Daily updated table of development of Berlin's Corona virus infections.
+How this works:
+Each day, the Berlin health ministry publishes by-district data of the day's
+registered new Corona infections at [1]. ./update.sh crawls this and appends
+the day's data as a single line to ./daily_infections_table.txt, then calls
+./enhance_table.py which outputs an enhanced version of the data to
+/var/www/html/berlin_corona.txt, which is served by my web server at [2]. A
+systemd timer whose files are provided as ./berlin-corona-table.service and
+./berlin-corona-table.timer calls ./update.sh once per day, when the new daily
+data are expected to be found at [1].
+[1] https://www.berlin.de/lageso/_assets/gesundheit/publikationen/corona/bezirkstabelle.csv
+[2] https://plomlompom.com/berlin_corona.txt
sudo cp berlin-corona-table.service /etc/systemd/system/