+set -e
+# If we don't have a table file yet, we need to provide its header.
+header=" CW FK Li MH Mi Ne Pa Re Sp SZ TS TK sum"
+if [ ! -f "${table_path}" ]; then
+ echo "${header}" > "${table_path}"
# Parse Lageso day table of new infections by district into new line for history table.
today="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
-curl https://www.berlin.de/lageso/_assets/gesundheit/publikationen/corona/bezirkstabelle.csv \
+curl "${CSV_URL}" \
| awk 'BEGIN { FS=";"; ORS=""; print "'${today}'" }; '\
'!/^Bezirk/ { printf "%4d", $3 }; '\
-'END { printf "\n" }' "${filename}" >> /home/plom/berlin-corona-table/daily_infections_table.txt
+'END { printf "\n" }' "${filename}" >> "${table_path}"
# Write enhanced table output to directory served by web server.
./enhance_table.py > /var/www/html/berlin_corona.txt