10 def set_window_geometries():
12 def set_window_size():
13 win["size"], win["start"] = [0, 0], [0, 0]
14 win["size"][0] = win["config"][0]
15 if (win["config"][0] == 0):
16 win["size"][0] = screen_size[0] - sep_size
17 elif (win["config"][0] < 0):
18 win["size"][0] = screen_size[0] + win["config"][0] - sep_size
19 win["size"][1] = win["config"][1]
20 if (win["config"][1] == 0):
21 win["size"][1] = screen_size[1]
22 elif (win["config"][1] < 0):
23 win["size"][1] = screen_size[1] + win["config"][1]
26 win_i = windows.index(win)
28 # If win is first window, it goes into the top left corner.
29 win["start"][0] = 0 + sep_size
33 # If not, get win's closest predecessor starting a new stack on the
34 # screen top,fit win's top left to that win_top's top right corner.
36 for i in range(win_i - 1, -1, -1):
38 if (win_top["start"][0] == 0 + sep_size):
40 win["start"][1] = win_top["start"][1] + win_top["size"][1] \
43 # If enough space is found below win's predecessor, fit win's top
44 # left corner to that predecessor's bottom left corner.
45 win_prev = windows[win_i - 1]
46 next_free_y = win_prev["start"][0] + win_prev["size"][0] + sep_size
47 if (win["size"][1] <= win_prev["size"][1] and
48 win["size"][0] <= screen_size[0] - next_free_y):
49 win["start"][1] = win_prev["start"][1]
50 win["start"][0] = next_free_y
52 # If that fails, try to fit win's top left corner to the top right
53 # corner of its closest predecessor win_test 1) below win_top (see
54 # above) 2) and with enough space open to its right between its
55 # right edge and the lower edge of a win_high located directly
56 # above win_test to fit win there (without growing further to the
57 # right than win_high does or surpassing the screen's lower edge).
61 while (win_test != win_top):
62 for i in range(win_i - 2, -1, -1):
64 if win_test["start"][0] > win_high["start"][0]:
66 next_free_y = win_high["start"][0] + win_high["size"][0] \
68 first_free_x = win_test["start"][1] + win_test["size"][1] \
70 last_free_x = win_high["start"][1] + win_high["size"][1]
71 if (win["size"][0] <= screen_size[0] - next_free_y and
72 win["size"][1] <= last_free_x - first_free_x):
73 win["start"][1] = first_free_x
74 win["start"][0] = next_free_y
78 global screen_size, stdscr
80 stdscr = curses.initscr()
81 screen_size = stdscr.getmaxyx()
85 cursed_main.redraw = True
90 def healthy_addch(y, x, char, attr=0):
91 """Workaround for <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7063128/>."""
92 if y == screen_size[0] - 1 and x == screen_size[1] - 1:
93 char_before = stdscr.inch(y, x - 1)
94 stdscr.addch(y, x - 1, char, attr)
95 stdscr.insstr(y, x - 1, " ")
96 stdscr.addch(y, x - 1, char_before)
98 stdscr.addch(y, x, char, attr)
100 def draw_window_border_lines():
103 j = win["start"][int(k == 0)] - sep_size
104 if (j >= 0 and j < screen_size[int(k == 0)]):
105 start = win["start"][k]
106 end = win["start"][k] + win["size"][k]
107 end = end if end < screen_size[k] else screen_size[k]
109 [healthy_addch(j, i, '-') for i in range(start, end)]
111 [healthy_addch(i, j, '|') for i in range(start, end)]
113 def draw_window_border_corners():
115 up = win["start"][0] - sep_size
116 down = win["start"][0] + win["size"][0]
117 left = win["start"][1] - sep_size
118 right = win["start"][1] + win["size"][1]
119 if (up >= 0 and up < screen_size[0]):
120 if (left >= 0 and left < screen_size[1]):
121 healthy_addch(up, left, '+')
122 if (right >= 0 and right < screen_size[1]):
123 healthy_addch(up, right, '+')
124 if (down >= 0 and down < screen_size[0]):
125 if (left >= 0 and left < screen_size[1]):
126 healthy_addch(down, left, '+')
127 if (right >= 0 and right < screen_size[1]):
128 healthy_addch(down, right, '+')
130 def draw_window_titles():
132 title = " " + win["title"] + " "
133 if len(title) <= win["size"][1]:
134 y = win["start"][0] - 1
135 start_x = win["start"][1] + int((win["size"][1] \
137 for x in range(len(title)):
138 healthy_addch(y, start_x + x, title[x])
140 def draw_window_contents():
142 """Draw winmap in area delimited by offset, winmap_size.
144 The individuall cell of a winmap is interpreted as either a single
145 character element, or as a tuple of character and attribute,
146 depending on the size len(cell) spits out.
150 stop[i] = win["size"][i] + offset[i]
151 if stop[i] >= winmap_size[i]:
152 stop[i] = winmap_size[i]
153 for y in range(offset[0], stop[0]):
154 for x in range(offset[1], stop[1]):
155 cell = winmap[y * winmap_size[1] + x]
160 y_in_screen = win["start"][0] + (y - offset[0])
161 x_in_screen = win["start"][1] + (x - offset[1])
162 if (y_in_screen < screen_size[0]
163 and x_in_screen < screen_size[1]):
164 healthy_addch(y_in_screen, x_in_screen, cell, attr)
165 def draw_scroll_hints():
166 def draw_scroll_string(n_lines_outside):
167 hint = ' ' + str(n_lines_outside + 1) + ' more ' + unit + ' '
168 if len(hint) <= win["size"][ni]:
169 non_hint_space = win["size"][ni] - len(hint)
170 hint_offset = int(non_hint_space / 2)
171 for j in range(win["size"][ni] - non_hint_space):
172 pos_2 = win["start"][ni] + hint_offset + j
173 x, y = (pos_2, pos_1) if ni else (pos_1, pos_2)
174 healthy_addch(y, x, hint[j], curses.A_REVERSE)
175 def draw_scroll_arrows(ar1, ar2):
176 for j in range(win["size"][ni]):
177 pos_2 = win["start"][ni] + j
178 x, y = (pos_2, pos_1) if ni else (pos_1, pos_2)
179 healthy_addch(y, x, ar1 if ni else ar2, curses.A_REVERSE)
182 unit = 'rows' if ni else 'columns'
184 pos_1 = win["start"][i]
185 draw_scroll_arrows('^', '<')
186 draw_scroll_string(offset[i])
187 if (winmap_size[i] > offset[i] + win["size"][i]):
188 pos_1 = win["start"][i] + win["size"][i] - 1
189 draw_scroll_arrows('v', '>')
190 draw_scroll_string(winmap_size[i] - offset[i]
193 offset, winmap_size, winmap = win["func"]()
198 draw_window_border_lines()
199 draw_window_border_corners()
201 draw_window_contents()
205 def read_worldstate():
206 if not os.access(io["path_worldstate"], os.F_OK):
207 msg = "No world state file found at " + io["path_worldstate"] + "."
208 raise SystemExit(msg)
210 worldstate_file = open(io["path_worldstate"], "r")
211 turn_string = worldstate_file.readline()
212 if int(turn_string) != world_data["turn"]:
214 if not read_anew: # In rare cases, world may change, but not turn number.
215 mtime = os.stat(io["path_worldstate"])
216 if mtime != read_worldstate.last_checked_mtime:
217 read_worldstate.last_checked_mtime = mtime
220 cursed_main.redraw = True
221 world_data["turn"] = int(turn_string)
222 world_data["lifepoints"] = int(worldstate_file.readline())
223 world_data["satiation"] = int(worldstate_file.readline())
224 world_data["inventory"] = []
226 line = worldstate_file.readline().replace("\n", "")
229 world_data["inventory"] += [line]
230 world_data["avatar_position"][0] = int(worldstate_file.readline())
231 world_data["avatar_position"][1] = int(worldstate_file.readline())
232 if not world_data["look_mode"]:
233 world_data["map_center"][0] = world_data["avatar_position"][0]
234 world_data["map_center"][1] = world_data["avatar_position"][1]
235 world_data["map_size"] = int(worldstate_file.readline())
236 world_data["fov_map"] = ""
237 for i in range(world_data["map_size"]):
238 line = worldstate_file.readline().replace("\n", "")
239 world_data["fov_map"] += line
240 world_data["mem_map"] = ""
241 for i in range(world_data["map_size"]):
242 line = worldstate_file.readline().replace("\n", "")
243 world_data["mem_map"] += line
244 worldstate_file.close()
245 read_worldstate.last_checked_mtime = -1
248 def read_message_queue():
249 while (len(message_queue["messages"]) > 1
250 or (len(message_queue["messages"]) == 1
251 and not message_queue["open_end"])):
252 message = message_queue["messages"].pop(0)
253 if message == "THINGS_HERE START":
254 read_message_queue.parse_thingshere = True
255 world_data["look"] = []
256 elif message == "THINGS_HERE END":
257 read_message_queue.parse_thingshere = False
258 if world_data["look"] == []:
259 world_data["look"] = ["(none known)"]
260 cursed_main.redraw = True
261 elif read_message_queue.parse_thingshere:
262 world_data["look"] += [message]
263 elif message[0:4] == "LOG ":
264 world_data["log"] += [message[4:]]
265 cursed_main.redraw = True
266 elif message == "WORLD_UPDATED":
268 read_message_queue.parse_thingshere = False
272 command_sender("THINGS_HERE " + str(world_data["map_center"][0]) + " "
273 + str(world_data["map_center"][1]))()
274 world_data["look"] = ["(polling)"]
277 def cursed_main(stdscr):
281 if len(new_data_from_server) > 0:
282 ping_test.sent = False
283 elif ping_test.wait_start + half_wait_time < time.time():
284 if not ping_test.sent:
285 io["file_out"].write("PING\n")
286 io["file_out"].flush()
287 ping_test.sent = True
288 ping_test.wait_start = time.time()
290 raise SystemExit("Server not answering anymore.")
291 ping_test.wait_start = 0
293 def read_into_message_queue():
294 if new_data_from_server == "":
297 if new_data_from_server[-1] is not "\n":
299 new_messages = new_data_from_server.splitlines()
300 if message_queue["open_end"]:
301 message_queue["messages"][-1] += new_messages[0]
303 message_queue["messages"] += new_messages
305 message_queue["open_end"] = True
308 curses.curs_set(False)
309 signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH,
310 lambda ignore_1, ignore_2: set_window_geometries())
311 set_window_geometries()
314 stdscr.timeout(int(delay))
315 delay = delay * 1.1 if delay < 1000 else delay
316 if cursed_main.redraw:
319 cursed_main.redraw = False
320 char = stdscr.getch()
324 if len(commands[char]) == 1 or not world_data["look_mode"]:
326 cursed_main.redraw = True
329 cursed_main.redraw = True
330 new_data_from_server = io["file_in"].read()
332 read_into_message_queue()
338 win_size = next(win["size"] for win in windows if win["func"] == win_map)
341 if world_data["map_center"][i] * (i + 1) > win_size[i] / 2:
342 if world_data["map_center"][i] * (i + 1) \
343 < world_data["map_size"] * (i + 1) - win_size[i] / 2:
344 offset[i] = world_data["map_center"][i] * (i + 1) \
345 - int(win_size[i] / 2)
347 offset[1] = offset[1] + world_data["map_center"][0] % 2
349 offset[i] = world_data["map_size"] * (i + 1) - win_size[i] + i
350 winmap_size = [world_data["map_size"], world_data["map_size"] * 2 + 1]
352 curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE)
353 curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_BLUE, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
354 for y in range(world_data["map_size"]):
355 for x in range(world_data["map_size"]):
356 char = world_data["fov_map"][y * world_data["map_size"] + x]
357 if world_data["look_mode"] and y == world_data["map_center"][0] \
358 and x == world_data["map_center"][1]:
361 world_data["mem_map"][y * world_data["map_size"] + x]
362 winmap += [(char, curses.A_REVERSE), (" ", curses.A_REVERSE)]
365 char = world_data["mem_map"][y * world_data["map_size"] + x]
366 attribute = curses.color_pair(1) if char == " " \
367 else curses.color_pair(2)
368 winmap += [(char, attribute), (" ", attribute)]
373 return offset, winmap_size, winmap
377 win_size = next(win["size"] for win in windows
378 if win["func"] == win_inventory)
380 winmap_size = [0, win_size[1]]
381 for line in world_data["inventory"]:
382 winmap_size[1] = winmap_size[1] if len(line) <= winmap_size[1] \
385 for line in world_data["inventory"]:
386 padding_size = winmap_size[1] - len(line)
387 line += (" " * padding_size)
388 if count == world_data["inventory_selection"]:
390 for x in range(len(line)):
391 line_new += [(line[x], curses.A_REVERSE)]
394 winmap_size[0] = winmap_size[0] + 1
397 if world_data["inventory_selection"] > win_size[0]/2:
398 if world_data["inventory_selection"] < len(world_data["inventory"]) \
400 offset[0] = world_data["inventory_selection"] - int(win_size[0]/2)
402 offset[0] = len(world_data["inventory"]) - win_size[0]
403 return offset, winmap_size, winmap
409 for line in world_data["look"]:
410 winmap_size[1] = winmap_size[1] if len(line) <= winmap_size[1] \
412 for line in world_data["look"]:
413 padding_size = winmap_size[1] - len(line)
414 winmap += line + (" " * padding_size)
415 winmap_size[0] = winmap_size[0] + 1
416 offset = [world_data["look_scroll"], 0]
417 return offset, winmap_size, winmap
421 winmap = "T: " + str(world_data["turn"]) \
422 + " H: " + str(world_data["lifepoints"]) \
423 + " S: " + str(world_data["satiation"])
424 winmap_size = [1, len(winmap)]
426 return offset, winmap_size, winmap
430 win_size = next(win["size"] for win in windows if win["func"] == win_log)
434 for line in world_data["log"]:
435 number_of_lines += math.ceil(len(line) / win_size[1])
436 padding_size = win_size[1] - (len(line) % win_size[1])
437 winmap += line + (padding_size * " ")
438 if number_of_lines < win_size[0]:
439 winmap = (" " * win_size[1] * (win_size[0] - number_of_lines)) + winmap
440 number_of_lines = win_size[0]
441 elif number_of_lines > win_size[0]:
442 offset[0] = number_of_lines - win_size[0]
443 winmap_size = [number_of_lines, win_size[1]]
444 return offset, winmap_size, winmap
448 command_sender("QUIT")()
449 raise SystemExit("Received QUIT command, forwarded to server, leaving.")
452 def command_toggle_look_mode():
453 if not world_data["look_mode"]:
454 world_data["look_mode"] = True
456 world_data["look_mode"] = False
457 world_data["map_center"] = world_data["avatar_position"]
461 def command_sender(string, int_field=None):
465 int_string = " " + str(world_data[int_field])
466 io["file_out"].write(string + int_string + "\n")
467 io["file_out"].flush()
471 def command_looker(string):
473 if string == "west" \
474 and world_data["map_center"][1] > 0:
475 world_data["map_center"][1] -= 1
476 elif string == "east" \
477 and world_data["map_center"][1] < world_data["map_size"] - 1:
478 world_data["map_center"][1] += 1
480 y_unevenness = world_data["map_center"][0] % 2
481 y_evenness = int(not(y_unevenness))
482 if string[6:] == "west" and \
483 world_data["map_center"][1] > -y_unevenness:
484 if string[:5] == "north" and world_data["map_center"][0] > 0:
485 world_data["map_center"][0] -= 1
486 world_data["map_center"][1] -= y_evenness
487 if string[:5] == "south" and world_data["map_center"][0] \
488 < world_data["map_size"] - 1:
489 world_data["map_center"][0] += 1
490 world_data["map_center"][1] -= y_evenness
491 elif string[6:] == "east" and world_data["map_center"][1] \
492 < world_data["map_size"] - y_unevenness:
493 if string[:5] == "north" and world_data["map_center"][0] > 0:
494 world_data["map_center"][0] -= 1
495 world_data["map_center"][1] += y_unevenness
496 if string[:5] == "south" and world_data["map_center"][0] \
497 < world_data["map_size"] - 1:
498 world_data["map_center"][0] += 1
499 world_data["map_center"][1] += y_unevenness
504 def command_look_scroller(string):
505 def command_look_scroll():
506 win_size = next(win["size"] for win in windows
507 if win["func"] == win_look)
508 if string == "up" and world_data["look_scroll"] > 0:
509 world_data["look_scroll"] -= 1
510 elif string == "down" and world_data["look_scroll"] \
511 < len(world_data["look"]) - win_size[0]:
512 world_data["look_scroll"] += 1
513 return command_look_scroll
516 def command_inventory_selector(string):
517 def command_inventory_select():
518 if string == "up" and world_data["inventory_selection"] > 0:
519 world_data["inventory_selection"] -= 1
520 elif string == "down" and world_data["inventory_selection"] \
521 < len(world_data["inventory"]) - 1:
522 world_data["inventory_selection"] += 1
523 return command_inventory_select
527 {"config": [1, 33], "func": win_info, "title": "Info"},
528 {"config": [-7, 33], "func": win_log, "title": "Log"},
529 {"config": [4, 16], "func": win_inventory, "title": "Inventory"},
530 {"config": [4, 16], "func": win_look, "title": "Things here"},
531 {"config": [0, -34], "func": win_map, "title": "Map"}
534 "path_out": "server/in",
535 "path_in": "server/out",
536 "path_worldstate": "server/worldstate"
539 "A": (command_sender("ai"),),
540 "D": (command_sender("drop", "inventory_selection"),),
541 "J": (command_look_scroller("down"),),
542 "K": (command_look_scroller("up"),),
543 "P": (command_sender("pick_up"),),
544 "Q": (command_quit,),
545 "U": (command_sender("use", "inventory_selection"),),
546 "W": (command_sender("wait"),),
547 "c": (command_sender("move south-east"), command_looker("south-east")),
548 "d": (command_sender("move east"), command_looker("east")),
549 "e": (command_sender("move north-east"), command_looker("north-east")),
550 "j": (command_inventory_selector("down"),),
551 "k": (command_inventory_selector("up"),),
552 "l": (command_toggle_look_mode,),
553 "s": (command_sender("move west"), command_looker("west")),
554 "w": (command_sender("move north-west"), command_looker("north-west")),
555 "x": (command_sender("move south-west"), command_looker("south-west")),
562 "avatar_position": [-1, -1],
565 "inventory_selection": 0,
572 "Move through map with 'w', 'e', 's', 'd', 'x', 'c'. "
573 "Pick up things with 'P', drop a thing selected from the inventory with 'D' "
574 "or use it with 'P'. "
575 "Move through inventory selection with 'j' and 'k'. "
576 "Toggle looking around mode with 'l'. "
577 "Scroll 'Things here' window with 'J' and 'K'. "
578 "Let AI decide next move with 'A'. "
581 "'T': Turn; 'H': Health (the higher, the better); "
582 "'S': Satiation (the closer to zero, the better).",
583 "See README file for more help."
585 "map_center": [-1, -1],
591 sep_size = 1 # Width of inter-window borders and title bars.
597 if (not os.access(io["path_out"], os.F_OK)):
598 msg = "No server input file found at " + io["path_out"] + "."
599 raise SystemExit(msg)
600 io["file_out"] = open(io["path_out"], "a")
601 io["file_in"] = open(io["path_in"], "r")
602 curses.wrapper(cursed_main)
603 except SystemExit as exit:
604 print("ABORTING: " + exit.args[0])
610 io["file_out"].close()
612 io["file_in"].close()