steps(self.conn, None)
+ steps_todo_to_process: list[TodoStepsNode] = []
+ walk_process_steps(0, list(process_tree.values()),
+ steps_todo_to_process)
+ for steps_node in steps_todo_to_process:
+ steps_node.fillable = True
+ walk_todo_steps(len(steps_todo_to_process), todo_steps,
+ steps_todo_to_process)
+ adoptables: dict[int, list[Todo]] = {}
+ any_adoptables = [Todo.by_id(self.conn, t.id_)
+ for t in Todo.by_date(self.conn, todo.date)
+ if t != todo]
+ for id_ in collect_adoptables_keys(steps_todo_to_process):
+ adoptables[id_] = [t for t in any_adoptables
+ if t.process.id_ == id_]
+ return {'todo': todo, 'steps_todo_to_process': steps_todo_to_process,
+ 'adoption_candidates_for': adoptables,
'process_candidates': Process.all(self.conn),
- 'todo_candidates': Todo.by_date(self.conn, todo.date),
+ 'todo_candidates': any_adoptables,
'condition_candidates': Condition.all(self.conn)}
def do_GET_todos(self) -> dict[str, object]:
return '/'
todo = Todo.by_id(self.conn, id_)
adopted_child_ids = self.form_data.get_all_int('adopt')
+ processes_to_make = self.form_data.get_all_int('make')
+ fill_fors = self.form_data.get_first_strings_starting('fill_for_')
+ for v in fill_fors.values():
+ if v.startswith('make_'):
+ processes_to_make += [int(v[5:])]
+ elif v != 'ignore':
+ adopted_child_ids += [int(v)]
+ to_remove = []
for child in todo.children:
+ assert isinstance(child.id_, int)
if child.id_ not in adopted_child_ids:
- assert isinstance(child.id_, int)
- child = Todo.by_id(self.conn, child.id_)
- todo.remove_child(child)
+ to_remove += [child.id_]
+ for id_ in to_remove:
+ child = Todo.by_id(self.conn, id_)
+ todo.remove_child(child)
for child_id in adopted_child_ids:
if child_id in [c.id_ for c in todo.children]:
child = Todo.by_id(self.conn, child_id)
- for process_id in self.form_data.get_all_int('make'):
+ for process_id in processes_to_make:
made = Todo.create_with_children(self.conn, process_id, todo.date)
effort = self.form_data.get_str('effort', ignore_strict=True)
+{% block css %}
+select{ font-size: 0.5em; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
+{% endblock %}
+{% macro draw_tree_row(item, parent_todo, indent=0) %}
+{% if item.todo %}
+{% if not item.process %}+{% else %} {% endif %}<input type="checkbox" name="adopt" value="{{item.todo.id_}}" checked {% if indent > 0 %}disabled{% endif %}/>
+{% endif %}
+{% for i in range(indent-1) %} {%endfor %}{% if indent > 0 %}·{% endif %}
+{% if item.todo %}
+<a href="todo?id={{item.todo.id_}}">{{item.todo.title_then|e}}</a>
+{% else %}
+{% if indent == 0 %}
+· fill: <select name="fill_for_{{item.id_}}">
+<option value="ignore">--</option>
+<option value="make_{{item.process.id_}}">make</option>
+{% for adoptable in adoption_candidates_for[item.process.id_] %}
+<option value="{{adoptable.id_}}">adopt #{{adoptable.id_}}{% if adoptable.comment %} / {{adoptable.comment}}{% endif %}</option>
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% for child in item.children %}
+{{ draw_tree_row(child, item, indent+1) }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endmacro %}
{% block content %}
<h3>Todo: {{todo.title_then|e}}</h3>
<form action="todo?id={{todo.id_}}" method="POST">
-<td>{{ macros.simple_checkbox_table("adopt", todo.children, "todo", "todo_candidates", "adopt", true) }}<br />
-make: <input type="text" name="make" list="process_candidates" autocomplete="off" /></td>
+{% if steps_todo_to_process|length > 0 %}
+{% for step in steps_todo_to_process %}
+{{ draw_tree_row(step, todo) }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+adopt: <input type="text" name="adopt" list="todo_candidates" autocomplete="off" /><br />
+make: <input type="text" name="make" list="process_candidates" autocomplete="off" />
{{ macros.datalist_of_titles("condition_candidates", condition_candidates) }}
{{ macros.datalist_of_titles("process_candidates", process_candidates) }}
-<datalist id="todo_candidates">
-{% for candidate in todo_candidates %}
-<option value="{{candidate.id_}}">{{candidate.title.newest|e}} {{candidate.comment|e}}</option>
-{% endfor %}
+{{ macros.datalist_of_titles("todo_candidates", todo_candidates, historical=true, with_comments=true) }}
{% endblock %}