--- /dev/null
+set -e
+mkdir -p "$1"
+cd "$1"
+for file in "$curdir"/*.do "$curdir"/helpers.sh "$curdir"/intermediate.tmpl; do
+ set +e
+ ln -s "$file"
+ set -e
--- /dev/null
+# Remove target files for which no sources files can be found.
+for file in *.intermediate; do
+ if test -f "$file" &&
+ ! test -f "${file%.intermediate}.md" &&
+ ! test -f "${file%.intermediate}.rst"; then
+ rm "$file"
+ fi
+for file in *.uuid; do
+ if test -f "$file" &&
+ ! test -f "${file%.uuid}.md" &&
+ ! test -f "${file%.uuid}.rst"; then
+ rm "$file"
+ fi
+for file in *.html; do
+ if test -f "$file" &&
+ ! test "$file" = "index.html" &&
+ ! test -f "${file%.html}.intermediate"; then
+ rm "$file"
+ fi
+# Determine target files from the sources files present, declare dependencies
+# of the all.do script on them / build them if necessary.
+for file in *.rst *.md; do
+ if test -f "$file"; then
+ redo-ifchange "${file%.*}.intermediate"
+ fi
+for file in *.intermediate; do
+ if test -f "$file"; then
+ redo-ifchange "${file%.*}.html"
+ fi
+# Regenerate feed and index pages. Always.
+redo "feed.xml"
+redo "index.html"
--- /dev/null
+if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+ printf "Joe Sixpack"
--- /dev/null
+# Pull in global dependencies.
+. ./helpers.sh
+redo-ifchange title
+redo-ifchange "$intermediate_file"
+# Build entry data.
+blog_title=`read_and_escape_file title | head -1`
+title_html=`cat "$intermediate_file" | head -1`
+title_plaintext=`echo "$title_html" | html2text`
+title_plaintext_escaped=`escape_html "$title_plaintext"`
+body=`cat "$intermediate_file" | sed 1d`
+# Write first part of entry head.
+cat << EOF
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+# Write remaining entry head and body.
+printf "<title>%s – %s</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n" "$blog_title" "$title_plaintext_escaped"
+#printf "<title>%s – %s</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n" "$blog_title" "$entry_title"
+printf "<h1>%s</h1>\n" "$title_html"
+printf "<section>\n%s\n</section>\n</body>\n</html>" "$body"
--- /dev/null
+redo-ifchange "$uuidfile"
+redo-ifchange "$template"
+if [ -f "$rstfile" ]; then
+ redo-ifchange "$rstfile"
+ pandoc -f rst --template="$template" --mathml -t html5 "$rstfile" > "$3"
+elif [ -f "$mdfile" ]; then
+ redo-ifchange "$mdfile"
+ pandoc -f markdown --template="$template" --mathml -t html5 "$mdfile" > "$3"
--- /dev/null
+if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+ uuidgen > "$1"
--- /dev/null
+# Pull in global dependencies.
+. ./helpers.sh
+redo-ifchange url
+redo-ifchange author
+redo-ifchange uuid
+redo-ifchange title
+# Build some variables. XML-escape even file contents that should not contain
+# dangerous characters, just to avoid any XML trouble.
+base_url=`cat url | head -1`
+url_protocol=`echo $base_url | cut -d ':' -f 1`
+url_basepath=`echo $base_url | cut -d '/' -f 3-`
+url_basepath_escaped=`escape_url "$url_basepath"`
+title=`read_and_escape_file title | head -1`
+author=`read_and_escape_file author | head -1`
+uuid=`read_and_escape_file uuid | head -1`
+# Write majority of feed head.
+cat << EOF
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
+printf "<link href=\"%s\" />\n" "$basepath"
+printf "<link href=\"%sfeed.xml\" rel=\"self\" />\n" "$basepath"
+printf "<title type=\"html\">%s</title>\n" "$title"
+printf "<author><name>%s</name></author>\n" "$author"
+printf "<id>urn:uuid:%s</id>\n" "$uuid"
+# Iterate through most recent entries (go by lastmod date of source files) to
+# build feed head "updated" element, and individual entries.
+files=`ls -1t *.rst *.md | head -10 | tr '\n' $'\0'`
+for file in $files; do
+ lastmod=`stat -c%y "$file"`
+ lastmod_rfc3339=`date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%TZ" -d "$lastmod"`
+ if [ "$first_run" -lt "1" ]; then
+ IFS="$oldIFS"
+ printf "<updated>%s</updated>\n\n" "$lastmod_rfc3339"
+ first_run=1
+ fi
+ # Build some variables and dependencies.
+ intermediate_file="${file%.*}.intermediate"
+ htmlfile=`escape_url "${file%.*}.html"`
+ redo-ifchange "$intermediate_file"
+ redo-ifchange "$uuidfile"
+ title=`read_and_escape_file "$intermediate_file" | head -1`
+ uuidfile="${file%.*}.uuid"
+ uuid=`read_and_escape_file "$uuidfile" | head -1`
+ body=`read_and_escape_file "$intermediate_file" | sed 1d`
+ published=`stat -c%y "$uuidfile"`
+ published_rfc3339=`date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%TZ" -d "$published"`
+ # Write entry.
+ printf "<entry>\n"
+ printf "<title type=\"html\">%s</title>\n" "$title"
+ printf "<id>urn:uuid:%s</id>\n" "$uuid"
+ printf "<updated>%s</updated>\n" "$lastmod_rfc3339"
+ printf "<published>%s</published>\n" "$published_rfc3339"
+ printf "<link href=\"%s%s\" />\n" "$basepath" "$htmlfile"
+ printf "<content type=\"html\">\n%s\n</content>\n" "$body"
+ printf "</entry>\n\n"
+printf "</feed>"
--- /dev/null
+out=`python3 -c 'import sys, html; print(html.escape(sys.argv[1]))' "$1"`
+printf "%s" "$out"
+in=`cat "$1"`
+escape_html "$in"
+out=`python3 -c 'import sys, urllib.parse; print(urllib.parse.quote(sys.argv[1]))' "$1"`
+printf "%s" "$out"
--- /dev/null
+# Pull in global dependencies.
+. ./helpers.sh
+redo-ifchange title
+# Write index head.
+cat << EOF
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+blog_title=`read_and_escape_file title | head -1`
+printf "<title>%s</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n" "$blog_title"
+printf "<h1>%s</h1>\n<ul>\n" "$blog_title"
+# Iterate through entries sorted by lastmod of their source files, write entry
+# list.
+files=`ls -1t *.rst *.md | tr '\n' $'\0'`
+for file in $files; do
+ if [ "$first_run" -lt "1" ]; then
+ IFS="$oldIFS"
+ first_run=1
+ fi
+ intermediate_file="${file%.*}.intermediate"
+ html_file="${file%.*}.html"
+ redo-ifchange "$intermediate_file"
+ redo-ifchange "$html_file"
+ title_html=`cat "$intermediate_file" | head -1`
+ html_file_escaped=`escape_url "$html_file"`
+ printf "<li><a href=\"%s\" />%s</a></li>\n" "$html_file_escaped" "$title_html"
+printf "</ul>\n</body>\n</html>"
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+rm -rf test/test_dir
+./add_dir.sh test/test_dir
+cp test/test_files/test.md test/test_dir/
+cp test/test_files/foo.rst test/test_dir/
+cp test/test_files/bar\ baz.md test/test_dir/
+cd test/test_dir
+cd ../..
+echo "== index.html diff test =="
+diff test/test_files/index.html test/test_dir/index.html
+if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
+ echo "== test SUCCESS =="
+ echo "== test FAILURE =="
--- /dev/null
+% foo
--- /dev/null
+a title with some nasty characters: &<>"'
+this text contains some special characters: '"><&
+and more than one paragraph
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<title>Yet another blog</title>
+<h1>Yet another blog</h1>
+<li><a href="bar%20baz.html" />foo</a></li>
+<li><a href="foo.html" />a title with some nasty characters: &<>"'</a></li>
+<li><a href="test.html" />foo <em>bar</em> <strong>baz</strong></a></li>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+% foo *bar* **baz**
--- /dev/null
+if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+ printf "Yet another blog"
--- /dev/null
+if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+ printf "http://example.org/"
--- /dev/null
+if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
+ uuidgen