+hostname_mod_epoch=$(stat -c%Y /etc/hostname)
while true; do
if [ -f "${path}" ]; then
cat "${path}" | while read line; do
key=$(echo -n "${line}" | cut -d' ' -f2)
mkdir -p ~/plomlombot_db
cd ~/plomlombot_db
- find . -path '*/*/raw_logs/*.txt' -mtime +1 -type f -exec gpg --recipient "${key}" --trust-model always --encrypt {} \; -exec rm {} \;
+ # Dirty hack: To avoid trouble with GPG key expiration, fake
+ # system to something reasonbly old (younger than key creation,
+ # older than expiration) by taking the mod datetime of
+ # /etc/hostname, which should have last be changed when the
+ # system was set up.
+ find . -path '*/*/raw_logs/*.txt' -mtime +1 -type f -exec gpg --recipient "${key}" --trust-model always --faked-system-time="${hostname_mod_epoch}" --encrypt {} \; -exec rm {} \;
mkdir /var/www
chown plom:plom /var/www
if [ "${init_state}" = "new" ]; then
+ # This assumes the old core.plomlompom.com filesystem hierarchy.
su -lc "cd /var/repos && git clone --mirror ${old_server}:repos/website" plom
cp "${config_tree_prefix}/other_files/website_hook_post-receive" /var/repos/website.git/hooks/post-receive
mkdir -p "${irclogs_pw_dir}"
chown -R plom:plom "${irclogs_pw_dir}"
if [ "${init_state}" = "new" ]; then
+ # Handle the case that the repo is in the old pre-buster server setup –
+ # even then, the URL should be the same.
su -lc "cd /var/repos && git clone --mirror https://plomlompom.com/repos/clone/plomlombot-irc" plom
su -lc "touch /var/repos/plomlombot-irc.git/git-daemon-export-ok" plom
cp "${config_tree_prefix}/other_files/plomlombot_hook_post-receive" /var/repos/plomlombot-irc.git/hooks/post-receive