--- /dev/null
+# for whatever reason, emulationstation gets some strange screen flicker issues
+# if the second display is activated, so ensure it is only started with that off
+alias emulationstation="xrandr --output HDMI-2 --off && emulationstation"
+# since the second HDMI only outputs sound with video, we have to ensure it's
+# activated with xrandr if we want to use it for surround sound setup
+alias mpv51="xrandr --output HDMI-2 --auto && AUDIO_HDMI=1 mpv --alsa-ignore-chmap '--audio-channels=5.1(alsa)'"
+alias chromium-upmix="xrandr --output HDMI-2 --auto && chromium-browser --alsa-output-device=stereo51"
+alias alsamixer51="AUDIO_HDMI=1 alsamixer"