raise GameError('need to be logged in for this')
if not game.sessions[connection_id]['status'] == 'admin':
raise GameError('need to be admin for this')
+ if not control_char in game.map_control_passwords.keys():
+ raise GameError('no password set for this tile class')
big_yx, little_yx = player.fov_stencil.source_yxyx(yx)
map_control = game.get_map(big_yx, 'control')
map_control[little_yx] = control_char
raise GameError('need to be logged in for this')
if not game.sessions[connection_id]['status'] == 'admin':
raise GameError('need to be admin for this')
+ if tile_class == '.':
+ raise GameError('tile class "." must remain unprotected')
game.map_control_passwords[tile_class] = password
game.changed = True
cmd_SET_MAP_CONTROL_PASSWORD.argtypes = 'char string'