msg = f'cannot int form field value for key {key}: {val}'
raise BadFormatException(msg) from e
- def get_bool(self, key: str) -> bool:
- """Return if key occurs _and_ its value maps to a boolean Truth."""
- return self.get_str(key) not in {None, 'False'}
+ def get_bool_or_none(self, key: str) -> bool | None:
+ """Return value to key if truish; if no value to key, None."""
+ val = self.get_str(key)
+ if val is None:
+ return None
+ return val in {'True', 'true', '1', 'on'}
def get_firsts_of_key_prefixed(self, prefix: str) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Retrieve dict of (first) strings at key starting with prefix."""
'empty': self._form.get_all_int('make_empty')}
step_fillers = self._form.get_all_str('step_filler')
to_update: dict[str, Any] = {
- 'is_done': self._form.get_bool('done'),
- 'calendarize': self._form.get_bool('calendarize'),
'comment': self._form.get_str_or_fail('comment', '')}
+ for k1, k2 in [('is_done', 'done'), ('calendarize', 'calendarize')]:
+ v = self._form.get_bool_or_none(k2)
+ if v is not None:
+ to_update[k1] = v
cond_rels = [self._form.get_all_int(name) for name in
['conditions', 'blockers', 'enables', 'disables']]
effort_or_not = self._form.get_str('effort')
'effort': self._form.get_float_or_fail('effort')}
cond_rels = [self._form.get_all_int(s) for s
in ['conditions', 'blockers', 'enables', 'disables']]
- calendarize = self._form.get_bool('calendarize')
+ calendarize = self._form.get_bool_or_none('calendarize')
step_of = self._form.get_all_str('step_of')
suppresses = self._form.get_all_int('suppresses')
kept_steps = self._form.get_all_int('kept_steps')
for k, v in versioned.items():
getattr(process, k).set(v)
process.set_condition_relations(self.conn, *cond_rels)
- process.calendarize = calendarize
+ if calendarize is not None:
+ process.calendarize = calendarize
assert isinstance(process.id_, int)
# set relations to, and if non-existant yet: create, other Processes
"""Update/insert Condition of ?id= and fields defined in postvars."""
title = self._form.get_str_or_fail('title')
description = self._form.get_str_or_fail('description')
- condition.is_active = self._form.get_bool('is_active')
+ is_active = self._form.get_bool_or_none('is_active')
+ if is_active is not None:
+ condition.is_active = is_active
class TestsWithDB(TestCaseWithDB):
"""Tests requiring DB, but not server setup."""
checked_class = Condition
- default_init_kwargs = {'is_active': False}
+ default_init_kwargs = {'is_active': 0}
def test_remove(self) -> None:
"""Test .remove() effects on DB and cache."""
url = '/condition'
self.check_post({}, url, 400)
self.check_post({'title': ''}, url, 400)
- self.check_post({'title': '', 'is_active': False}, url, 400)
- self.check_post({'description': '', 'is_active': False}, url, 400)
+ self.check_post({'title': '', 'is_active': 0}, url, 400)
+ self.check_post({'description': '', 'is_active': 0}, url, 400)
# check valid POST payload on bad paths
- valid_payload = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'is_active': False}
+ valid_payload = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'is_active': 0}
self.check_post(valid_payload, '/condition?id=foo', 400)
def test_POST_condition(self) -> None:
exp_all = ExpectedGetConditions()
all_exps = [exp_single, exp_all]
# test valid POST's effect on single /condition and full /conditions
- post = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': False}
+ post = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': 0}
self.post_exp_cond(all_exps, 1, post, '', '?id=1')
self.check_json_get('/condition?id=1', exp_single)
self.check_json_get('/conditions', exp_all)
self.check_post({}, '/condition?id=1', 400)
self.check_json_get('/condition?id=1', exp_single)
# test effect of POST changing title and activeness
- post = {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': True}
+ post = {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': 1}
self.post_exp_cond(all_exps, 1, post, '?id=1', '?id=1')
self.check_json_get('/condition?id=1', exp_single)
self.check_json_get('/conditions', exp_all)
# make Condition and two Processes that among them establish all
# possible ConditionsRelations to it, check /condition displays all
exp = ExpectedGetCondition(1)
- cond_post = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': False}
+ cond_post = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': 0}
self.post_exp_cond([exp], 1, cond_post, '', '?id=1')
proc1_post = {'title': 'A', 'description': '', 'effort': 1.1,
'conditions': [1], 'disables': [1]}
exp.set('sort_by', 'title') # for clarity (already default)
self.check_json_get('/conditions?sort_by=foo&pattern=bar&foo=x', exp)
# test non-empty result, automatic (positive) sorting by title
- post_cond1 = {'is_active': False, 'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof'}
- post_cond2 = {'is_active': False, 'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab'}
- post_cond3 = {'is_active': True, 'title': 'baz', 'description': 'zab'}
+ post_cond1 = {'is_active': 0, 'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof'}
+ post_cond2 = {'is_active': 0, 'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab'}
+ post_cond3 = {'is_active': 1, 'title': 'baz', 'description': 'zab'}
for i, post in enumerate([post_cond1, post_cond2, post_cond3]):
self.post_exp_cond([exp], i+1, post, '', f'?id={i+1}')
exp.set('pattern', '')
if t['date'] == self._fields['day']]
self.lib_get('Day', self._fields['day'])['todos'] = self.as_ids(todos)
self._fields['top_nodes'] = [
- {'children': [], 'seen': False, 'todo': todo['id']}
+ {'children': [], 'seen': 0, 'todo': todo['id']}
for todo in todos]
for todo in todos:
proc = self.lib_get('Process', todo['process_id'])
exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['children'] = [2]
exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(2, 2)])
top_nodes = [{'todo': 1,
- 'seen': False,
+ 'seen': 0,
'children': [{'todo': 2,
- 'seen': False,
+ 'seen': 0,
'children': []}]}]
exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'full', 'new_todo': [1]})
exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(3, 1, children=[2])])
top_nodes += [{'todo': 3,
- 'seen': False,
+ 'seen': 0,
'children': [{'todo': 2,
- 'seen': True,
+ 'seen': 1,
'children': []}]}]
exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'empty', 'new_todo': [1]})
exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(4, 1)])
top_nodes += [{'todo': 4,
- 'seen': False,
+ 'seen': 0,
'children': []}]
exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
# make-full-day-post batch of Todos of both Processes in one order …,
self.post_exp_day([exp], {'make_type': 'full', 'new_todo': [1, 2]})
top_nodes: list[dict[str, Any]] = [{'todo': 1,
- 'seen': False,
+ 'seen': 0,
'children': [{'todo': 2,
- 'seen': False,
+ 'seen': 0,
'children': []}]}]
exp.force('top_nodes', top_nodes)
exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['children'] = [2]
date = '2024-01-01'
exp = ExpectedGetDay(date)
# check non-referenced Conditions not shown
- cond_posts = [{'is_active': False, 'title': 'A', 'description': 'a'},
- {'is_active': True, 'title': 'B', 'description': 'b'}]
+ cond_posts = [{'is_active': 0, 'title': 'A', 'description': 'a'},
+ {'is_active': 1, 'title': 'B', 'description': 'b'}]
for i, cond_post in enumerate(cond_posts):
self.check_post(cond_post, f'/condition?id={i+1}')
self.check_json_get(f'/day?date={date}', exp)
with self.assertRaises(BadFormatException):
InputsParser({'foo': []}).get_float_or_fail('foo')
- def test_InputsParser_get_bool(self) -> None:
+ def test_InputsParser_get_bool_or_none(self) -> None:
"""Test InputsParser.get_all_str."""
parser = InputsParser({})
- self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool('foo'))
- parser = InputsParser({'val': ['true']})
- self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool('foo'))
- parser = InputsParser({'val': ['True']})
- self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool('foo'))
- parser = InputsParser({'val': ['1']})
- self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(None, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
parser = InputsParser({'val': ['foo']})
- self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(None, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
+ parser = InputsParser({'val': ['True']})
+ self.assertEqual(None, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
parser = InputsParser({'foo': []})
- self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(None, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
parser = InputsParser({'foo': ['None']})
- self.assertEqual(True, parser.get_bool('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
parser = InputsParser({'foo': ['0']})
- self.assertEqual(True, parser.get_bool('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
parser = InputsParser({'foo': ['']})
- self.assertEqual(True, parser.get_bool('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
parser = InputsParser({'foo': ['bar']})
- self.assertEqual(True, parser.get_bool('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
parser = InputsParser({'foo': ['bar', 'baz']})
- self.assertEqual(True, parser.get_bool('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
parser = InputsParser({'foo': ['False']})
- self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool('foo'))
+ self.assertEqual(False, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
+ parser = InputsParser({'foo': ['true']})
+ self.assertEqual(True, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
+ parser = InputsParser({'foo': ['True']})
+ self.assertEqual(True, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
+ parser = InputsParser({'foo': ['1']})
+ self.assertEqual(True, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
+ parser = InputsParser({'foo': ['on']})
+ self.assertEqual(True, parser.get_bool_or_none('foo'))
def test_InputsParser_get_all_str(self) -> None:
"""Test InputsParser.get_all_str."""
def test_basic_POST_todo(self) -> None:
"""Test basic POST /todo manipulations."""
exp = ExpectedGetTodo(1)
- self.post_exp_process([exp], {}, 1)
+ self.post_exp_process([exp], {'calendarize': 0}, 1)
self.post_exp_day([exp], {'new_todo': [1]})
# test posting naked entity at first changes nothing
self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=1')
self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
# test posting doneness, comment, calendarization, effort
- todo_post = {'done': '', 'calendarize': '',
+ todo_post = {'done': 1, 'calendarize': 1,
'comment': 'foo', 'effort': 2.3}
self._post_exp_todo(1, todo_post, exp)
self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
- # test implicitly un-setting all of those except effort by empty post
+ # test implicitly un-setting (only) comment by empty post
self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=1')
- exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(effort=2.3)])
+ exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['comment'] = ''
self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
# test effort post can be explicitly unset by "effort":"" post
self.check_post({'effort': ''}, '/todo?id=1')
- exp.lib_set('Todo', [exp.todo_as_dict(effort=None)])
+ exp.lib_get('Todo', 1)['effort'] = None
self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
# test Condition posts
- c1_post = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': False}
- c2_post = {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab', 'is_active': True}
+ c1_post = {'title': 'foo', 'description': 'oof', 'is_active': 0}
+ c2_post = {'title': 'bar', 'description': 'rab', 'is_active': 1}
self.post_exp_cond([exp], 1, c1_post, '?id=1', '?id=1')
self.post_exp_cond([exp], 2, c2_post, '?id=2', '?id=2')
+ self.check_json_get('/todo?id=1', exp)
todo_post = {'conditions': [1], 'disables': [1],
'blockers': [2], 'enables': [2]}
self._post_exp_todo(1, todo_post, exp)
# test Todo with adoptee can only be set done if adoptee is done too
self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': [1]})
self.post_exp_day([], {'new_todo': [1]})
- self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'done': ''}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
- self.check_post({'done': ''}, '/todo?id=2')
- self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'done': ''}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
+ self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+ self.check_post({'done': 1}, '/todo?id=2')
+ self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
# test Todo cannot be set undone with adopted Todo not done yet
- self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=2')
- self.check_post({'adopt': 2}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+ self.check_post({'done': 0}, '/todo?id=2')
+ self.check_post({'adopt': 2, 'done': 0}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
# test unadoption relieves block
- self.check_post({}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
+ self.check_post({'done': 0}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
# test Condition being set or unset can block doneness setting
- c1_post = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'is_active': False}
- c2_post = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'is_active': True}
+ c1_post = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'is_active': 0}
+ c2_post = {'title': '', 'description': '', 'is_active': 1}
self.check_post(c1_post, '/condition', redir='/condition?id=1')
self.check_post(c2_post, '/condition', redir='/condition?id=2')
- self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'done': ''}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
- self.check_post({'done': ''}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
- self.check_post({'blockers': [2]}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
- self.check_post({'done': ''}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
+ self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+ self.check_post({'done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
+ self.check_post({'done': 0}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
+ self.check_post({'blockers': [2], 'done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 400)
+ self.check_post({'done': 1}, '/todo?id=1', 302)
# test setting Todo doneness can set/un-set Conditions, but only on
# doneness change, not by mere passive state
- self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'done': ''}, '/todo?id=1')
- self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'done': ''}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
- self.check_post({'enables': [1]}, '/todo?id=1')
- self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'done': ''}, '/todo?id=1')
- self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'done': ''}, '/todo?id=2')
- self.check_post({'blockers': [1]}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
- self.check_post({'disables': [1], 'done': ''}, '/todo?id=1')
- self.check_post({'blockers': [1]}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
+ self.check_post({'done': 0}, '/todo?id=2', 302)
+ self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
+ self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'done': 1}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
+ self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'done': 0}, '/todo?id=1')
+ self.check_post({'enables': [1], 'done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
+ self.check_post({'conditions': [1], 'done': 1}, '/todo?id=2')
+ self.check_post({'blockers': [1], 'done': 0}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
+ self.check_post({'disables': [1], 'done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
+ self.check_post({'blockers': [1], 'done': 0}, '/todo?id=2', 400)
self.check_post({'disables': [1]}, '/todo?id=1')
- self.check_post({'disables': [1], 'done': ''}, '/todo?id=1')
+ self.check_post({'disables': [1], 'done': 1}, '/todo?id=1')
self.check_post({'blockers': [1]}, '/todo?id=2')
list[str] | list[float]] = {'str': ['A', 'B'],
'float': [0.3, 1.1]}
+VALID_TRUES = {True, 'True', 'true', '1', 'on'}
class TestCaseAugmented(TestCase):
def set_todo_from_post(self, id_: int, d: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Set Todo of id_ in library based on POST dict d."""
- corrected_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}
+ corrected_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {'children': []}
for k, v in d.items():
if k in {'adopt', 'step_filler'}:
- if 'children' not in corrected_kwargs:
- corrected_kwargs['children'] = []
new_children = v if isinstance(v, list) else [v]
corrected_kwargs['children'] += new_children
if 'done' == k:
k = 'is_done'
if k in {'is_done', 'calendarize'}:
- v = True
+ v = v in VALID_TRUES
corrected_kwargs[k] = v
- todo = self.todo_as_dict(id_, **corrected_kwargs)
+ todo = self.lib_get('Todo', id_)
+ if todo:
+ for k, v in corrected_kwargs.items():
+ todo[k] = v
+ else:
+ todo = self.todo_as_dict(id_, **corrected_kwargs)
self.lib_set('Todo', [todo])
or k.startswith('step_') or k.startswith('new_step_to'):
if k in {'calendarize'}:
- v = True
+ v = v in VALID_TRUES
elif k in {'suppressed_steps', 'explicit_steps', 'conditions',
'disables', 'enables', 'blockers'}:
if not isinstance(v, list):