terminal rows: <input id="n_rows" type="number" step=4 min=24 value=24 />
-terminal columns: <input id="n_cols" type="number" step=4 min=80 value=80 />
+· terminal columns: <input id="n_cols" type="number" step=4 min=80 value=80 />
+· <a href="https://plomlompom.com/repos/?p=plomrogue2;a=summary">source code</a> (includes proper terminal/ncurses client)
<pre id="terminal"></pre>
<textarea id="input" style="opacity: 0; width: 0px;"></textarea>
-<a href="https://plomlompom.com/repos/?p=plomrogue2;a=summary">source code</a> (includes proper terminal / curses client)
+keyboard input/control: <span id="keyboard_control"></span>
<h3>button controls for mouse players</h3>
<table style="float: left">
tui.log_msg('@ attempting reconnect …')
}, 5000);
+window.setInterval(function() {
+ let val = "?";
+ if (document.activeElement == tui.inputEl) {
+ val = "on (click outside terminal to change)";
+ } else {
+ val = "off (click into terminal to change)";
+ };
+ document.getElementById("keyboard_control").textContent = val;
+}, 100);
document.getElementById("terminal").onclick = function() {