#include <time.h> /* for time() */
#include <unistd.h> /* for unlink(), getopt(), optarg */
#include <stdint.h> /* for uint8_t */
+#include <errno.h> /* for errno */
#include "windows.h" /* for structs WinMeta, Win, init_win(), init_win_meta(),
* draw_all_wins()
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct World world;
+ char * recordfile = "record";
+ char * savefile = "savefile";
+ char * err_x = "A file 'record' exists, but no 'savefile'. If everything "
+ "was in order, both or none would exist. I won't start "
+ "until this is corrected.";
+ if (!access(recordfile, F_OK) && access(savefile, F_OK))
+ {
+ errno = 0;
+ exit_err(1, &world, err_x);
+ }
+ err_x = "A 'savefile' exists, but no file 'record'. If everything "
+ "was in order, both or none would exist. I won't start "
+ "until this is corrected.";
+ if (!access(savefile, F_OK) && access(recordfile, F_OK))
+ {
+ errno = 0;
+ exit_err(1, &world, err_x);
+ }
char * recordfile_tmp = "record_tmp";
char * savefile_tmp = "savefile_tmp";
- char * err_x = "A file 'recordfile_tmp' exists, probably from a corrupted "
+ err_x = "A file 'recordfile_tmp' exists, probably from a corrupted "
"previous record saving process. To avoid game record "
"corruption, I won't start until it is removed or renamed.";
exit_err(!access(recordfile_tmp, F_OK), &world, err_x);
"reading from opened 'savefile'.";
char * err_c = "Trouble loading game (fclose() in main()) / "
"closing opened 'savefile'.";
- char * savefile = "savefile";
FILE * file;
if (1 == world.interactive && 0 == access(savefile, F_OK))
"opening file 'record' for reading.";
err_r = "Trouble loading record file (read_uint32_bigendian() in "
"main()) / reading from opened file 'record'.";
- char * recordfile = "record";
world.turn = 1;
if (0 == world.interactive)
world.seed = time(NULL);
- err_x = "Trouble recording new seed: "
- "A file 'record' already exists, when it shouldn't.";
err_o = "Trouble recording new seed (fopen() in main()) / "
"opening 'record_tmp' file for writing.";
char * err_w = "Trouble recording new seed "
"closing opened file 'record_tmp'.";
char * err_m = "Trouble recording new seed (rename() in main()) : "
"renaming file 'record_tmp' to 'record'.";
- exit_err(!access(recordfile, F_OK), &world, err_x);
file = fopen(recordfile_tmp, "w");
exit_err(0 == file, &world, err_o);
exit_err(write_uint32_bigendian(world.seed, file), &world, err_w);