+/* misc.c */
#include "misc.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "windows.h"
-#include "keybindings.h"
-#include "readwrite.h"
-#include "map_objects.h"
-#include "map_object_actions.h"
-#include "map.h"
-#include "main.h"
-#include "yx_uint16.h"
-extern void exit_game(struct World * world, struct Map * map) {
-// Clean up and exit.
- endwin();
- free(map->cells);
- uint16_t key;
- for (key = 0; key <= world->keyswindata->max; key++)
- free(world->keybindings[key].name);
- free(world->keybindings);
- free(world->keyswindata);
- free(world->log);
- exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
-extern void textfile_sizes (FILE * file, uint16_t * linemax_p, uint16_t * n_lines_p) {
-// Learn largest line length (linemax_p) and (n_lines_p if not set to NULL) number of lines.
- uint16_t n_lines = 0;
- int c = 0;
- uint16_t linemax = 0;
- uint16_t c_count = 0;
- while (EOF != c) {
- c_count++;
- c = getc(file);
- if ('\n' == c) {
- if (c_count > linemax)
- linemax = c_count + 1;
- c_count = 0;
- if (n_lines_p)
- n_lines++; } }
- fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
- * linemax_p = linemax;
- if (n_lines_p)
- * n_lines_p = n_lines; }
-extern uint16_t rrand(char use_seed, uint32_t new_seed) {
-// Pseudo-random number generator (LGC algorithm). Use instead of rand() to ensure portable predictability.
- static uint32_t seed;
- if (0 != use_seed)
- seed = new_seed;
- seed = ((seed * 1103515245) + 12345) % 2147483648; // Values as recommended by POSIX.1-2001 (see rand(3)).
- return (seed / 65536); } // Ignore least significant 16 bits (they are less random).
-extern void update_log (struct World * world, char * text) {
-// Update log by appending text, or by appending a "." if text is the same as the last one.
- static char * last_msg;
- if (0 == last_msg)
- last_msg = calloc(1, sizeof(char));
- char * new_text;
- uint16_t len_old = strlen(world->log);
- if (0 == strcmp(last_msg, text)) {
- uint16_t len_whole = len_old + 1;
- new_text = calloc(len_whole + 1, sizeof(char));
- memcpy(new_text, world->log, len_old);
- memcpy(new_text + len_old, ".", 1); }
- else {
- uint16_t len_new = strlen(text);
- uint16_t len_whole = len_old + len_new + 1;
- new_text = calloc(len_whole, sizeof(char));
- memcpy(new_text, world->log, len_old);
- memcpy(new_text + len_old, text, len_new);
- last_msg = calloc(len_new + 1, sizeof(char));
- memcpy(last_msg, text, len_new); }
- free(world->log);
- world->log = new_text; }
-extern uint16_t center_offset (uint16_t pos, uint16_t mapsize, uint16_t framesize) {
-// Return the offset for display of a map inside a frame centered on pos.
- uint16_t offset = 0;
- if (mapsize > framesize) {
- if (pos > framesize / 2) {
- if (pos < mapsize - (framesize / 2))
- offset = pos - (framesize / 2);
- else
- offset = mapsize - framesize; } }
- return offset; }
-extern void turn_over (struct World * world, char action) {
-// Record action in game record file, increment turn and move enemy.
- if (1 == world->interactive) {
- FILE * file = fopen("record", "a");
- fputc(action, file);
- fclose(file); }
- world->turn++;
- rrand(1, world->seed * world->turn);
- struct Monster * monster;
- for (monster = world->monster; monster != 0; monster = monster->map_obj.next)
- move_monster(world, monster); }
-extern void save_game(struct World * world) {
-// Save game data to game file.
- FILE * file = fopen("savefile", "w");
- write_uint32_bigendian(world->seed, file);
- write_uint32_bigendian(world->turn, file);
- write_uint16_bigendian(world->player->pos.y + 1, file);
- write_uint16_bigendian(world->player->pos.x + 1, file);
- fputc(world->player->hitpoints, file);
- write_map_objects (world->monster, file, write_map_objects_monsterdata);
- write_map_objects (world->item, file, NULL);
- fclose(file); }
-extern void toggle_window (struct WinMeta * win_meta, struct Win * win) {
-// Toggle display of window win.
- if (0 != win->frame.curses_win)
- suspend_win(win_meta, win);
- else
- append_win(win_meta, win); }
-extern void scroll_pad (struct WinMeta * win_meta, char dir) {
-// Try to scroll pad left or right.
- if ('+' == dir)
- reset_pad_offset(win_meta, win_meta->pad_offset + 1);
- else if ('-' == dir)
- reset_pad_offset(win_meta, win_meta->pad_offset - 1); }
-extern void growshrink_active_window (struct WinMeta * win_meta, char change) {
-// Grow or shrink active window horizontally or vertically by one cell size.
- if (0 != win_meta->active) {
- struct yx_uint16 size = win_meta->active->frame.size;
- if (change == '-') size.y--;
- else if (change == '+') size.y++;
- else if (change == '_') size.x--;
- else if (change == '*') size.x++;
- resize_active_win (win_meta, size); } }
-extern struct yx_uint16 find_passable_pos (struct Map * map) {
-// Return a random passable position on map.
- struct yx_uint16 pos;
- for (pos.y = pos.x = 0; 0 == is_passable(map, pos);) {
- pos.y = rrand(0, 0) % map->size.y;
- pos.x = rrand(0, 0) % map->size.x; }
- return pos; }
-extern unsigned char meta_keys(int key, struct World * world, struct WinMeta * win_meta,
- struct Win * win_keys, struct Win * win_map, struct Win * win_info,
- struct Win * win_log) {
-// Call some meta program / window management actions dependent on key. Return 1 to signal quitting.
- if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "quit"))
- return 1;
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "scroll pad right"))
- scroll_pad (win_meta, '+');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "scroll pad left"))
- scroll_pad (win_meta, '-');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "toggle keys window"))
- toggle_window(win_meta, win_keys);
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "toggle map window"))
- toggle_window(win_meta, win_map);
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "toggle info window"))
- toggle_window(win_meta, win_info);
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "toggle log window"))
- toggle_window(win_meta, win_log);
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "cycle forwards"))
- cycle_active_win(win_meta, 'n');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "cycle backwards"))
- cycle_active_win(win_meta, 'p');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "shift forwards"))
- shift_active_win(win_meta, 'f');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "shift backwards"))
- shift_active_win(win_meta, 'b');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "grow horizontally"))
- growshrink_active_window(win_meta, '*');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "shrink horizontally"))
- growshrink_active_window(win_meta, '_');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "grow vertically"))
- growshrink_active_window(win_meta, '+');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "shrink vertically"))
- growshrink_active_window(win_meta, '-');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "save keys"))
- save_keybindings(world);
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "keys nav up"))
- keyswin_move_selection (world, 'u');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "keys nav down"))
- keyswin_move_selection (world, 'd');
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "keys mod"))
- keyswin_mod_key (world, win_meta);
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "map up"))
- map_scroll (world->map, NORTH, win_map->frame.size);
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "map down"))
- map_scroll (world->map, SOUTH, win_map->frame.size);
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "map right"))
- map_scroll (world->map, EAST, win_map->frame.size);
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "map left"))
- map_scroll (world->map, WEST, win_map->frame.size);
- else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "map center player"))
- map_center_player (world->map, world->player, win_map->frame.size);
- return 0; }
+#include <stdlib.h> /* for exit(), EXIT_SUCCESS define, calloc(), free() */
+#include <string.h> /* for strlen(), strcmp(), memcpy() */
+#include <ncurses.h> /* for endwin() */
+#include "windows.h" /* for suspend_win(), append_win(), reset_pad_offset(), */
+ /* resize_active_win(), cycle_active_win(), */
+ /* shift_active_win(), struct Win, struct WinMeta */
+#include "keybindings.h" /* for get_action_key(), save_keybindings(), */
+ /* keyswin_move_selection(), keyswin_mod_key() */
+#include "readwrite.h" /* for write_uint16_bigendian() */
+ /* write_uint32_bigendian() */
+#include "map_objects.h" /* for struct Monster, write_map_objects(), */
+ /* write_map_objects_monsterdata() */
+#include "map_object_actions.h" /* for is_passable(), move_monster() */
+#include "map.h" /* for map_scroll()/map_center_player(), Map struct, dir enum */
+#include "main.h" /* for World struct */
+#include "yx_uint16.h" /* for yx_uint16 */
+extern void exit_game(struct World * world, struct Map * map)
+ endwin();
+ free(map->cells);
+ uint16_t key;
+ for (key = 0; key <= world->keyswindata->max; key++)
+ {
+ free(world->keybindings[key].name);
+ }
+ free(world->keybindings);
+ free(world->keyswindata);
+ free(world->log);
+ exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
+extern void textfile_sizes(FILE * file, uint16_t * linemax_p,
+ uint16_t * n_lines_p)
+ uint16_t n_lines = 0;
+ int c = 0;
+ uint16_t linemax = 0;
+ uint16_t c_count = 0;
+ while (EOF != c)
+ {
+ c_count++;
+ c = getc(file);
+ if ('\n' == c)
+ {
+ if (c_count > linemax)
+ {
+ linemax = c_count + 1;
+ }
+ c_count = 0;
+ if (n_lines_p)
+ {
+ n_lines++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ * linemax_p = linemax;
+ if (n_lines_p)
+ {
+ * n_lines_p = n_lines;
+ }
+extern uint16_t rrand(char use_seed, uint32_t new_seed)
+ static uint32_t seed;
+ if (0 != use_seed)
+ {
+ seed = new_seed;
+ }
+ /* Constants as recommended by POSIX.1-2001 (see man page rand(3)). */
+ seed = ((seed * 1103515245) + 12345) % 2147483648;
+ return (seed / 65536); /* TODO: Use bit-shifting for ignoring the less */
+} /* random least significant 16 bits. */
+extern void update_log(struct World * world, char * text)
+ static char * last_msg;
+ if (0 == last_msg)
+ {
+ last_msg = calloc(1, sizeof(char));
+ }
+ char * new_text;
+ uint16_t len_old = strlen(world->log);
+ if (0 == strcmp(last_msg, text))
+ {
+ uint16_t len_whole = len_old + 1;
+ new_text = calloc(len_whole + 1, sizeof(char));
+ memcpy(new_text, world->log, len_old);
+ memcpy(new_text + len_old, ".", 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint16_t len_new = strlen(text);
+ uint16_t len_whole = len_old + len_new + 1;
+ new_text = calloc(len_whole, sizeof(char));
+ memcpy(new_text, world->log, len_old);
+ memcpy(new_text + len_old, text, len_new);
+ last_msg = calloc(len_new + 1, sizeof(char));
+ memcpy(last_msg, text, len_new);
+ }
+ free(world->log);
+ world->log = new_text;
+extern uint16_t center_offset(uint16_t pos, uint16_t mapsize,
+ uint16_t framesize)
+ uint16_t offset = 0;
+ if (mapsize > framesize)
+ {
+ if (pos > framesize / 2)
+ {
+ if (pos < mapsize - (framesize / 2))
+ {
+ offset = pos - (framesize / 2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = mapsize - framesize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return offset;
+extern void turn_over(struct World * world, char action)
+ if (1 == world->interactive)
+ {
+ FILE * file = fopen("record", "a");
+ fputc(action, file);
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ world->turn++;
+ rrand(1, world->seed * world->turn);
+ struct Monster * monster;
+ for (monster = world->monster;
+ monster != 0;
+ monster = monster->map_obj.next)
+ {
+ move_monster(world, monster);
+ }
+extern void save_game(struct World * world)
+ FILE * file = fopen("savefile", "w");
+ write_uint32_bigendian(world->seed, file);
+ write_uint32_bigendian(world->turn, file);
+ write_uint16_bigendian(world->player->pos.y + 1, file);
+ write_uint16_bigendian(world->player->pos.x + 1, file);
+ fputc(world->player->hitpoints, file);
+ write_map_objects (world->monster, file, write_map_objects_monsterdata);
+ write_map_objects (world->item, file, NULL);
+ fclose(file);
+extern void toggle_window(struct WinMeta * win_meta, struct Win * win)
+ if (0 != win->frame.curses_win)
+ {
+ suspend_win(win_meta, win);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ append_win(win_meta, win);
+ }
+extern void scroll_pad(struct WinMeta * win_meta, char dir)
+ if ('+' == dir)
+ {
+ reset_pad_offset(win_meta, win_meta->pad_offset + 1);
+ }
+ else if ('-' == dir)
+ {
+ reset_pad_offset(win_meta, win_meta->pad_offset - 1);
+ }
+extern void growshrink_active_window(struct WinMeta * win_meta, char change)
+ if (0 != win_meta->active)
+ {
+ struct yx_uint16 size = win_meta->active->frame.size;
+ if (change == '-')
+ {
+ size.y--;
+ }
+ else if (change == '+')
+ {
+ size.y++;
+ }
+ else if (change == '_')
+ {
+ size.x--;
+ }
+ else if (change == '*')
+ {
+ size.x++;
+ }
+ resize_active_win (win_meta, size);
+ }
+extern struct yx_uint16 find_passable_pos(struct Map * map)
+ struct yx_uint16 pos;
+ for (pos.y = pos.x = 0; 0 == is_passable(map, pos);)
+ {
+ pos.y = rrand(0, 0) % map->size.y;
+ pos.x = rrand(0, 0) % map->size.x;
+ }
+ return pos;
+extern unsigned char meta_keys(int key, struct World * world,
+ struct WinMeta * win_meta,
+ struct Win * win_keys,
+ struct Win * win_map,
+ struct Win * win_info,
+ struct Win * win_log)
+ if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "quit"))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "scroll pad right"))
+ {
+ scroll_pad (win_meta, '+');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "scroll pad left"))
+ {
+ scroll_pad (win_meta, '-');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "toggle keys window"))
+ {
+ toggle_window(win_meta, win_keys);
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "toggle map window"))
+ {
+ toggle_window(win_meta, win_map);
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "toggle info window"))
+ {
+ toggle_window(win_meta, win_info);
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "toggle log window"))
+ {
+ toggle_window(win_meta, win_log);
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "cycle forwards"))
+ {
+ cycle_active_win(win_meta, 'n');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "cycle backwards"))
+ {
+ cycle_active_win(win_meta, 'p');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "shift forwards"))
+ {
+ shift_active_win(win_meta, 'f');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "shift backwards"))
+ {
+ shift_active_win(win_meta, 'b');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "grow horizontally"))
+ {
+ growshrink_active_window(win_meta, '*');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "shrink horizontally"))
+ {
+ growshrink_active_window(win_meta, '_');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "grow vertically"))
+ {
+ growshrink_active_window(win_meta, '+');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "shrink vertically"))
+ {
+ growshrink_active_window(win_meta, '-');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "save keys"))
+ {
+ save_keybindings(world);
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "keys nav up"))
+ {
+ keyswin_move_selection (world, 'u');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "keys nav down"))
+ {
+ keyswin_move_selection (world, 'd');
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "keys mod"))
+ {
+ keyswin_mod_key (world, win_meta);
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "map up"))
+ {
+ map_scroll (world->map, NORTH, win_map->frame.size);
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "map down"))
+ {
+ map_scroll (world->map, SOUTH, win_map->frame.size);
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "map right"))
+ {
+ map_scroll (world->map, EAST, win_map->frame.size);
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "map left"))
+ {
+ map_scroll (world->map, WEST, win_map->frame.size);
+ }
+ else if (key == get_action_key(world->keybindings, "map center player"))
+ {
+ map_center_player (world->map, world->player, win_map->frame.size);
+ }
+ return 0;