static uint16_t read_value_from_line(char * read_buf, uint32_t linemax,
FILE * file);
-/* If the server's worldstate file has changed since the last read_world(),
+/* If the server's worldstate file has changed since the last read_worldstate(),
* return a pointer to its file descriptor; else, return NULL.
* Two tests are performed to check for a file change. The file's last data
static FILE * changed_worldstate_file(char * path);
/* Attempt to read the server's worldstate file as representation of the game
- * world in a hard-coded serialization format. Returns 1 on success and 0 if the
+ * world in a hard-coded serialization format. Returns 1 on success, or 0 if the
* out file wasn't read for supposedly not having changed since a last
- * read_world() call.
+ * read_worldstate() call.
- * map_center() is triggered by either, the first successful read_world() (thus
- * on client start), or on turn 1 (thus on world start).
+ * map_center() is triggered by either, the first successful read_worldstate()
+ * (thus on client start), or on turn 1 (thus on world start).
-static uint8_t read_world();
+static uint8_t read_worldstate();
/* If "last_server_answer_time" is too old, send a PING to the server; or, if a
* previous PING has not sparked any answer after a while, abort the client.
-static uint8_t read_world()
+static uint8_t read_worldstate()
char * path = "server/worldstate";
char * quit_msg = "No worldstate file found to read. Server may be down.";
extern void send(char * msg)
uint32_t msg_size = strlen(msg) + 1;
- char * err = "send() tries to send message larger than PIPE_BUF bytes.";
+ char * err = "send() tried to send message larger than PIPE_BUF bytes.";
exit_err(msg_size > PIPE_BUF, err);
try_fwrite(msg, strlen(msg), 1, world.file_server_in, __func__);
try_fputc('\n', world.file_server_in, __func__);
extern char * io_loop()
- world.halfdelay = 1; /* Ensures read_world() is only called 10 */
- halfdelay(world.halfdelay); /* times a second during user inactivity. */
+ world.halfdelay = 1; /* Ensures read_worldstate() is only called */
+ halfdelay(world.halfdelay); /* 10 times a second during user inactivity. */
uint8_t change_in_client = 0;
uint16_t last_focused_turn = world.turn;
time_t last_server_answer_time = time(0);
world.winch = 0;
- if (change_in_client || read_world())
+ if (change_in_client || read_worldstate())
if (world.turn != last_focused_turn && world.focus_each_turn)