def draw_screen():
+ def healthy_addch(y, x, char, attr=0):
+ """Bizarre workaround for <>."""
+ if y == screen_size[0] - 1 and x == screen_size[1] - 1:
+ char_before = stdscr.inch(y, x - 1)
+ stdscr.addch(y, x - 1, char, attr)
+ stdscr.insstr(y, x - 1, " ")
+ stdscr.addch(y, x - 1, char_before)
+ else:
+ stdscr.addch(y, x, char, attr)
def draw_window_border_lines():
for win in windows:
for k in range(2):
end = win["start"][k] + win["size"][k]
end = end if end < screen_size[k] else screen_size[k]
if k:
- [stdscr.addch(j, i, '-') for i in range(start, end)]
+ [healthy_addch(j, i, '-') for i in range(start, end)]
- [stdscr.addch(i, j, '|') for i in range(start, end)]
+ [healthy_addch(i, j, '|') for i in range(start, end)]
def draw_window_border_corners():
for win in windows:
right = win["start"][1] + win["size"][1]
if (up >= 0 and up < screen_size[0]):
if (left >= 0 and left < screen_size[1]):
- stdscr.addch(up, left, '+')
+ healthy_addch(up, left, '+')
if (right >= 0 and right < screen_size[1]):
- stdscr.addch(up, right, '+')
+ healthy_addch(up, right, '+')
if (down >= 0 and down < screen_size[0]):
if (left >= 0 and left < screen_size[1]):
- stdscr.addch(down, left, '+')
+ healthy_addch(down, left, '+')
if (right >= 0 and right < screen_size[1]):
- stdscr.addch(down, right, '+')
+ healthy_addch(down, right, '+')
def draw_window_contents():
def draw_winmap():
x_in_screen = win["start"][1] + (x - offset[1])
if (y_in_screen < screen_size[0]
and x_in_screen < screen_size[1]):
- stdscr.addch(y_in_screen, x_in_screen, cell)
+ healthy_addch(y_in_screen, x_in_screen, cell)
def draw_scroll_hints():
def draw_scroll_string(n_lines_outside):
hint = ' ' + str(n_lines_outside + 1) + ' more ' + unit + ' '
for j in range(win["size"][ni] - non_hint_space):
pos_2 = win["start"][ni] + hint_offset + j
x, y = (pos_2, pos_1) if ni else (pos_1, pos_2)
- stdscr.addch(y, x, hint[j], curses.A_REVERSE)
+ healthy_addch(y, x, hint[j], curses.A_REVERSE)
def draw_scroll_arrows(ar1, ar2):
for j in range(win["size"][ni]):
pos_2 = win["start"][ni] + j
x, y = (pos_2, pos_1) if ni else (pos_1, pos_2)
- stdscr.addch(y, x, ar1 if ni else ar2, curses.A_REVERSE)
+ healthy_addch(y, x, ar1 if ni else ar2, curses.A_REVERSE)
for i in range(2):
ni = int(i == 0)
unit = 'rows' if ni else 'columns'