pages_to_add += [page]
print("-i, -p: read in %s page number %d as new page %d" % (input_file, old_page_num+1, new_page_num))
+# if necessary, pad pages to multiple of 8
+if args.nup4:
+ mod_to_8 = len(pages_to_add) % 8
+ if mod_to_8 > 0:
+ print("-n: number of input pages %d not multiple of 8, padding to that" % len(pages_to_add))
+ for _ in range(8 - mod_to_8):
+ new_page = pypdf.PageObject.create_blank_page(width=a4_width, height=a4_height)
+ pages_to_add += [new_page]
# rotate page canvas
if args.rotate:
for rotate in args.rotate:
page_range = None
crops = initial_split[0]
start_page, end_page = parse_page_range(page_range, pages_to_add)
- crop_left, crop_bottom, crop_right, crop_top = [float(x) * points_per_cm for x in crops.split(',')]
+ crop_left_cm, crop_bottom_cm, crop_right_cm, crop_top_cm = [float(x) for x in crops.split(',')]
+ crop_left = crop_left_cm * points_per_cm
+ crop_bottom = crop_bottom_cm * points_per_cm
+ crop_right = crop_right_cm * points_per_cm
+ crop_top = crop_top_cm * points_per_cm
if args.symmetry:
- print("-c, -t: to pages %d to %d applying crops: left %dcm, bottom %dcm, right %dcm, top %dcm (but alternating left and right crop between even and odd pages)" % (start_page + 1, end_page, crop_left, crop_bottom, crop_right, crop_top))
+ print("-c, -t: to pages %d to %d applying crops: left %.2fcm, bottom %.2fcm, right %.2fcm, top %.2fcm (but alternating left and right crop between even and odd pages)" % (start_page + 1, end_page, crop_left_cm, crop_bottom_cm, crop_right_cm, crop_top_cm))
- print("-c: to pages %d to %d applying crops: left %dcm, bottom %dcm, right %dcm, top %dcm" % (start_page + 1, end_page, crop_left, crop_bottom, crop_right, crop_top))
+ print("-c: to pages %d to %d applying crops: left %.2fcm, bottom %.2fcm, right %.2fcm, top %.2fcm" % (start_page + 1, end_page, crop_left_cm, crop_bottom_cm, crop_right_cm, crop_top_cm))
cropped_width = a4_width - crop_left - crop_right
cropped_height = a4_height - crop_bottom - crop_top
zoom = 1 = cropped_height * zoom
odd_page = not odd_page
+ print("built page number %d (of %d)" % (i+1, len(pages_to_add)))
print("-n: building 4-input-pages-per-output-page book")
+ print("-m: applying printable-area margin of %.2fcm" % args.margin)
+ if args.analyze:
+ print("-a: drawing page borders, spine limits")
n_pages_per_axis = 2
printable_margin = args.margin * points_per_cm
printable_scale = (a4_width - 2*printable_margin)/a4_width
new_page_order = []
new_i_order = []
eight_pack = []
- mod_to_8 = len(pages_to_add) % 8
- if mod_to_8 > 0:
- for _ in range(8 - mod_to_8):
- new_page = pypdf.PageObject.create_blank_page(width=a4_width, height=a4_height)
- pages_to_add += [new_page]
i = 0
n_eights = 0
for page in pages_to_add:
page.add_transformation(pypdf.Transformation().scale(section_scale_factor, section_scale_factor))
page_count += 1
- print("merged page number", page_count)
+ print("merged page number %d (of %d)" % (page_count, len(pages_to_add)))
i += 1
if i > 3:
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas